On the special day of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members, cadres and the masses visited the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China and wrote down their thoughts in the guestbook to pay tribute to the party in this

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"I wish the great party will always be young, and I wish the great motherland prosperity." "Keep in mind the history of the party, continue the red blood, inherit the red gene, and walk the Long March of the new era." "Don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, and realize the goal for and strive unremittingly for the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation "... On this special day of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members, cadres and the masses visited the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China and wrote down their thoughts in the guestbook. Pay tribute to the party in this special way. In the square of the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, there is a magnificent large-scale sculpture "Flag". Every party member can feel a kind of power when looking up at this flag. "makes every party member a bright red flag." Today is the party's birthday, let's talk about this topic.

In the hearts of Chinese people, red is not only a color, but also represents an inner spirit. Our party flag is red, our party’s history and glorious traditions are red, and our beliefs are also red. A party member is a flag. On the extraordinary journey of the century, the Chinese Communists have used actions to interpret their original aspiration and mission, and have established spiritual monuments one after another. If there is a color that can represent the true nature of Communists, then it must be red .

Picture source " People's Daily "

"Stones can be broken, but not strong; elixirs can be ground, but not red." "Becoming a bright red flag", reflected in the Communist Party members, is to The unwavering loyalty of the Party and the people is the firm belief in unswervingly listening to the Party and following the Party. The founding general Gan Zuchang resolutely chose to return to his hometown to work in farming. The old hero Zhang Fuqing has hidden his fame for more than 60 years. The disabled soldier Zhu Yanfu wrote his own "extreme life"... Looking back at history, generations of Communists have fought for their ideals and for Faith means never regretting despite nine deaths, going through thousands of difficulties and going forward one after another, and going forward bravely despite all dangers. Party members and cadres in the new era should understand the meaning of the "flag", maintain an innocent heart, inherit the red gene, and build a solid foundation for ideals and beliefs.

During the turbulent years of war, the red flag faced the rain of bullets and the sound of hunting; during the passionate construction period, the red flag became the brightest color in the southwest mountainous areas, northwest deserts and northeastern wastelands; on the front line of poverty alleviation, the red flag reflected the increasing number of villagers. In prosperous days; at the forefront of flood prevention and disaster relief, the masses "see hope when they see the red flag flying"... "becoming a bright red flag" means overcoming difficulties with an unswerving mental state and an indomitable attitude of struggle Move towards your goal. From Dong Cunrui, who "moves forward for the sake of New China", to Wang Jinxi, who "will go forward even if there are no conditions to create conditions", from Jiao Yulu, who "lives on a sand dune, and dies on a sand dune", to Huang Dafa, who "cannot pass through the water, risk his life to spread it" ...'s shining names are like flags fluttering in the wind, flying high where the party and the people need them. Their charging posture is like a flying flag, moving forward indomitably and unstoppably.

During the war years, the charge of "Communist members, follow me" was shocking; at critical moments, the mobilization order of "I am a party member, I go first" was extremely appealing. For to "become a bright red flag", we need to have the spirit of "who else would give it to me", be open-minded, able to withstand and be reliable, and be the vanguard when challenges come. 80 years ago, American journalist Edgar Snow sincerely praised in his book "Red Star Shines on China" that the Chinese Communists showed a "power of destiny" and "this power is not fleeting. It is a solid and fundamental vitality.” Such strength and vitality are rooted in the innocent sentiments of always putting the people at the highest position in the heart, and are manifested in the exemplary role of “I go up first” and “Follow me”. .

Today, part of the Yanqiao Road upgrading and reconstruction project in Hefei, Anhui Province was completed and opened to traffic. The display board introducing the deeds of the martyrs was filled with flowers and message cards from people.Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, we must not forget those revolutionary ancestors and people's heroes who shed their lives and blood for national independence and liberation, national prosperity and strength, and people's happiness and well-being. Inheriting the red gene, carrying forward the heroic spirit, continuing to struggle, and moving forward bravely are the best comfort to the revolutionary ancestors, and it is also the responsibility that we must shoulder..

Every party member has become a bright red flag, "Look at the future world, it must be a red flag world!"

(Text丨Xiang Xianbiao)