Who can make China a "pure land" without war? In 1932, "Oriental Magazine" planned a solicitation for "New Year's Dreams." Patience or resistance, sinking or rising have become historical responsibilities that all Chinese people have to face and shoulder.

Who can make China a "pure land" without war?

■ Jing Yanpo

In 1932, " Oriental Magazine " planned an event to collect "New Year's Dreams". It sent out a call for papers to people from all walks of life across the country, asking the question: "What is the future of China in your dream?" Some scholars gave this answer: "I just hope that there will be a small part of the country that will not fight wars, impose heavy taxes, and exchange A pure land where house signs are free and where people can live and work in peace and contentment without having to run into concessions. "

" A small piece of pure land without war" may be the "Chinese Dream" in the hearts of many Chinese people 90 years ago.

This dream seems so humble now, but there is so much pain behind it. Since 1840, when the Western powers used naval artillery to open up the country to the Qing Dynasty, poverty, weakness, ignorance, and backwardness seemed to be like a tight hoop falling from the sky, tightly surrounding the heads of the Chinese people. Patience or resistance, sinking or rising have become historical responsibilities that all Chinese people have to face and shoulder.

It now seems that, as the most direct responders to this turmoil of the times, some Qing officials at that time were also hardworking:

In the 1860s, in order to save the declining empire, the Qing court Westernization proposed ideas such as "self-government" With slogans such as "seeking wealth by force", "learning from the barbarians to develop skills to control the barbarians", "learning from the Chinese as the body and Western learning as the application", they spared no effort to go to court and exhausted all ways to introduce Western weapons, equipment and science and technology. But a Sino-Japanese War easily shattered the dreams of these Qing court officials. The Battle of Fengdao, The Battle of the Yellow Sea, was lost, and then Port Arthur fell, Weihai, fell, and even the largest military achievement accumulated by the Westernization Movement, in more than 30 years, the Beiyang Navy, was annihilated under the setting sun. Leave a trace of regret behind.

"Zhenyuan" ship anchor. During the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the "Zhenyuan" ship was captured by the Japanese army and incorporated into the Japanese naval fleet. Later, in order to show off its achievements, Japan displayed the "Zhenyuan" ship's anchor in Ueno Park, Tokyo. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War , Japan was forced to return the anchor to China. Image source: Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution

Some people say that this is a strategic mistake caused by imperial decision-makers who ignored the international situation and were obsessed with false prosperity; others say that this was caused by the Qing court officials being timid and conserving their strength. The morale of the army is weakened. However, through the appearance of history, the bitter consequences of failure were actually sown before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894. Take the "Beiyang Navy Regulations" that regulated the officers and soldiers of the navy at that time. "Every officer below the commander-in-chief and below will live on board the ship all year round, and no office or mansion will be built." The actual situation is that the navy "is completely slack in drills." "The sergeant went to the boat to have fun." Ding Ruchang, the admiral of the navy, built a house on Liugong Island, where the naval office is located, and rented it out to his generals. What's more, some people use ships as a "way to make money", using warships for smuggling and trafficking, carrying passengers, and earning money. Political corruption leads to the degradation of military discipline, which in turn leads to the continuous decline of national defense. In the 19th century, surrounded by great powers, trying to find a path to prosperity and power in this way was undoubtedly just a dream and a waste of time.

The Westernization Movement failed to extend the life of China’s last feudal dynasty. Whether it was the Anqing Ordnance Station, the Mawei Military Port, or the Beiyang Navy, they all collapsed and disappeared. Although there are objective reasons such as insufficient technology, insufficient talents, and a weak industrial system, in the final analysis, it is impossible for the decadent feudal dynasty to find a real way out for a poor and weak China.

Bury the monarchy and usher in the republic. The Chinese national bourgeoisie, which stepped onto the historical stage in the Revolution of 1911, is just a glimmer of light in modern China.

"Infinite heads and countless blood, it is a pity to buy a false republic." Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the forerunner of the democratic revolution, had unlimited imagination in the "Founding Strategy", building railways, paving roads, building large ports, connecting the north and south of the river, and inland borders, but such a magnificent In that era of chaos and chaos, the blueprint could only remain on paper.At that time, the Chinese people, who had just cut off their braids and took off their mandarin jackets, not only failed to usher in a vibrant future, but instead fell into a more contradictory current situation. The great powers are still rampant, warlords are constantly fighting, officials are amassing money crazily, and the people are displaced... The former revolutionary party soon lost itself in the torrent of the times and became the spokesperson of the feudal landlords, the comprador class, and bureaucratic capital . And the army under the leadership of this political party has also been reduced from the vanguard of the Northern Expedition, which sang "Down with the Great Powers and Eliminate the Warlords", to a tired army that only knows how to bully the people, recruit strong men, and cannot fight with the help of American military aid.

How can such an army become the pillar of the country, and how can such a political party shoulder the hope of the country and the nation?

The political stage of modern China has given various characters the opportunity to appear on stage. The lingering Qing government, the separatist warlord forces, and the dictatorial Chiang dynasty all wanted to change China, but none of them could save China. Because they only represent the interests of a small part of the ruling class, they talk about doctrine, but they are all business in their hearts. They are destined to stand on the opposite side of the Chinese people.

Until there was the Communist Party of China! China's destiny has begun to turn, China's face has taken on a new look, and China's rejuvenation is irreversible. The 101-year great historical journey has eloquently proved that whoever truly represents the interests of the people, who truly defends the interests of the people, who fights, struggles and creates with the people will be the people who will choose and work with them. Amidst the waves, the mainstay will always remain, and history and the people finally chose the Communist Party of China.

Hao Yi took photos in the 1960s.

Let’s take a look at the Chinese Communists’ rock-solid belief that their revolutionary ideals are higher than heaven. In 1932, Hao Yi, who was 15 years old at the time, signed up to join the army and witnessed with his own eyes the Red Army "supporting the poor." "With a red star above my head, my heart will not be lost." After his leg was injured in the battle, he walked more than 2,000 kilometers on the Long March with a wooden stick and "three legs." I don’t know. But I believe that as long as we follow the party and the Red Army, we can achieve liberation.” After retirement, Hao Yi would not hesitate to donate anything from a few hundred to a few thousand to tens of thousands of yuan whenever he saw or heard about children who could not afford to go to school or disasters. In early 2008, Hao Yi, who never made requests to organizations, submitted a special application to donate his body. How long was the Communists' Long March ? It takes a lifetime of faith to measure.

The volunteer army soldier Song Amao who froze to death on the battlefield is the last article. Data map

Let’s take a look at the first war after the founding of New China. On the shores of Changjin Lake, in the extreme cold of minus 40 degrees Celsius, soldier Song Amao wrote, "I love my relatives and motherland, and I love my honor even more. I am a glorious volunteer soldier, ice and snow, I will never If I don’t give in to you, even if I freeze to death, I will stand proudly on my position.” This is the people's army created by the Communist Party of China. Under harsh combat conditions, they used "much air" to defeat "much steel" and pushed the world-class " United Nations Army " back to the " 38th Line " , laying a peaceful and stable international and domestic environment for New China.

Let’s take a look at the national rejuvenation and the reshaping of mountains and rivers under the leadership of the party for more than 70 years.In order to get rid of the label of "poor and little oil", the "Iron Man" Wang Jinxi "would rather live 20 years shorter than win the big oil field with all his strength"; "Life is a sand dune, and death is a sand dune". In order to change the face of poverty and backwardness, the county party committee Secretary Jiao Yulu braved the wind and sand to lead the people of Lankao to rectify the "three evils"; in order to lay the cornerstone of national security, a large number of scientific researchers such as Qian Xuesen, Qian Sanqiang, Deng Jiaxian went anonymously in the vast Gobi and created the The miracle of ", two bombs and one star, "; "clear love, only for China", the heroes who defend the country and defend the border in the new era would rather shed their blood without losing an inch of soil; deep in the mountains of Guizhou, with the idea of ​​"marching into the depths of the universe" "With the ambition of Nan Rendong led the team to build the " China Sky Eye ", it is to open up a road in a roadless place; fighting against the wind and sand, fighting against the scorching heat, and if the railway is opened for operation, the railway builders It has completed the feat of achieving a "closed loop" on the world's first desert railway...

On June 23, at Tuanjie Village Central Station in Chongqing, railway staff walked past the 10,000th China-Europe Express (Chongqing) train. Xinhua News Agency reported

From "changes unseen in three thousand years" to "major changes unseen in a century", from the long night of suffering in modern times to "the times and trends are on our side", the years are passing by and the seasons are flowing. China in the new era has firmly firmly grasp the initiative of history.

html The "Chinese Dream" 390 years ago has echoes today. Our country's peace and people's tranquility are the result of the unremitting efforts of the people led by the party. Today's world is full of wars, but China has truly become that "pure land without war." . It is precisely because of the greatest advantage of the party’s leadership that we have achieved the “two miracles” of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, carrying out construction, promoting reform, fighting epidemics, fighting floods, and eradicating poverty...China’s power, China’s spirit, The epitome of China's efficiency is the leadership of the Communist Party of China. "Without the Communist Party of China, there would be no New China and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." This is the most important historical conclusion and the most valuable successful experience.

Hundreds of years of rapids and turbulence, once the suffering was far away, now we are high-spirited!

(Written by: Li Jingxuan, Zhao Leiyi)

Produced by China Military Network WeChat (zgjw_81)

Author: Li Jingxuan Zhao Leiyi

Editor: Wang Lijuan