King Xin of Han was of Korean descent in the vassal states. He followed Liu Bang to Hanzhong and told Liu Bang that your army is all from Shandong, and they want to go back. Liu Bang built a plank road openly and secretly to Chencang, and competed with Xiang Yu for the world. Kin

Han Wangxin is a descendant of Korea in the vassal kingdom. He followed Liu Bang to Hanzhong and said to Liu Bang, your army is all from Shandong, and they want to go back. Liu Bang built a plank road openly and secretly to Chencang, and competed with Xiang Yu for the world. King Xin of Han was defeated and surrendered by Xiang Yu in Xingyang, and later ran back to Han camp. Liu Bang still called him King of Han. After Liu Bang claimed control, Han Wangxin was stationed at the border Mayi and was surrounded by Xiongnu soldiers. Han Wangxin asked for reconciliation. At this time, the Han army's support troops arrived to relieve Han Wang. However, they suspected that Han Wang had contact with the Huns and sent people He blamed the King of Han, who surrendered to the Xiongnu and fought with the Xiongnu against the Han army. Liu Bang was furious and personally led his army to the battle, defeated King Xin of Han, beheaded his general Wang Xi, and continued to attack the Huns. The Huns were defeated. Liu Bang took advantage of the victory and pursued the army. When he arrived at a hilly highland seven miles away from Pingcheng, named Baideng, he was surrounded by the Huns. Surrounded and in danger, it is said that Chen Ping came up with a plan and gave Modun Chanyu's wife Yan's generous gifts, blowing the wind on the pillow, and was relieved.

Ten years later, Liu Bang sent General Chai to attack Han Wangxin and kill Han Wangxin.

Lu Wan is Liu Bang's childhood friend, a family friend, and has always followed Liu Bang. The food, clothing and rewards are different from ordinary people, not even Xiao He Cao Shen can compare with. Lu Wan was named King of Yan, and one of his subordinates named Zhang Sheng was sent as an envoy to the Huns. Lu Wan suspected that Zhang Sheng was connected with the Huns, and reported to the court that Zhang Sheng's family would be killed. Zhang Sheng came back and made a speech. To make sense, it is said that the imperial court attaches great importance to Yan Kingdom now because the princes have rebelled several times. Once Chen Xi is destroyed, you will be almost finished. Lu Wan actually believed it. In the twelfth year of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang sent Fan Kuai to kill Chen Xi. A general surrendered and reported that Lu Wan had conspired with Chen Xi. Liu Bang summoned Lu Wan, who complained of illness. Later, he received reports from the Xiongnu surrenderers, and Lu Wan sent Zhang Sheng to hook up with the Xiongnu. Liu Bang was furious and sent Fan Kuai to attack Lu Wan. Some of Lu Wan's subordinates fled. He settled his family and prepared to meet Liu Bang. Before the meeting, Liu Bang died and Lu Wan led his people to defect to the Huns.

Chen Xi's rebellion is funny to say. Chen Xi returned to his hometown and passed by Zhaodi. Zhao Guo Xiangguo saw that Chen Xi had many followers, about a thousand people, and the entire Handan hotel was full. It can be said that a big tree attracts wind. Dissatisfied, he went to report to the court, suspecting rebellion. Liu Bang sent people to investigate, and found out some things implicating Chen Xi. He sent an envoy to summon Chen Xi, but Chen Xi did not dare to go. He claimed to be ill, and then rebelled. Liu Bang went on a personal expedition and learned that Chen Xi's generals were originally businessmen, so he offered a reward for his arrest and quickly defeated Chen Xi's army. In the winter of the twelfth year of the Han Dynasty, Fan Kuai pursued and killed Chen Xi.

When Liu Bang became emperor, the country was still unstable. Many of his subordinates rebelled, and most of the heroes were killed by Empress Lu . Han generals surrendered to the Huns from time to time.