The Second World War from 1939 to 1945 resulted in the deaths of approximately 70 million people around the world. What did Stalin leave to the Soviet people after his death?

[Timeline of this article: 1945 The end of World War II - 1953 Stalin died]

Stalin was a very complex and controversial historical figure.

He has the style of a politician, holding back and being gentle to the world.

He has the strategy of a conspirator, cunning, changeable, and sophisticated.

He has the skills of a bureaucracy, can change the situation, and has a tough style.

Some people say that he was a tyrant who destroyed countless lives.

Some people say that he was the founder of the Soviet Union. He was firm-willed and selfless, and he dragged the Soviet Union into the ranks of industrial powers like a rapid march.

World War from 1939 to 1945, resulting in the deaths of about 70 million people around the world.

The Soviet Union monopolized 27 million people.

80% of Soviet men aged 18 to 22 died on the battlefield.

A whole generation has been wiped out.

After the war, Stalin ordered the Red Army soldiers to lay down their arms, demobilize and return to their hometowns to rebuild their homes together.

The Soviet Union also abolished the wartime system and restored holidays and an 8-hour work system.

But the end of World War II did not give the Soviet Union a chance to breathe.

Whether it was Stalin, Truman or Churchill, they all had to admit that the confrontation between the Soviet Union and Europe and the United States did not end with the end of World War II.

A new round of confrontation is inevitable.

Therefore, the shadow of the Cold War has arrived as expected.

In order to contain the Soviet Union and control Europe, the United States took the lead.

" Marshall Plan " was born.

Stalin instantly understood Truman's intention, and under the banner of assisting Europe's reconstruction, he turned Europe into a whole.

This move by the United States can not only control Europe, but also turn Europe into a bridgehead for the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Cold War was a zero-sum game between the United States and the Soviet Union.

When one side expands its sphere of influence, the other side will inevitably retaliate.

is tit for tat, fighting for every inch of land.

Therefore, Stalin saw that the United States had won over Western European countries, and immediately organized a gathering of Eastern European brothers.

Stalin: Brothers are gathered together. The Yankees are going to start a gang fight. We can’t be cowards.

Truman: Oh, is it true to form cliques? Who doesn’t? Brothers from Western Europe have gathered together.

" mutual economic cooperation " and " NATO " were established.

The two gangs began a 40-year confrontation.

On May 23, 1949, Stalin ordered people to block Berlin , and Germany was divided into two.

three months later.

On August 23, 1949, the Soviet Union's first atomic bomb exploded, breaking the United States' exclusive monopoly on nuclear weapons .

I think back then, the Soviet troops did not dare to set foot on the Japanese mainland because the United States had the atomic bomb , allowing the United States to achieve its independent occupation of Japan. Now that everyone has

, who is afraid of whom?

From this moment on, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union entered a stage of even parity in terms of armaments and weapons.

As the leader of the socialist camp , Stalin would never allow the Soviet Union to lose this competition, so the Soviet Union increased its efforts to continue to develop heavy industry.

With the rapid development of heavy industry, the shortcomings of the "Stalin model" have gradually emerged.

The Soviet Union’s agriculture and light industry lagged seriously behind.

Before World War II, the Soviet Union exploited farmers to death in order to industrialize the country. As a result, it ushered in the ravages of the Great Famine. Millions of people starved to death. The fields were wailing and withered bones were everywhere. It was too horrible to see.

After the end of World War II, the war destroyed fields and agricultural machinery, resulting in only 4,000 tons of grain output in 1946.

Famine reappears in rural areas.

Especially in Ukraine region, the great famine is coming again after 15 years.

About 5 million people starved to death in 1932, which can be called the most tragic incident in Ukrainian history .

The person who served as the First Secretary of Ukraine at this time was Khrushchev. He tried his best but failed to complete the food collection task assigned to him by the boss Stalin.

So Stalin dismissed Khrushchev from his post and scolded him: "What's the use of being a waste? If you can't collect food, just go back to the factory and work as a fitter. The Soviet Union's agriculture is the most advanced in the world. If it can't be collected, someone must be sabotaging it. Go check it out. "

History is repeating itself.

The second war for food began between the Soviet government and farmers.

Peasants who continued to resist were identified as "anti-Soviet elements" and suffered severe suppression.

Khrushchev, who was dismissed from his post, took the opportunity to report: "Boss, exile these disobedient peasants to no man's land and let them fend for themselves."

Stalin quickly approved the proposal and reinstated Khrushchev. position.

Khrushchev, who returned to Ukraine, came up with a method similar to the " Household Responsibility System " and implemented it in Ukraine. Needless to say, the effect of

is great.

Farmers' enthusiasm soared, and so did their grain production.

had such an outstanding performance that Khrushchev quickly became a popular figure around Stalin.

However, this practice ran counter to the Soviet collective farm system. Even though grain production soared, Stalin still stopped this practice.

Dalinzi explained what it means that the boss’s face is the most important thing.

In 1950, Stalin's health became worse and worse. high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other things that should have come but should not have come.

So he began to reduce government affairs, but he would still bring his four younger brothers Beria , Malenkov , Khrushchev, and Bulganin to have a party in his villa. Everyone drank all night long, and the air was filled with With laughter.

has been living like this for three years, and an era is over.

On the evening of February 28, 1953, Stalin and his four younger brothers started a new night of carnival in the villa as usual.

Stalin was in a high mood and could not see anything unusual. The reception did not end until four o'clock in the morning on March 1.

After everyone left, Stalin returned to the room to rest.

What everyone didn’t expect was that Comrade Iron and Steel never stood up again.

On the evening of March 5, 1953, Stalin - the son of a shoemaker, an expert in the purge movement, a loving father, a fan of military uniforms, the spokesperson of the Soviet Iron Fist, the old boy that Hitler hated most, and the originator of personality worship passed away.

What did Stalin leave to the Soviet people after his death?

After his death, he left behind a marshal's uniform that smelled of alcohol and smoke, three sets of clothes, a pair of boots, 900 rubles in his passbook, and a photo of him and Taizu Lie hanging on the wall of the living room.

After his death, he left behind the largest military and industrial power in Europe and the second largest in the world, as well as countless aircraft, cannons and hundreds of atomic bombs.

After his death, he left a death list of tens of millions of people. With these dead people, he allowed the Red Soviets to radiate over half of the earth.

After his death, he left behind the Soviet Empire spanning the Eurasian continent. The countries close to the Soviet Union were all Soviet younger brothers, the Baltic Sea was also in the Soviet Union's pocket.

After his death, he left no last words and no designated successor.

After his death, he left behind a "throne" with unlimited power and unlimited power.

After his death, the Soviet Union's socialist path headed toward totalitarianism.