The Hong Kong River surges and the redbud blossoms bloom. In the blink of an eye, it has been 25 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherland. July 1, 2022. Celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

The Hong Kong River is surging and the redbud flowers are blooming. In the blink of an eye, it has been 25 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherland.

On July 1, 2022

The Hong Kong SAR Government

A flag-raising ceremony was held at Golden Bauhinia Square

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland

At the beginning of the flag-raising ceremony

The Hong Kong Police Silver Band played the music first

Hong Kong Disciplined Forces Guard of Honor and the marching team

, including the flag-protecting team

with a total of 27 people, all entered the field with Chinese-style marching

. Accompanied by the " March of the Volunteers"

, the national flag and the regional flag were rising

. The SAR government was flying both the national flag and the regional flag. The Flying Service Helicopter flew over Victoria Harbor and the Fire Department fireboat sprayed a water column on the Victoria Harbor sea surface to salute

Starting from July 1, 2022

Hong Kong's disciplined forces will fully switch to Chinese-style step drills

Many netizens are socializing Messages on the platform

"I cried watching this"

"Remember this moment"

"Bless the motherland and bless Hong Kong!"

Li Jiachao posted two Weibo posts in a row

Early on the morning of July 1, Li Jiachao, the sixth chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, was at Weibo post:

Subsequently, Li Jiachao posted a second Weibo post looking forward to the inauguration and thanking his wife for her silent support:

The streets of Hong Kong are full of Chinese red

National flags and regional flags are flying in the streets and alleys

Fishing boats hang slogans celebrating the return in Victoria Harbor Parade

Pedestrian bridges are hung with red lanterns

Buildings in many places are lit up with lights...

Hong Kong police no longer say "Yes Sir"

The English phrase "Yes Sir" is certainly familiar to island friends who love watching Hong Kong movies. This is an honorific commonly used by Hong Kong police officers when responding to their superiors.

From July 1, 2022, this English password will become a thing of the past. What replaced it was a powerful one: "Yes, sir!" From English to Chinese, a small change, but a very important one.

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to 25, let us say goodbye to "Yes Sir" and shout "I know, sir!"

Source: Xiaokang Toutiao Comprehensive CCTV News, People's Daily, China News Network, @夏客岛, Sina Weibo

Editor: Tian Yuanying

Proofreader: Wang Fang

Reviewer: Gong Zimo