Not long ago, Shanshan came to Ma Xingping's house and took several old photos with his permission. One of them was when Xiao Ru returned to Dayu for the last time and summoned people who had worked in the Dayu County Committee of the Communist Party of China. The old subordinate

In the past year, this character should be the most told in the series of stories about kind-hearted old photos! On August 16, 1949, Dayu County was liberated, and the new red regime ushered in its first county party secretary-Xiao Ru, who worked in Dayu County for nearly three years. In 1952 Transferred on July 22.

came up with the idea to write about Xiao Ru by chance through a photo of Xiao Ru who returned to Dayu from Guizhou around 1986, accompanied by his father Wang Xiangui, provided by his brother Wang Xujian.

After publishing this article, Shanshan successively received many photos from two brothers, Zeng Kang, the son of Zeng Guangzhi, the former secretary of the Xincheng District Committee of Dayu County, and Xiao Zimin, the son of Xiao Tingxiang, the former head of the suburban district of Dayu County, about Xiao Ru’s return at that time. Dayu’s old photos.

Farewell to Xiao Ru on July 22, 1952 (kindly provided by Zeng Kang△)

Through old photos, we recall the historical memory of Xiao Ru’s last return to Dayu, and also let those who once carried out revolutionary work under Xiao Ru’s leadership in Dayu The descendants of the old timers have memories of their loved ones.

Not long ago, Kindness came to Brother Ma Xingping’s house (Brother Ma Xingping’s father Ma Zhenku was one of the “Three Horses” in Dayu County after liberation. For details, see the link →

Xiao Ru took a photo with his old colleagues who stayed in Dayu around 1986 ( Ma Xingping provided △)

The people in the above photo were all Xiao Ru’s former subordinates. They stayed in Dayu to work, instead of being transferred to other places like Zeng Guangzhi, Xiao Tingxiang, Yan Yonghe, Gao Xipeng and others. is an exception.

Because the brother Ma Xingping who provided the photo said that he only knew a few people in it. Among them, the first person from the left in the back row is Tan Xinzhang (the father of Tan Xiaoming, the former head of the County Economic and Trade Commission’s Discipline Inspection Team), and the second person from the left. Lu Qin (father of Lu Yong, former president of Dayu Branch of Bank of China), second person from the right in the front row, Zhou Guangwei (employee of the County Forestry Bureau)

Brother Ma Xingping’s father Ma Zhenku is the first person from the right in the front row, and his mother Aunt Dong. The fourth person from the left in the back row, the fifth from the left in the back row is Ma Chaobing, and the third from the left in the back row is Lan Guangrun, the lover of Yan Yonghe, the first propaganda minister of Dayu County after the founding of the People's Republic of China, a Dayu native, and later worked in the forestry industry in the former Ganzhou area

Because Kind-hearted’s father has a close friendship with Ma Zhenku, Kind-hearted showed this photo to his father. As a result, his father recognized several of them. The second person from the left in the front row is Chen Zhengan from the former County Forestry Bureau. The third person from the left is Zhang Liang, the former deputy director of the County Education Committee (father of teacher Zhang Hongtao of Dayu Middle School). At the same time, the person on Xiao Ru’s left wearing a black Chinese tunic suit is Cai Houzhen, the father of the former leader of the county (former county government agency worker). Secretary of the Committee).

Shan Shan was dumbfounded now. Back then, Shan Shan and Cai Houzhen could hardly see each other every half a month, but at that time Shan Shan was not in the mood to look for old photos but was obsessed with basketball every day. Cai Houzhen, an important historical witness and the correspondent of Yan Yonghe, the first propaganda minister of the Dayu County Committee of the Communist Party of China, has passed away four years ago.

Dear readers, can you still recognize any familiar figures in the photos? ? Welcome to leave a message at the end of the article, thank you for your kindness.

Judging from this picture, Xiao Ru came back to Dayu from Guizhou, probably for the last time to visit the place where he once fought and worked. After gathering with old colleagues and subordinates who had worked in Dayu, we visited places such as Yashan and Xihua Mountain in Dayu County with old colleagues and old subordinates who had been transferred to Dayu County.

By chance, in June. On the evening of the 22nd, when Shan Shan went to Ma Fei's house to look for information about Dong Xiangsheng, the first director of the Public Security Bureau of Dayu County, he unexpectedly saw another old photo of Xiao Ru.

(provided by Ma Fei△)

Judging from the clothes in the photo, it should be a group photo of four people together after the above photo, and the location should be the living room of the original Peony Pavilion Hotel.The tall man on the left side of the photo is Ma Zhenku; the person next to Ma Zhenku in dark clothes is Cai Houzhen, then secretary of the county government agency working committee; the person next to Cai Houzhen is Xiao Ru; and the person next to Xiao Ru is Ma Chaobing.

But in the end, Shanshan searched for news about Xiao Ru on the Internet, but there was no relevant information. This old man who once served as the first county party secretary of Dayu County after the founding of the People's Republic of China has also disappeared in the long river of history.

When Xiao Ru returned to Dayu around 1986, she took a group photo with her old colleagues at Lingyan Temple in Yashan (provided by Zeng Kang△)

In those passionate years, whether he was a cadre or a soldier, he always had responsibilities on his shoulders. There is always passion in my chest. The feeling of comrades-in-arms formed during this special period is so precious and will be unforgettable for life! In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, these people worked together through life and death, and their sincere friendship will always be engraved in each other's hearts. Comrades-in-arms for a moment, brothers for a lifetime, this gathering may mean goodbye to them forever.

mentioned Dayu’s first county party secretary Xiao Ru, and let’s talk about Dayu’s first county magistrate. Half a month ago, Kindhearted’s article mentioned Hu Xianran. At that time, Kindhearted said that it was a pity that there were no photos of Hu Xianran, but his friend Xia Tairen provided them. I bought an old photo with Hu Xianran, which allowed Shan Shan to meet the real person who was the first county magistrate of Dayu after liberation. See the picture below:

A group photo of representatives from the Ganzhou District of the First People’s Congress of Jiangxi Province

The fifth row: Shen Shiqiu, Ruan Hailin, Duan Zhiqi, Zhou Zhulin, Yu Mengzhang, Xiao Changhuang, Chen Zhaohan, Huang Bingkun, Zhang Gantang, Xu Yuchao.

The fourth row: Wang Ge, Zhong Xiankui, Chen Shiyun, Chen Hongjian, Shi Mingxing, Li Yonghan, Liu Bingcui, Chang Wendou, Guo Jiaqi, Geng Xianyi.

The third row: , Zeng Xiansi, Jiang Jiamao, Xie Yonghua, Mao Zongjie, Wu Chengsheng, Liu Zhangqing, Zhang Junyuan, Zhu Xianpu, Zhao Jingfu, Tang Zhen.

Second row: Liao Guangyi , Lin Chaocai, Liao Nanhai, Liu Xianmei, Zhang Baozhen, Ling Hongbiao, Xia Yanyao (Grandpa Xia Tairen), , , Xue Yaohe.

First row: Guo Ji, Liu Tieying, Zhang Hancheng, Gu Xiu (former secretary of the Party Committee of Xihuashan Tungsten Mine), Zhou Ruozhuang, Zhu Lun, Hu Xianran, Zhong Min.

Among these series of photos, one person must be mentioned for kindness. This is Zhang Liang, the former deputy director of Dayu County Education Committee, because Zhang Liang is featured in several photos!

According to Ma Fei, the child of Ma Chaobing, one of the "Three Horses of Dayu", he recalled that when his father talked about Zhang Liang, he said that Zhang Liang was an underground party member of the Gannan detachment of the Guangdong-Jiangxi-Hunan Column (formerly Dongjiang Column) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army before liberation. Members of the intelligence community, the underground party at that time, had a more dangerous job than the guerrillas. At least the guerrillas had guns and teammates. The underground party is really fighting at the heart of the enemy, carrying its head with one hand and carrying out the party's work in the tiger's den.

After Dayu was liberated, Zhang Liang stayed and worked in Dayu. The picture below is a photo provided by Brother Zeng Kang on June 25, 1950. Brother Zeng Kang’s father, Zeng Guangzhi, was in Dayu with Kang Liang and other colleagues.

Provided by Zeng Kang △

The photo in the back row from the right is Zhang Liang. At that time, he looked particularly impressive in military uniform. The person sitting on the ground in the front row of the photo wearing a straw hat and light-colored clothes is Zeng Guangzhi. The person wearing dark clothes is Xiao Tingxiang. Yan Yonghe, who serves as the county party committee secretary, is squatting on the left side of the photo above wearing a white shirt. I hope readers can recognize the other three young people in the photo.

In May 1988, Ganzhou City held a grand meeting to commemorate the 39th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Guangdong-Jiangxi Hunan Border Column Gannan Detachment. Before attending this meeting, comrades from the former Gannan detachment who worked in Dayu took a group photo together at the Peony Pavilion Hotel in Dayu County. See below. Zhang Liang was fourth from the right in the middle row.

Provided by Ma Fei △

Maybe young people today have never heard of Zhang Liang, but when it comes to Teacher Zhang Hongtao of Dayu Middle School, many Dayu people know it! That's right, teacher Zhang Hongtao is Zhang Liang's child! Pictured below is the only torch relay runner in the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics Gannan region!

Left Li Qing, Right Zhang Hongtao

Ma Chaobing (formerly known as Yu Rizhou), a native of Chaoshan, Guangdong, was born in 1930. When he was young, he was sent from the Chaoshan area to a family surnamed Yu in Anxi, Xinfeng, Jiangxi to be raised. His name was Yu Rizhou at that time. Later, he found relatives in his hometown in Chaoshan and changed his original surname to Ma Chaobing. In early 1949, he participated in revolutionary work under the influence of Liu Nanwen, political commissar of the Xinyu Kang Guerrilla Brigade of the Gannan Detachment.

In September 1949, Ma Chaobing and his troops gathered in Dayu Xinchengwei for reorganization. His company was left in Dayu and became a member of the Dayu County Armed Brigade. After Ma Chaobing stayed in Dayu, he was chosen as a guard by Dong Xiangsheng, the first director of the Public Security Bureau of Dayu County at the time. He followed Dong Xiangsheng in chasing down the remaining enemy agents of the Kuomintang and the Zhang Nanyang gang and made great contributions.

After Dong Xiangsheng was transferred from Dayu, Ma Chaobing worked successively in the County Public Security Bureau, County Geology Team, County Mining Machinery Factory, County Real Estate Company, and County Second Construction Company. Retired around 1990. Died in 2013.

The picture below is a photo taken by Ma Chaobing in Wuhan when he went to Wuhan to visit his old leader Dong Xiangsheng.

The picture below shows Ma Chaobing and his lover Ma Yanhai taking a group photo at Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

Ma Chaobing took a photo with his lover Ma Yanhai.

Nowadays, Aunt Ma Yanhai is over eighty years old. Here, I would like to sincerely wish Aunt Ma good health, longevity, happiness and good luck!

Finally, Shanshan would like to thank Ma Chaobing’s eldest son Ma Fei very much. When Shanshan went to collect old photos several times, he received his strong support and help.

Time flies. It has been more than 70 years since Dayu County was liberated. The revolutionary seniors in the above old photos who are still alive today are all in their 90s. Most of the people involved in these old photos have passed away, especially the last one. Xiao Tingxiang, a quasi-centenarian who was 98 years old this week, traveled to Hexi, taking with him historical memories. If their stories are not preserved, they will really be gone forever.