News from this website (Correspondent: Sun Fanghua) In order to welcome the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the July 1st holiday is approaching, on June 26, party members of the second branch of the retired cadres of the Public Security Burea

News from this website (Correspondent: Sun Fanghua) In order to welcome the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the July 1st holiday is approaching, on June 26, party members of the second branch of the retired cadres of the Public Security Bureau of Suining County, Hunan Province attended the party branch Full of revolutionary passion under the organization of the county, they visited the Jigongpo Red Army Martyrs Memorial Pavilion, Jigongpo Red Army Suining Martyrs Cemetery, and He Bingyan Hard Bone Spiritual Research Institute in the county's Wawutang Town, and carried out study of party history and feelings. Pay gratitude to the party, remember the martyrs, re-walk the path of the Red Army, inherit the red gene, review the oath of joining the party, and welcome the "July 1" theme party day activities.

On that day, with high respect for the martyrs of the Red Army, the party members participated in the activities with high spirits and no fear of high mountains and steep roads, braving the scorching sun, and sweating profusely. Express our deep respect for the revolutionary ancestors and heroes. Everyone expressed that they should listen to the Party and always follow it, inherit the red gene, "never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind", enhance the awareness of the "four", strengthen the self-confidence of the "four", and achieve the two "maintenances". Welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with the concept and practical practice of retired work in the new era!

Jigongpo is one of the main peaks in Suining County, in the hinterland of Xuefeng Mountain. It is located in Shiping, Piye Village, Wawutang Town, Suining County. In 1935, the Red Army passed through this place during its Long March and fought fiercely with the Kuomintang troops here. In this tragic and tragic event During the battle, He Bingyan, commander of the Red 5th Division of the Second Red Army, was seriously injured and lost his right arm. 75 commanders and soldiers, including Liu Hanqing, commander of the 13th Regiment, and Huang Bingyuan, commander of the 15th Regiment, died gloriously. The troops suffered more than 120 casualties and annihilated 220 enemies. This is the battle of Jigongpo that will go down in history forever. In order to commemorate the martyrs of the Red Army, the original Wawutang People's Commune built a memorial pavilion and monument here in August 1977. The pavilion is 7 meters high and has a plaque reading "Memorial Pavilion for Martyrs of the Red Army". The stone tablet is 34 meters high and is engraved with the words " The martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the battle of Jigongpo during the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army will be immortalized forever."

This year, Suining County built the Jigongpo Red Army Martyrs Cemetery in Suining. On April 28, a centralized relocation ceremony was held for the scattered tombs of the Red Army martyrs. The remains of 77 Red Army martyrs were moved to the Jigongpo Red Army Cemetery in Wawutang Town. Battle at the Suining Martyrs Cemetery. General He Bingyan left a red story in Suining that "the general did not use anesthetics, but sawed his arms to heal his wounds". In order to specifically understand and carry forward the red spirit passed down by General He Bingyan, the He Bingyan Hard Bone Spirit Institute was established in Piye Village, Wawutang Town in 2020 to carry out the inheritance and promotion of the red spirit. General He Bingyan's "hard-bone spirit" of sawing his arm to heal his wounds has become the spiritual wealth inherited and carried forward by the people of Suining. The people of Suining are moving forward driven by He Bingyan's "hard-bone spirit".

Editor-in-Chief Huang Junping

Source: China Minsheng News Network