We fought for more than 30 hours in a fierce battle. Before he was shot and died, the instructor said to me, "Xiao Wu, I can't survive, but you have to move forward bravely and strive to join the party." I asked him to rest assured...

"I joined the Eighth Route Army to resist Japan when I was 22 years old. I also participated in the Liaoshen Campaign , Pingjin Campaign , Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea . In one fierce battle, we fought for more than 30 hours. Before he was shot and died, the instructor said to me, 'Xiao Wu, I can't do it anymore, but you have to move forward bravely and strive to join the party,' I ask him to rest assured..."

In September 2021, Wu Jinlong, a 96-year-old retired cadre from Youyi County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, who has 72 years of party experience, told his story affectionately for future generations. A story about bloody battles in war years and land reclamation and grain harvesting in peacetime. The Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee produced the elderly speech into a provincial-level high-quality party course and disseminated it, which resonated with party members and cadres.

Wu Jinlong, a retired cadre from Youyi County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, was at the party class recording site. (File photo)

Dong Shuqi, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and mayor of Zhalong Town, Tiefeng District, Qiqihar City, was very moved after listening to the party class. "Mr. Wu and his wife always silently support college students in need. He believes that 'cadres should not take a needle or a thread from the people, nor ask for it.' This is the image of good cadres around us."

In the past four years, Heilongjiang Province The Organization Department of the Party Committee continues to innovate the form of party class teaching, high-quality planning and promotion of the "Party Class Starts" and "I am the Party Class Lecturer" activities, and promotes party classes to enter studio halls, red education bases, fields, buildings, communities, production front lines and other places. Change the past model of "one person, one table, one person talking to the end".

In addition to the secretary of the grassroots party organization as the party lecturer, heads of government agencies, enterprises and institutions in Heilongjiang Province, county and district party committee secretaries, and grassroots party members can all come to the podium to talk about the role models and successful practices around them. "In the past few years, a situation has gradually formed in which 'leading cadres take the lead in speaking, advanced models take turns speaking, and ordinary party members compete to speak', and a number of outstanding speakers have emerged who are praised by party members and the masses, recognized by experts, and affirmed by organizations." Heilongjiang Lu Bo, director of the Provincial Party Member Education Center, said.

htmlOn June 8, Party members and cadres conducted an immersive party class study at the Historical Archives of the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Suifenhe City. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei

"Searching for the Red Mark to Inherit a Century of Grace" and other "Interactive Teaching + Scenario Reproduction" party classes that review the red history, "Salute to the Heroes' Eternal Memory of the Home and Country" and other on-site teaching party classes, "Promoting the Spirit of Craftsmanship" and other party classes "A Great Power Weapon" and other large-scale stage sitcom-style party classes... A series of party classes with rich content and diverse forms have infected the majority of party members. Jiang Rui, director of the Network and New Media Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Member Education Center, said: “We will talk about what the times need, what the cause requires, and what party members call for. We will start with the subtle changes that can be felt around us and break down the key issues that everyone is concerned about. .”

Party members and cadres conducted on-site teaching party classes at the Yang Zirong Memorial Hall in Hailin City, Mudanjiang. (File photo)

Reporters learned that in recent years, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee has started to work on the "cloud", developing and building the "Party Classes Are Now" online submission management system, relying on a series of new media platforms such as "Longjiang Pioneer" to broadcast , break the time and space constraints, and promote party education from "limited learning" to "extensive coverage."

The "living" party lessons infiltrate people's hearts. "I really didn't expect that a 30-minute 'cloud party class' would have more than 4.5 million views." Zhang Shichang, a teacher of the ideological and political course at Harbin Institute of Technology, said that teaching a class about living the party well will inspire powerful forge ahead.

html For more than 2004 years, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee has organized 400,000 party lectures based on the "Party Classes Start" carrier, and the total number of views on the online platform has exceeded 187 million. Xue Juan, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jianshe Street, Xiangyang District, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, said: "We now have a learning 'gas station' that is not closed, and you can also communicate and interact with the speakers."

"We promote the party class through institutionalization 'The activities are carried out on a regular and long-term basis, and the whole province works together to deliver the party's innovative theories and vivid stories of regional revitalization and development to the grassroots and into the hearts of party members and cadres, transforming party class education into motivation for progress and practical results. "Feng Hailong, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, said that we will continue to innovate in lecture content, teaching methods, communication methods, etc., continue to enhance the attractiveness and appeal of party courses, and "replenish calcium and cast souls" for party members.

Reporters: Yan Rui, He Shan

Editor: Liao Yi