In 1840, the British kicked open the door of China during the Opium War and used all conspiracy methods to snatch away our Hong Kong. After the founding of New China, the British were even more arrogant in the negotiations on the Hong Kong issue and repeatedly resorted to false a

In 1840, the British Opium War kicked open the door of China and used all conspiracies to steal our Hong Kong. After the founding of New China, the British were even more arrogant in the negotiations on the Hong Kong issue and repeatedly made trouble. The UK was so arrogant in its treatment of Hong Kong, but in the end it obediently returned Hong Kong to us. What happened that turned out to be a turning point for China to successfully regain Hong Kong?

The British returned Hong Kong

The British forced the Qing government to cede Hong Kong

During the late Qing Dynasty, the British used Lin Zexu's Humen destruction of cigarettes as an excuse to set up cannons and bombard China. From then on, they ran rampant in our land of China, and the British took a fancy to it. Hong Kong, which has a very advantageous geographical location, forced the Qing government to sign the "Treaty of Nanjing" and ceded the sovereignty of Hong Kong Island to them for 99 years. After these shameless bandits occupied Hong Kong, they dumped Hong Kong as their commodity in the Far East. land, beginning a century-long rule over Hong Kong. After the founding of New China, our country was busy dealing with various domestic and foreign troubles, and had no time to take into account the historical issue of Hong Kong. However, as our country’s national power becomes stronger and stronger, the people of the whole country are Looking forward to Hong Kong returning to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible, the recovery of Hong Kong has been put on the agenda. The Chinese government has also begun to formally negotiate with the United Kingdom on the Hong Kong issue. However, the United Kingdom, which has occupied Hong Kong for a century, is very unhappy about returning Hong Kong sovereignty to my country.

Treaty of Nanjing

Because since they colonized Hong Kong for so long, this is not only an important gateway for them to open the Asian financial market, but also an important fortress for them as a capitalist country to compete with the socialist country the Soviet Union. It can be said that whether The UK is unwilling to return Hong Kong to China in terms of both economics and politics. When my country asked them to return Hong Kong, the UK made various excuses, saying that it could only return half of its sovereignty. After being sternly rejected by my country, it proposed to return only the land rights. and sovereignty, governance rights still belong to them. Unsurprisingly, they were rejected again, but the United Kingdom still refused to give up. China and the United Kingdom conducted 22 rounds of difficult negotiations on the issue of Hong Kong sovereignty. The British side made various attacks, but in the end Still chose to return Hong Kong to us.

Mrs. Thatcher

The United Kingdom was so arrogant and domineering in its treatment of the Hong Kong issue and repeatedly attacked my country during negotiations. However, the United Kingdom, which values ​​Hong Kong's interests so much, finally agreed to return Hong Kong to us. What happened? Has it become a turning point for my country to successfully regain Hong Kong?

html The 6-Day Empire Lost Its Chips

my country was able to successfully regain Hong Kong for the following three main reasons. First, the lease on Hong Kong Island has expired. According to the Treaty of Nanjing, the Qing government leased the sovereignty of Hong Kong Island to the United Kingdom. The term was 99 years. However, in fact, the British de facto occupation of Hong Kong at that time had already lasted 156 years, which was far longer than the time stipulated in the treaty. We did not immediately recover Hong Kong after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In addition to our national strength at that time, In addition to the reason for the failure to achieve forced recovery, it is also because the British always used the treaty they forced the Qing government to sign at that time. Now that the treaty deadline has long passed, if they want to continue to hang on, they can only continue to renew it. However, this kind of thing Without even thinking about it, we knew that our country would definitely refuse. Therefore, if the Qing government wanted to continue to occupy Hong Kong, it could only occupy it by force.

Resist US aggression and aid Korea

However, in this way, their actions became an act of aggression that violated international law . The United Kingdom cannot afford the consequences of another war, and the second reason is our country's increasingly powerful military strength. As we all know, the truth only Within the range of cannons, Britain used cannons a hundred years ago to force the Qing government to sign hegemonic clauses that humiliated the country. However, today's New China has long been reborn. In modern times, China has participated in several wars and has never been defeated. We defeated the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. The defeat of the arrogant United States completely made the West recognize New China again, and the successful explosion of China's first atomic bomb completely made the British understand that they no longer have any leverage to threaten China.

Hong Kong

In order to continue to rule Hong Kong Island, the British have repeatedly challenged our country in negotiations. With such a arrogant attitude, why did they finally agree to return Hong Kong to China? In addition to the expiration of the lease and fear of China's military strength, are there other reasons? What was the key to their reluctance?

The country’s tough attitude

For hundreds of years before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China has always been doing diplomacy on its knees. The cannons of Western powers have made us only at their mercy under coercion. However, China today is not what it was a hundred years ago We are no longer at the mercy of others. When Britain repeatedly touched our bottom line on the issue of Hong Kong's return to Hong Kong, Deng Xiaoping's attitude was very tough: the issue of sovereignty must not be discussed. China and Britain must discuss Hong Kong issues between the two sides. If it is reached within the year, otherwise China will unilaterally announce the recovery of Hong Kong. The meaning of this sentence is very obvious. If the British still forcefully occupy Hong Kong and are unwilling to return it, we will not rule out the possibility of regaining Hong Kong by force. Deng Xiaoping's tough attitude will make the British iron to negotiate. Lady Thatcher felt oppressed.

Because she knows very well that China has never lost to any country in war in recent decades, including the free United States, which is known as the world's powerful country. If she really wants to confront China with force, she simply cannot afford such consequences. , so this iron lady could only listen obediently to Deng Xiaoping's policies on Hong Kong governance. " One country, two systems " was born. Deng Xiaoping creatively proposed this policy to allow two different systems to coexist in one country. Under such a policy, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan returned to the embrace of the motherland one after another. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong, which had been ruled by the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets for nearly a hundred years, finally sounded the national anthem of the People's Republic of China , and the bauhinia regional flag nestled against the five stars. The red flag is rising, and Hong Kong has finally returned to the embrace of the motherland.