In February 1953, it was the cold season of spring. Chairman Mao and his party were inspecting the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River on the "Yangtze River" ship. When it got dark, Chairman Mao stood on the ship, looked towards the shore, and couldn't help but fell int

  • 【"I want to see this place while riding a donkey"】

In February 1953, it was the cold spring season. Chairman Mao and his party were inspecting the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River on the "Yangtze River" ship.

When it got dark, Chairman Mao stood on the ship and looked at the shore, and he couldn't help but fell into a trance.

After a while, Chairman Mao pointed to the other side and asked the accompanying security personnel with great interest: "Where is that? I want to have a look."

"There is no road there. It is very inconvenient. Chairman, we It's better not to go ashore. "

"We have to go to this place. The road is not good, so I want to go there on a donkey."

Then, the "Yangtze River" ship went straight to the shore...

The place Chairman Mao was going to was Huangshi, Hubei.

At about 7 o'clock in the evening that day, the "Yangtze River" ship stopped steadily on the shore, and Chairman Mao and his entourage disembarked from the Huangshi Port Pier. In Chairman Mao's heart, he cherished this place very much.

Huangshi plays an important role in the history of modern China and can be called the treasure of China's heavy industry. Mao Zedong naturally attached great importance to such value, and wanted to go to the local Daye Steel Plant to have a look.

On the other side, Huangshi Municipal Party Committee Secretary Yang Diankui and Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary Gao Yunsheng rushed to the dock immediately after learning the news that Chairman Mao had come to Huangshi. Not to mention how happy they were when they saw Chairman Mao standing at the pier.

They walked quickly to Chairman Mao and his party. After some greetings, they quickly placed Chairman Mao and others in the guest house of Huazhong Iron and Steel Company. In the guest house, Yang Diankui and Gao Yunsheng reported to Chairman Mao on their work in recent years.

I originally thought that Chairman Mao would be tired and bumpy along the way, but now that he has heard so many things about work, he should take a rest. But Chairman Mao did not intend to stop. He stood up from his seat with high spirits and said to the staff around him: " Go to the workshop now. I want to see the steelmaking process of Daye Steel Plant from beginning to end! " After

finished speaking, Chairman Mao rushed to the steel factory in a dusty way. When

visited the steel plant, Chairman Mao seemed to have plunged into it, wishing he could imprint the entire operation process of the steel plant in his mind.

Chairman Mao carefully watched the entire workshop from south to north, from steelmaking, steel casting, forging, testing to steel rolling. Chairman Mao did not forget to ask about the detailed production conditions, and even when he was in trouble, he would directly take the blue fireglass from the hands of the workers and observe the smelting conditions of the molten iron in person.

During this process, Chairman Mao did not forget to joke with the staff around him: " Your job is not easy, but we workers have the strength. " Listening to Chairman Mao's kind words, everyone in the steel industry The workers working in the factory felt as if their hearts were filled with honey.

had been inspecting the steel plant until around 8 o'clock in the evening, when Chairman Mao reluctantly left.

Along the way, Chairman Mao had a lot of emotions in his heart. As the leader of the country, Chairman Mao has always kept in his heart the primary goal of making the country develop stronger and making the people's lives better.

In the early days of the founding of New China, China wanted to build a tractor of its own, but could not even make a single screw. Now, Chairman Mao is both happy and worried to see the development of Daye Steel Plant.

is happy to finally see the hope of future industry, but is worried about the future development prospects of steel plants.

With this complicated mood, Chairman Mao walked to the dock.

Before leaving, Chairman Mao said to the comrades seeing him off: " I hope you will make this factory a great success! " This sentence contains Chairman Mao's expectations for the future, and also his yearning for a strong China. .

This trip, which was not part of Chairman Mao’s inspection, also left a deep impression on Chairman Mao about Huangshi.The Daye Steel Plant standing on the land of Huangshi has become a lingering memory in Chairman Mao's heart.

Since the Daye Steel Plant took root in Chairman Mao’s heart, it coincided with the wave of New China’s “First Five-Year Plan” that gave priority to the development of heavy industry. Daye Steel Plant, which was the first to be affected, finally became a spark after continuing its mission for so many years.

Since 1955, under the instruction of Chairman Mao, our country has begun to invest in the construction of the first large-scale steel complex - Wuhan Iron and Steel Company. After nearly three years of hard work, it was finally completed and put into production on September 13, 1958.

The successful completion of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. naturally made Chairman Mao feel very happy. He insisted on going to Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. to see it in person. So at the celebration of the first batch of molten iron being released at Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Chairman Mao appeared on time.

According to the plan, Chairman Mao should visit Anhui after inspecting Wuhan Iron and Steel. However, Chairman Mao made an impromptu decision that no one expected: He wanted to visit Huangshi again.

  • [Inspection of Huangshi twice in 5 years, unique]

At the request of Chairman Mao, the original plan to inspect Anhui changed.

At 8 o'clock in the morning on September 15th, Chairman Mao rode in a "Geece 110" black car, crossing more than 130 kilometers of dirt roads, heading towards the land of Huangshi, where he had been away for five years.

Wherever there is Chairman Mao, there will be a warm welcome from the children of farmers. Chairman Mao, who has always put the people at the forefront, will naturally not be able to help but mingle with the people.

Whenever he saw people waving to him on the road, Chairman Mao would always lower his car window, shake hands with the people, and sometimes get out of the car to talk to them. The fatigue along the way also disappeared in the cordial conversations with the farmers.

Chairman Mao, who was "relieving" his fatigue, walked for a while, accompanied by everyone, and arrived at Iron Mountain located at the west gate of Huangshi, Hubei. This iron mine, which has been finally completed and put into operation after many inspections, is finally going to be inspected by the supreme leader.

At 10:15 in the morning, Chairman Mao walked into the iron ore mine with a red face, wearing a white shirt, gray trousers, and round-mouthed blue cloth shoes to the song "Chairman Mao Comes to Our Farm". intersection.

When the surrounding workers and peasants saw Chairman Mao coming, they all put down their work and lined the streets to welcome Chairman Mao, shouting: "Long live Chairman Mao."

As Chairman Mao walked, he greeted the people around him. The workers waved and said, "Long live the people."

When they reached the fork in the road, Chairman Mao got in the car, crossed the winding mountain road, and officially boarded the large iron ore mine.

Just like 5 years ago, Chairman Mao got off the car and did not even bother to take a rest. Instead, he was immediately accompanied by Wang Renzhong and Zhang Pinghua, the first secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, and Yang Rui, the first secretary of the Huangshi Municipal Party Committee. , walking towards the Tieshan Daye Iron Mine, known as the "Granary of Wuhan Iron and Steel Company" (now renamed as the "Daye Iron Mine of Wuhan Iron and Steel Company").

Compared to 5 years ago, the iron ore mine is now busier with locomotives. The entire mining area is filled with the busy but happy songs of workers. Even the thick smoke coming out of the chimney seems to indicate that the iron mine here is Mining scene.

Chairman Mao smiled from ear to ear when he saw this situation, and immediately continued walking in with big strides. After

walked inside, Mao Zedong chatted with Chen Mingjiang, the mine manager of

Daye Iron Mine.

Chairman Mao was taking a break in the work shed, listening to Chen Mingjiang's "work report". Mao Zedong was naturally familiar with the history of Daye Iron Mine. Even the company Zhang Zhidong, who has always been respected by him, founded the company Han Yeping Company in order to enrich the country and strengthen the army.

And the raw materials of Hanyang Iron Works , which accounts for almost 99% of the country's total steel production, come from the Daye Iron Mine. This also means that the prelude to China's modern steel development began in Huangshi.

Although Hanyang Iron Works has declined in history, its historical value cannot be concealed. Especially under Chairman Mao’s call to “develop mining”, the mines have undergone large-scale reconstruction, and the mining methods have also changed. It has become a large-scale mechanical mining, and even related geological research has seen qualitative development.

Later, the mining situation of Daye Iron Mine continued to improve.

On July 1, 1958, the new design plan was officially put into operation. It is expected to produce 2.9 million tons of iron ore annually. This number will continue to rise after that.

Chairman Mao beamed with joy after hearing these reports. He didn't care to continue resting, and immediately stood up and walked towards the open-air stope under the scorching sun.

html The sun is scorching hot in Yellowstone in September, but you still have to grit your teeth and continue working in order to mine the ore. Looking at these workers enduring the scorching heat, Chairman Mao felt sad again. Just when Chen Mingjiang was about to report the next set of data to Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao turned into an old child in private.

"The entire Tieshan ore reserves are approximately more than 110 million tons." Chen Mingjiang reported.

"That's all, can't there be a little more?" Chairman Mao gestured with his little finger.

's humorous dialogue made everyone feel more cordial to Chairman Mao, but at the same time they also felt the weight of the mission on their shoulders.

Behind Chairman Mao's seemingly funny words, hidden are higher expectations for iron ore reserves and ardent expectations for the development of iron ore. Although this is just an iron mine, it is still related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

Mao Zedong watched as he walked, asking questions about ore production, ore composition, etc., always holding a black ore in his hand. After learning that each piece of ore contained 50% to 60% iron and even contained copper, the smile on Mao Zedong's face became deeper.

Chairman Mao’s two visits to Huangshi to inspect iron mines in five years has become a business card of Huangshi. This is a unique thing. And Chairman Mao’s heart for the country and the people is unforgettable for all Chinese people.

  • [Chairman Mao inspected the Navy on the Yangtze River ship]

Before Chairman Mao made the temporary decision to inspect Huangshi, he inspected the Navy on the Yangtze River ship. It was Chairman Mao's inspection that allowed us to see the dilemma of the new Chinese navy and also made us understand the hard truth of development.

On February 14, 1953, the two warships "Yangtze River" and "Luoyang" launched an emergency sail. The reason was to welcome a "special leader" and to do their best to protect the safety of the leader.

This caused the commanders and crews on the ship to talk a lot: "Which commander actually came to the navy ship to inspect it in person? "

After thinking for a while, the commanders and crews even considered it in their hearts: " You can’t really take it seriously as Chairman Mao. He has a lot of things to do. If he can really come, what an honor it will be.

Of course, this is just everyone’s hope, but at noon that day, the burly man got off the car. The figure left them speechless in shock.

At 11:30, three cars drove towards the pier. The man who got out of the second car had a burly figure and an old People's Liberation Army cap on his head. Isn't that Chairman Mao? The moment they saw Chairman Mao, everyone felt as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood. They all stood up straight and waited for Chairman Mao's review with tears in their eyes.

When Chairman Mao set foot on the "Yangtze River" ship, there were still many commanders and soldiers who thought they were dreaming. But the figure of Chairman Mao waving his big hands and standing on the ship sailing with them was so real. It wasn't until Chairman Mao found them, had cordial conversations with them, and left his presence everywhere that the commanders and fighters finally realized with excitement: Chairman Mao was really here.

Chairman Mao, who inspected the ship, felt worried in his heart.Facing the harsh international environment, whether the navy can be built up or even become stronger is related to the lifeblood of the country's survival and cannot be ignored at all. Once the weakness subsides, the only thing waiting for the new China will be frenzied suppression by imperialism.

At that time, the sea was still not peaceful, and there were unrest factors in the country. How could Chairman Mao be relieved? This on-the-spot inspection of the navy also gave Chairman Mao a firm idea to advance naval and national defense construction "according to local conditions."

"How are these soldiers learning the skills now?" Chairman Mao asked Liu Song, the political commissar of the "Yangtze River" ship beside him.

Liu Song immediately replied: "They have learned their skills very well, Chairman, you can rest assured."

Chairman Mao walked to the bridge and told the team leader Wang Dexiang: "The disciples below you should still be obedient. You must take good care of your disciples and let them grow up."

Wang Dexiang immediately said, "Chairman, please rest assured that they are still obedient, and I will definitely complete the party's tasks."

In addition, Chairman Mao. He also asked the commanders and fighters on the ship where they came from, whether they were willing to be in the navy, and whether they had studied in a naval school. But when comforting the mood of the commanders and soldiers, Chairman Mao suddenly became melancholy: " The sea is not peaceful now. When the Pacific Ocean takes control, there will be peace..."

The inspection of the Yangtze River ship made Chairman Mao had more plans for the future development of the navy, and what he saw and heard on the Luoyang ship strengthened Chairman Mao's belief: " In order to oppose imperialist aggression, our country must construction A powerful navy .

This sentence became the inscription left by Chairman Mao to the two ships, and even the inscriptions on the Nanchang ship, the Yellow River ship, and the Guangzhou ship remained the same.

It can be seen that in Chairman Mao's heart, being able to build an advanced navy was how much he looked forward to it.

Today, China's face has become completely new. Whether it is the heavy industry that Chairman Mao once cared about or the advanced and powerful navy that hopes to develop faster, they are all emerging in the world. Today's China has also escaped from the predicament that great men such as Chairman Mao once feared. The history of

being lagging behind and being beaten is gone forever. Chairman Mao's foresight and sagacity will not fade away with time. Building a stronger and more prosperous China is still our responsibility today.