As of the end of 2021, there were 5,300 grassroots party organizations in Minhang District and 123,457 members of the Communist Party of China. Looking back on the century-old journey, the May 4th Movement planted red flames in this land, and the birth of the Communist Party of C

Today is the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

As of the end of 2021, Minhang has a total of 5,300 grassroots party organizations and 6,123,457 members of the Communist Party of China.

Looking back on the century-old road, the May 4th Movement planted red flames in this land, and the birth of the Communist Party of China brought new hope. Generations of Communists have been walking in Minxing, creating the new era today. On this special day, let us look back together -

In May 1919, the May Fourth Movement broke out. Shanghai workers went on strike to support the patriotic actions of Beijing students, and towns and villages in Minhang District responded. "Shanghai Strike Records" records the actual market strikes in Shanghai, Minhang Town, and other places at that time.

On July 23, 1921, the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai, announcing the founding of the Communist Party of China.

The earliest party member recorded in the Shanghai County Chronicle was Wang Wenbin. In 1925, Wang Wenbin organized the Westernization Trade Union in Wangjialou (today's Honggu Village, Xinjing Township) and mobilized the masses to participate in demonstrations to support the "May 30th" movement.

The earliest party branch was the Peasant Branch of the Communist Party of China in Zhaoxiang (now Zhaoxiang, Shu'e Village, Xinjing Township). It was established in March 1926 (the 15th year of the Republic of China). Acting Secretary Hou Haigen was under the leadership of the French Concession Ministries of the Communist Party of China.

Zhao Duo , Assisting the Songhu Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China and the main force of the Songhu Detachment of more than 500 people to safely transfer from Pudong to Puxi .

Schematic map of the Minhang District liberated by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (May 14-24, 1949)

No. 7 Bridge Blockhouse on Caobao Road

In May 1949, the People's Liberation Army and the Kuomintang defenders fought fiercely for three days and nights, and successfully occupied the No. 7 Bridge position. The west gate to the liberation of Shanghai was opened. On May 24, the entire Minhang District was liberated.

After the founding of New China, Shanghai County held the first meeting of representatives from all walks of life in October 1949. Comrade Zhu Jixian made a report on the "Principles and Tasks of Future Work in Shanghai County" at the meeting of people's representatives from all walks of life in Shanghai County.

On August 30, 1958, Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory was named and listed

Since 1956, Minhang has established an industrial satellite city and a large base for electromechanical and chemical industries. A large number of key enterprises such as Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory, Shanghai Electric Machinery Factory, Shanghai Boiler Factory, Shanghai Heavy Machinery Factory, etc. have settled in Minhang. They were vividly called the "Four King Kongs" of the satellite city, and produced the leading power generation equipment and forging equipment in the country and even the world at that time. In 1954, the Shanghai Electric Machinery Factory successfully trial-produced China's first 6,000-kilowatt turbine generator; four A year later, the factory successfully trial-produced the world's first 12,000-kilowatt double water internally cooled turbine generator.

A corner of Wujing Coking and Gas Plant (photographed on August 17, 1959)

In 1958, Shanghai Coking Plant, Shanghai Carbon Plant, Shanghai Wujing Chemical Plant, Shanghai Electrochemical Plant, Wujing Thermal Power Plant, etc. were also built in Wujing one after another, and they were affectionately known by people. They are called "Five Golden Flowers".

Minhang No. 1 Road

After large enterprises continued to settle in Minhang, on March 18, 1959, the construction project of "Minhang Street" was launched. This is the first "streets and squares" residential planning and design in Shanghai since the founding of New China.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1978, Shanghai County and the former Minhang District developed in an orderly manner based on actual conditions, and achieved extraordinary results in reforming the economic system, urban construction, social undertakings and other aspects.

The original text of "Bandole Motor" published in Jiefang Daily

In early 1981, the Shanghai Electric Machinery Factory learned that sugarcane harvests in southern provinces had been large, but various sugar factories were still using backward steam engines to produce sugar, and their sugar-pressing capabilities were far behind. Market demand. The factory director personally led a team to the Guangdong Shunde Sugar Factory for investigation. After research, it was decided to use the DC motor instead of the steam engine as the power of the press without changing the original sugar pressing process of the sugar factory.The transformation was a complete success. Vice Premier Wan Li, who was in charge of economic work at the time, personally wrote a long article "In Praise of the "Spirit of the Shoulder Pole Motor"" to praise it highly.

In the next twenty years or so, Minhang will continue to develop and improve, and its economic and social development will change with each passing day. In 1984, Qizhong Village, Maqiao Town founded its first enterprise, Shanghai Maqiao Cable Factory, which was later named one of the top 100 rural enterprises in the country.

Minhang Economic and Technological Development Zone

In August 1986, the State Council approved the construction of Minhang Economic and Technological Development Zone in Shanghai, focusing on the development of export-earning industries. In July 1985, Shanghai Global Toys Co., Ltd., the first Shanghai-Hong Kong joint venture in the Minhang Economic and Technological Development Zone, was completed and put into operation.

In 1992, Shanghai County and the original Minhang District "removed two to build one" and established a new Minhang District. This picture is the "Reply of the State Council on the Establishment of a New Minhang District in Shanghai" at that time.

On June 30, 1993, the first Minhang District Congress of the Communist Party of China was held at the Xinzhuang Theater. The meeting proposed that in the future, Minhang District must focus on three key areas: tertiary industry development, export-oriented economic development, and urban and rural infrastructure construction, and be committed to rapid economic growth and drive a leap forward in the region's economy and urban construction.

After the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Minhang District entered the second decade after its establishment. The whole region is committed to transforming the mode of economic development and vigorously implementing scientific and technological innovation.

While developing, Minhang also attaches great importance to the comprehensive management of the environment in the area. In June 2006, Minhang District won the title of national ecological zone and was the only prefecture-level administrative region to win this title.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Minhang has entered a new era of high-quality development.

Minhang Mobilization Conference to Accelerate the Construction of Hongqiao International Open Hub

Economic development has achieved new achievements. Focusing on improving the quality and efficiency of development, we are committed to improving the urban district's energy level and core competitiveness. Accelerate the construction of the southern science and technology innovation center, continue to promote the construction of Hongqiao International Open Hub, actively undertake the spillover effects of the International Import Expo, integrate into the integrated construction of the Yangtze River Delta, and steadily grow in comprehensive strength.

Pujiang Town Innovation Village

At the same time, we will further coordinate urban and rural development, implement the rural revitalization strategy, and promote the construction of beautiful rural areas. Xupu Village in Huacao Town and Innovation Village in Pujiang Town have been given a new look and have become demonstration templates for rural revitalization.

Hongmei South Road Elevated

Urban construction has achieved new development. We will solidly advance urban infrastructure construction and improve urban operational functions. It has done a good job in garbage classification and promoted the three-year environmental protection action, and was rated as one of the first batch of ecological civilization pioneer demonstration areas in the country.

The fight against the epidemic

has achieved new results in social and people's livelihood. Education, medical care, culture and sports, and elderly care facilities are continuously improved, and resource allocation is continuously optimized. The construction of spiritual civilization has made great achievements and successfully created a national civilized urban area. In the process of fighting the epidemic, the majority of party members across the region stepped forward, and the cadres and the masses worked together to win the battle to defend Greater Shanghai.

Red Property

Party building has achieved new improvements. In recent years, Minhang District has adhered to the orientation of high-quality innovative development and continued to deepen exploration and practice in the field of grassroots party building. The "515 Party Building Pilot Project" is advancing steadily, the "Squad Leader Project" continues to make efforts, the "red property" Minhang experience is further promoted, the regional party building "circle of friends" continues to expand, and has been awarded the "National Urban Grassroots Party Building Demonstration Zone", Shanghai Among the first batch of “Party Building Theory Research Bases” in the city.

On November 18, 2021, the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai Minhang District was held, starting a new journey for Minhang to comprehensively build an innovative, open, ecologically humanistic and modern main urban area.

Under the strong leadership of the party, Minhang has overcome obstacles and achieved great success all the way, and has entered the year of "thirty".

On the new journey, keeping in mind the instructions and forging ahead, Minhang will draw strong motivation from the great spirit of party building, demonstrate Minhang's responsibility and actions in the vivid practice of exploring Chinese modernization in Shanghai, and show a new spiritual outlook on the new road to exams. Make a contribution to Shanghai's acceleration of building an international socialist metropolis with world influence, and take practical actions to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Reporter: Fang Yubin

Source: "A Hundred Years of Agitation - The Illustrated History of the Communist Party of China in Minhang"

Editor: Fang Yubin

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