In 1992, it happened to be the 31st year after the death of General Chen Geng. At this time, the wife of the general, who was already 74 years old, Fu Ya, the wife of General Chen Geng, ignored the dissuasion of her family and insisted on going. In Taiwan, as soon as Fu Ya got of

1992 happened to be the 31st year after the death of General Chen Geng. At this time, General Chen Geng’s wife Fu Ya, who was already 74 years old, insisted on going there despite the dissuasion of her family. In Taiwan, as soon as Fu Ya got off the plane, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. He saw more than a dozen cars neatly parked to greet him at the Taiwan airport. The old man immediately said jokingly, "I don't even know there are so many cars." Which one should I take?

So, what is going on? Why did the elderly Fu Ya suddenly decide to go to Taiwan despite opposition 30 years after the death of her husband Chen Geng?

Fu Ya was born in a bourgeois family in Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1918. She was a veritable rich lady, so she received a very good education since she was a child. In addition, Fu Ya had been very strict with herself since she was a child, so she had a lot of problems with her. There is no such thing as a spoiled young lady. During his studies, as he grew older, Fu Ya gradually came into contact with advanced communist ideas and met a large number of promising young people. Under their influence, he also harbored the ambition and ideal of saving the country. So in the following days, Fu Ya began to frequently participate in street movements initiated by some patriotic students. Although he was suppressed by the reactionary government during the period, he became more determined to join the revolution and save the nation.

Soon, The Anti-Japanese War broke out in full force, and the Japanese invaders moved south in large numbers. Affected by the war, the school had no choice but to be forced to suspend classes, so Fu Ya's study career could only end here. Seeing the cruelty of the war with his own eyes, Although Fu Ya is currently suspended from classes and is at home, she is always thinking about what to do with her pride. In the end, Fu Ya united with his classmates and friends to carry out many demonstrations to resist Japan and save the country. Under their influence, more and more patriots joined their ranks. Due to their superior family conditions, at this time, Fu Ya also convinced his parents, and eventually donated a large amount of materials and money to the front-line soldiers of the Anti-Japanese War, becoming a strong backing force in the Anti-Japanese War.

Until 1938, Fu Ya, who was only 20 years old at this time, suddenly received a letter from his eldest brother. The letter said that personal destiny and family destiny are all connected with the destiny of the country, so each of us should contribute to the great country. We strive hard for our destiny, and young sons and daughters like us should devote ourselves to the revolution and dedicate our lives to the destiny of our country. Fu Ya was already full of ambitions and was worried about having nowhere to release him. But now this letter from his eldest brother came at the right time. So how could Fu Ya miss this rare opportunity at this time? So not long after receiving the letter, He went to Yan'an and embarked on the road of revolution.

Because Fu Ya was very beautiful and good at singing and dancing, according to the requirements of his superiors, Fu Ya, who dared to join the army, was assigned to the Anti-Japanese University Art Troupe, where he was responsible for some artistic performance work, and not long after, Fu Ya With her outstanding performance, she became a well-known star in the team. Looking at such a dignified and beautiful girl, the organization began to consider her life-long events... and it happened that Fu Ya was Received instructions from superiors to go to Wuxiang County, Shanxi Province with a cultural troupe to perform. Everyone said that a thousand-mile marriage is linked by a thin thread, so what no one expected was that it was this trip that made Fu Ya, who had nothing to do with him, There was an intersection with Chen Geng, and it was out of control.

It turned out that just after Fu Ya's performance, he was responsible for doing ideological work for the local people at the scene, so he would not leave for a while. At this time, Wang Zhitao, the leader of the art troupe, accidentally heard that his friend Chen Geng was injured. I was recuperating here, so I went over to visit. Meeting old friends felt very cordial. During the conversation, Wang Zhitao casually mentioned to Chen Geng, how do you feel now? If you are missing anything, just ask, and the organization will do its best to satisfy it. At this time, Chen Geng also said half-jokingly, I lack nothing but a wife. It was meant as a joke, but it didn't count, but the speaker didn't mean it, and it sounded intentional, so Wang Zhitao wrote it down.

After returning home, Wang Zhitao told his wife Wu Jing his thoughts and asked her to pay attention to see if there were any suitable girls around and help match them. Wu Jing was also very happy to be the matchmaker, and she was the first one to think of it. Fu Ya, one is a little star in the art troupe, and the other is a hero on the battlefield. No matter how you look at it, they are a perfect match. So Wu Jing saw the opportunity and arranged for Chen Geng to watch Fu Ya's performance. When they met for the first time, Chen Geng was deeply attracted by the beautiful Fu Ya on the stage. The person with the face, so even in front of everyone, he still had an extremely good impression of Fu Ya on his face.

Of course, Fu Ya, who was obsessed with performing, knew nothing about these, but her friend Wu Jing saw them all, so after the performance, she pulled Fu Ya and pretended to talk to Chen Geng, so that Fu Ya successfully noticed Chen Geng, and then arranged for the two to meet frequently. After going back and forth, the two became friends. But at that time, Chen Geng considered that he was nearly 15 years older than Fu Ya, so he never dared to confess. However, as the two got to know each other in depth, they gradually understood each other's intentions. Finally, under the instigation of his comrades, Chen Geng Finally mustering up the courage to confess to Fu Ya, the two finally got together successfully.

In 1943, Fu Ya and Chen Geng finally entered the marriage hall under the witness of the organization. However, due to the war, the two often got together less and separated more, but despite this, the two never complained. In the war years when communications were very backward, Hongyan's letter became the only way for the two to contact each other. With the victory of the war, New China was established in 1949. At the investiture ceremony of New China, Chen Geng was awarded the title of the fourth general of the founding of the People's Republic of China. He has held a high position ever since, and in the next year, in 1950, Chen Geng and Fu Ya's child was born. Seeing the fruit of their love, the two hugged each other and cried.

But such days did not last forever. In 1961, Chen Geng unfortunately died of illness at the age of fifty-eight. The death of her husband was a great blow to Fu Ya, but for the sake of his children, Fu Ya still managed to support himself alone. Got a home. But it is this kind of military love that makes everyone envious, but there has always been a knot in Fu Ya's heart, that is, before Fu Ya, Chen Geng actually had another wife, and Chen Geng didn't like his first wife I can never forget it, what on earth is going on?

Chen Geng’s first wife is called Wang Genying, who is also a soldier like Fu Ya. The two were very married in Wuhan and gave birth to a son. They spent 12 years together. During the war, the two supported each other. Made outstanding contributions to the revolution. But unfortunately, while participating in the revolution, Wang Genying was unfortunately killed by the Japanese. She was only 32 years old when she died. Therefore, Chen Geng has always been very ashamed of his first wife. Even after learning the news of Wang Genying's death, Chen Geng I locked myself in the house for a month and finally got out.

Now Fu Ya was actually moved by what happened to Chen Geng and Wang Genying, so in order to make up for the regret in Chen Geng's heart, Fu Ya chose to sacrifice himself, and when he was dying, he proposed not to let his children bury him and Chen Geng in the The last wish together is to fulfill the two of them.Until 1980, Fu Ya unexpectedly received a letter from the United States, which was sent by his younger sister. From the letter, Fu Ya learned that his parents had died in Taiwan, and their ashes were brought back by several younger brothers and sisters. Mainland China, was buried in his hometown. After seeing this letter, Fu Ya could no longer hide the longing for his relatives in his heart. You must know that since joining the revolution, Fu Ya took the initiative to cut off contact with his family for the safety of his family. , so since then, she has never seen her family again, so how much she wants to reunite with her family now...

But the mountains are high and the road is far, and Taiwan and the mainland belong to two parties. It was extremely difficult to meet. It was not until 1992 that the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland finally returned to normal, and the country began to encourage cross-strait visits to relatives. This news was a timely help for Fu Ya. It was difficult to conceal his excitement. Fu Ya immediately Then I decided to go to Taiwan. But at this time, Fu Ya was already 74 years old. Her children were afraid that the long journey would be too much for the old man's health, so they tried to persuade her to stop him. However, Fu Ya still insisted on going his own way, saying that this was his only wish. In the end, his family could not get rid of her. , and had no choice but to grant her wish.

Then, the scene we mentioned at the beginning occurred. In 1992, 30 years after Chen Geng's death, the 74-year-old Fu Ya traveled thousands of miles to Taiwan and was greeted by more than a dozen cars. After that, Fu Ya lived a happy old age in the company of his relatives and children. In 2010, at the age of 92, Fu Ya finally ended his life and was buried in Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.