I knelt in front of her, holding tea in both hands. When I handed it to her, I glanced at her secretly, with a kind look on her face - she is a good person! "Dad, I won't marry, I won't marry!" I was dragged out of the thatched hut by my father, and my wrists were squeezed red by

I knelt in front of her, holding tea in both hands. When I handed it to her, I glanced at her secretly, with kind eyes and kind eyes - she is a good person!

"Dad, I won't marry, I won't marry!"

I was dragged out of the thatched house by my father, and my wrists were squeezed red by his rough hands.

"Zhao Qin," my father called me by my first name, "Today you have to marry whether you want to marry or not. People who have money to pay have already paid betrothal gifts, so I agreed, so it's not up to you!"

The old man is older than my father. He has had two wives, one younger than the other. I don’t dare to marry him.

I cried desperately. I thought that my father would not be so cruel and let me marry that bad old man.

But I was wrong, my tears did not change my dad's decision.

When I was ready to accept this fate.

My father suddenly told me that I don’t need to get married anymore, that money officer is dead!

I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

For the first time, I felt happy from the bottom of my heart because of someone else's death, and felt liberated.

I finally don’t have to get married.

It turns out that my destiny can be changed by the life and death of others.

Mr. Qian’s betrothal gift was not returned, saying that it was used as compensation for me.

I was happy to accept it and took some money to buy clothes at the market.

In the market, there was a man who kept staring at me. I felt very uncomfortable and wanted to lose my temper, but after seeing his face clearly, I just felt shy.

He has a very good-looking face, is dressed in fine clothes, and wears jade around his waist. He is definitely not from our class.

I smiled at him.

This smile made him come towards me.

I learned his name, Zhou Yi, he was Shaoqing, and he was an errand at Dali Temple . My heart was pounding.

I never thought I could meet such a powerful person.

The people around me are all traffickers and pawns. His appearance is like a ray of light shining into my ordinary life.

I cherish every opportunity to get along with him. I always show my most beautiful appearance in front of him. He said that I look like his wife when she was young.

But his wife has never been as gentle and considerate as me.

He said he wanted to take me as his concubine and asked me if I would do so.

I do, of course I do.

Being the concubine of a young prince is better than being the wife of a poor man.

I no longer have to worry about food and clothing. I will have maids by my side to take care of me. I will live a good life.

Zhou Yi said he wanted to take me as his concubine, but there was no movement for a long time. I was afraid of long nights and many dreams, so when he was drunk once, I dedicated a woman's most precious virginity to him.

He said that he would definitely let me in and asked me to wait.

After only three days, a sedan finally arrived at my house.

He did not fail me!

One evening, I didn't have a eight-carriage sedan , or even a phoenix crown and harem, and entered the house through the side door.

But in the end, I entered the mansion and became Zhou Yi's person.

According to the rules, I have to serve tea to my wife. While serving tea, out of curiosity, I secretly glanced at her. She looked kind and kind, so she must be a very good woman!

Zhou Yi said that I look very much like her when she was young.

But I feel that there is no resemblance at all. Her eyes are bigger than mine and she looks much taller than me. She and I are not the same type of women at all.

I was assigned to a courtyard, which was so big, with an independent garden, and two maids at my disposal. I was overjoyed.

After entering the house, I didn't know anything about the affairs of the house, and Zhou Yi had never shown his face since I entered the house.

heard that he is very busy.

I could only go to greet Madam in a polite manner, accompanied by my maid. Mrs.

's name is Meng Yao. Every time I go to say hello, she will nod and smile at me tenderly and reward me with some cakes.

The more gentle she is to me, the more it proves my suspicion that she is no longer welcome by the master. In this house, she just has the title of madam.

Until the master finally went to my place and served him all night.

The next day, I deliberately went to pay my respects to my wife at noon, twisting my proud figure,

" Sister, I worked hard all night long to serve the master last night, so today I got up a little later, I hope Sister, don’t blame me!

There was a proud smile on my lips. The master said that I haven’t slept with my wife for a long time. I deliberately said it after spending the whole night to stimulate her.

Unexpectedly, she didn’t seem to care at all, but she said something that made me unable to get off the stage,

Zhao Qin, this is Shaoqing’s Mansion, not the place where you lived before without rules. You should respectfully call me Madam, and Don’t call me sister!

I feel a little embarrassed.

reluctantly bowed, bowed, and turned around to go back.

After closing the door, the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Before, she was always kind and calm, and she seemed to have no temper at all. Why did she speak so forcefully and make me lose face in front of others.

I cursed her, I smashed vases, pushed things, I called her an old woman and a hen that couldn't lay eggs.

Sooner or later, I will take her place, and she won't be proud for long.

After I finished venting comfortably, the maid next to the madam brought the dirty clothes and sheets over, saying that the madam asked me to wash them.

I am here to be a concubine, not a maid, so why should you order me around? !

There are so many maids in the house, so what do you think of me?

I asked the maid next to me to break into the madam's yard with dirty clothes. Ignoring the maid's obstruction, I shouted into the madam's room,

" I am a concubine, and I am not your servant. Why should I wash it for you?" Dirty clothes?

Soon, the lady came out. She stood on the steps, looking down at me, her always kind eyes became a little sharp.

" You don't understand the rules in the house? Let her make a noise here! "

Suddenly, the boys around me swarmed up, some of them held me down, and some of them palmed me. face and mouth.


It hurts.

The pain made me burst into tears.

I am the master's favorite person, how dare they do this to me? !

My fists clenched loudly. I will definitely avenge this.

My lips were bleeding, and a trace of blood entered my mouth. I was trembling with fear.

Mrs. finally signaled them to stop. She looked at me and said,

"Take these back and wash them."

I looked at her, feeling so scared that I could only nod and said yes.

Actually, the work of washing clothes is not heavy. I used to go farming with my father, plant seedlings, weed, and cook meals for the whole family. These were my daily routine.

But my identity is different now, and I am not willing to do this kind of menial work.

Master said he loves me the most and loves me the most. His love is all my confidence.

When Zhou Yi came back and learned that I had been beaten, he was very angry and said that my wife was a jealous woman and could not tolerate others in her eyes. He said that he would definitely seek justice for me.

I believe the master, he asked me to get the best medicine. I have been waiting for my wife to come and apologize to me, but, no.

I asked the master, and the master told me to be more generous and not to argue with her jealous wife.

Okay, I am generous, I am different from my wife, I tolerate it.

Finally, after two months, I was pregnant.

I was overjoyed. My wife didn’t have any children, but I was actually pregnant. The child I gave birth to would be my first child. Mrs.

has nothing to do, so according to the law, she can be divorced.

After Madam is divorced, then am I not Madam? !

I'm finally coming through.

I want mother and child to be more expensive.

I don’t have to be afraid of Meng Yao anymore!

Zhou Yi asked me to take care of my baby with peace of mind. I looked at the place where I lived. Although it was not bad, it was far behind compared to Meng Yao.

I started to feel uncomfortable.

She doesn’t even have a son and a half, so why should she occupy the position of wife? !

I told the master that I wanted to live in the wife’s room, saying that it was too small and not suitable for raising a baby.

The master promised me and said he would definitely let me stay in his wife’s room. I was so happy that I held the master in her arms and acted like a baby.

can, but then, there has been no movement.

Mrs. has never moved out, and I have never moved into her yard.

I heard from the maid that Madam would not agree.

I was so angry that my chest ached. I was pregnant, but she was still so mean to me. Why on earth could she? !

I came to her and vented my anger,

"Mrs. , I still call you madam. You have been here for three years and have nothing to do. According to the law, I can ask the master to divorce you. I What I am carrying is the master’s only child. It won’t take long for me to know that the mother is as valuable as the child. What about you?

I looked at her provocatively. I am not afraid of her at all. I have a child in my belly!

She didn't seem to take me seriously at all,

" Then wait until you give birth to the child. I want to see if you can give birth to the child! "

After she left, my heart was broken for a long time. Can't be calm.

What exactly did she mean? !

I have heard people say before that in order to compete for favor, women in big houses would secretly give abortion pills to cause accidental miscarriages without anyone noticing.

I'm so scared.

I am afraid that Meng Yao will do something to my child.

In the days after, I always lived cautiously, for fear of losing the child in my belly if I ate something.

I can't eat well or sleep well.

I'm going crazy with this torture.

I suddenly remembered the dead member Qian.

As long as she is dead, I can feel at ease!

I decided to strike first, and one night I threw the kindling into Madam's yard.

Soon, a fire was burning.

I admired the fire that could change my destiny. After tonight, I will be the wife of the house.

the next day.

When I saw Meng Yao, who was completely unharmed, my heart froze. How could she be so lucky, and such a huge fire didn't burn her to death? !

Forget it, I still have a chance.

is about to give birth, and I have no plans to do anything to her anymore.

Two or three months later, I gave birth to a child. The day after the birth, I heard that the official seal of the master was missing. I have never heard of what the official seal of

is. Mrs.

sent people to search the whole house.

finally found that thing in my bedroom.

seems to be very important.

Madam's face darkened, and she scolded,

" Someone came and took Zhao Qin down and hid the official seal. It's a death penalty. Detain him! "

I was shaking like chaff, I was wronged, I was wronged.

How could I steal the master's official seal? I don't even know what that thing is.

Master also believes in me and speaks for me.

But the lady seemed to be determined, and she actually turned her face on the master, saying that she was partial, and walked away.

Madam returned to her natal home, and I realized that her natal home was General Meng’s Mansion, and my vision suddenly darkened.

It turns out that my wife has never regarded me as a threat because she has such a powerful natal family!

I heard from the master that General Meng sent someone to give him a letter.

said that she wanted him not to make her daughter unhappy because of a concubine, but to know the importance and let him handle it properly.

I know that I am dead. Even the master can't save me. He has never been able to save me. When I was beaten by my wife, he just comforted me and didn't dare to do anything to my wife.

Only now did I see clearly that the master has always been afraid of his wife. I am like a dog in this house, with no support at all.

But I couldn't see myself clearly at that time, and I wanted to kick my wife out and become the hostess here!

She has been laughing at me, right? !

Now, I am going to die, but I don’t want to die. My child has just been born, and I am afraid that he will be born without a mother. Mrs.

, that jealous woman, I don’t know how she will abuse my child.

I am afraid that she will abuse my child, and I am afraid that she will be good to my child, because after she is good to my child, even if one day the child knows that she is not the madam’s biological child, he will still regard her as his mother. .

Who would want his mother to be a concubine?

I said a lot to the master. I said that I was wronged and I didn’t want to die. Please save me. What should I do with my child?

The master hugged me tenderly.

has been with me, and I saw hope again, a slim hope...

The next night.

I was held down and force-fed poison. I felt like my internal organs had been cut by a knife. It hurt, it hurt...

I saw the master crying for me again. He stood aside, watching me, crying like that. Really, reluctant to give up.

"I don't want to die... I was wronged..."

until his vision was completely dark.



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