The "comfort women" system is a criminal system implemented by Japan when it launched its war of aggression. It is a military sexual slavery system. The victims are women. They suffered great harm during the war. China is under this system. The biggest victim country.

In the 1930s and 1940s, Japan launched a war of aggression against Southeast Asia, targeting China, North Korea, South Korea and other neighboring countries, and committed heinous crimes.

The "comfort women" system is a criminal system implemented by Japan when it launched its war of aggression. It is a military sexual slavery system. The victims are women. They suffered great harm during the war. China is under this system. the biggest victim country.

The comfort chair is a product of the comfort women system. For the comfort women, it was like a nightmare. At the end of the Anti-Japanese War , the soldiers who rescued the comfort women felt distressed when they saw the comfort chairs. The Japanese invaders were so unconscionable that they could not forgive them.

There is no doubt that the comfort women system was planned and created by the Japanese government and military. The living comfort women and the comfort chairs, the tools of the crime, are ironclad evidence.

But the Japanese are unwilling to face their past history. They deny it flatly, are unwilling to admit their past sins, and do not sincerely repent and make amends for the victims. This is something that our Chinese nation cannot forgive.

Regardless of will, forcibly arrested

When Japan invaded other countries, in order to operate its war machine, it implemented the "comfort women" system. A large number of foreign women and colonial women were forcibly recruited as "comfort women", including China and North Korea. peninsula and Southeast Asian countries.

After Japan invaded China, it ferociously plundered women to serve as "comfort women" in every occupied area. For example, in 1937, after the Japanese army occupied Shanghai, they arrested young women everywhere in urban and rural areas, humiliated them in public, and tattooed numbers on their bodies, so that Chinese women felt humiliated and could not escape.

In January 1938, the Japanese army occupied Yu County, Hebei Province, where they captured more than 4,000 Chinese women and transported them to Zhangjiakou , forcing these women to serve as "comfort women" for the Japanese army.

In addition, the local Japanese army would forcefully stipulate how many young girls in each village must be handed over, otherwise they would go on a killing spree. In order to save their lives, the common people had no choice but to do so. What the Japanese army did was different from animals. They ignored the wishes of women and forcibly arrested them. This was a criminal act.

According to relevant records by Japanese military reporter Yukio Obama, on the way to occupy Nanjing, the Japanese army, with the acquiescence of their superiors, arrested local Chinese women at will and set up temporary comfort stations.

This kind of arrest of Chinese women could happen anywhere during the Anti-Japanese War. Wherever the Japanese army went, women were the biggest victims. They were unarmed, like lambs to be slaughtered, with no room for resistance.

Beating and torture, the comfort chair was the comfort women’s nightmare

The Japanese army used coercive means to arrest the comfort women and put them into the comfort stations. Many of the victimized women would instinctively resist and did not want to be humiliated by the Japanese army.

The comfort women's resistance not only did not win freedom and mercy, but they were brutally beaten and cruelly oppressed by Japanese soldiers and comfort station administrators. Many comfort women were burned with cigarettes, injured with iron rods, and stabbed with knives and guns by the Japanese soldiers. Injury, people in the management office usually turn a blind eye to such things.

According to the article "Records of Japanese Atrocities in China", a young woman named Xiaoying from Jiangsu Province was caught by the Japanese army when she was only 17 years old and was taken to a comfort station.

Xiaoying was as beautiful as a flower and young. The Japanese army was very satisfied with her beauty and kept her alone in a room with a comfort chair.

Then, a Japanese soldier came in with a whip in his hand. He whipped Xiaoying hard without any explanation and ordered her to take off her clothes.

Xiaoying was extremely frightened. She was very helpless and could only be forced to do what the Japanese soldiers said. The Japanese soldier showed an evil smile, pointed to the comfort chair next to him, asked Xiaoying to sit on it, and then tortured her.

Xiaoying was very helpless and was tortured for many years. She committed suicide many times, but was discovered by the Japanese army and was tortured again.

If things go on like this, Xiaoying is like a walking zombie. She can't see any hope and just wants to end her life quickly. There is no light in her eyes and her eyes are dull, which makes people feel distressed.

Until 1945, before Japan announced its surrender, in order to cover up their crimes, they massacred comfort women in large numbers. The Chinese army attacked a Japanese comfort women's camp and rescued the comfort women inside.

The soldiers broke into the room where the Japanese army detained Xiaoying. When they saw her being tortured into a state of disgrace, they looked at the comfort chair in the room and cried with distress. They hated themselves for not being able to protect women and children. They were ashamed of themselves. The support of the common people.

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, a large number of comfort women were massacred by the Japanese army. Those who survived had a difficult life. Their bodies were destroyed, most of them lost their fertility, and they died alone without support.


In the face of overwhelming evidence, Japan is still unwilling to admit the fact of comfort women. This attitude not only hurts the victimized country, but is another heavy blow to the living comfort women.

History cannot be forgotten. We must learn lessons and prevent tragedies from happening again. Only when the country is strong can the people be safe and vulnerable groups such as women and children no longer suffer.