The issue of Hong Kong's sovereignty needs to be resolved urgently. Negotiations were held 22 times with the British side on the Hong Kong issue. Hong Kong's return not only promotes the reunification of the motherland. It has been 25 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherl

On that night 25 years ago

At that touching moment

On the shore of the South China Sea

A pearl that had been covered in dust

showed its true face in the torrential rain

It had already flourished The blooming bauhinia is surrounded by the fragrant

The Hong Kong River

it rises with the rising sun

announcing the arrival of a new era

The return of the Pearl is celebrated by the whole country

With the establishment of New China

The issue of Hong Kong’s sovereignty is urgent Solve

In early 1980

Comrade Deng Xiaoping proposed the policy of " one country, two systems "

had 22 negotiations with the British side on the Hong Kong issue.

In December 1984, the two sides reached an agreement.

On June 30, 1997,

, the five-star red flag slowly rose at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. 8

marks Hong Kong Officially returned to the embrace of the motherland.

The redbud blossoms are blooming and we will create a better future together.

The return of Hong Kong not only promotes the reunification of the motherland

, it also greatly exerts its economic advantages.

and promotes opening up to the outside world.

Integrate with the world

while prospering the mainland economy

Achieved a win-win situation


Hong Kong has returned to the motherland for 25 years

In these 25 years

we have shared responsibilities and walked hand in hand

created one brilliant achievement after another


we are more confident

under the leadership of the motherland

will definitely achieve impressive results

The bauhinia will bloom more brilliantly

The precious "first" moment in the 425 years since Hong Kong's return

The sky over Hong Kong on July 1, 1997For the first time the five-star red flag and the bauhinia regional flag were raised at the same time

Tung Chee Hwa in 1997 He took office as the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong. In 1997, the Hong Kong Sports Delegation won the gold medal for the first time at the National Games. In 2000, Hong Kong, China participated in the Olympic Games for the first time. In 2003, the signing of CEDA injected an injection into Hong Kong's economy. Power

2014 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect For the first time was launched to deepen the financial cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong

In 2015 the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area concept was proposed for the first time

In 2018 the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was officially opened to traffic Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao cooperated for the first time to build a super-large cross-sea transportation project

In 2018 the first train The Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway was officially opened to traffic. Hong Kong was connected to the mainland high-speed rail network

In 2021, athletes Zhang Jialang won the first Olympic gold medal after Hong Kong returned to the motherland.

Hong Kong improved its electoral system in 2022. After the first The Legislative Council plays and sings the national anthem for the first time

The 2022 new electoral system the first Chief Executive election

On July 1, 2022, the Hong Kong Police Force will first be fully transferred to the People's Liberation Army ranks

Editor: Ma Ying

Editor in charge: Ma Keyang