July 1 is the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In order to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs Xiang Jingyu, the exhibition hall of Xiang Jingyu’s life in Guishan, Hanyang held an unveiling ceremony and was officially opened to the public.

inherits the red gene and continues the spirit of the times. July 1st is the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.. In order to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs Xiang Jingyu, the exhibition hall of Xiang Jingyu’s life in Guishan, Hanyang held an unveiling ceremony and was officially opened to the public.

html On July 1, the exhibition hall of the lives of martyrs Xiang Jingyu was officially opened to the public

Shi Liguo, deputy director of the Party History Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, Cao Chuanduo, second-level inspector of the Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, Xu Yuanming, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Veterans Affairs, Hanyang District Party Secretary Xu Li unveiled the exhibition hall.

Interior view of the exhibition hall

The exhibition hall of the life of Martyr Xiang Jingyu is located in the southwest corner of the first floor of the Three Kingdoms Panorama Museum on the east side of the Cemetery of Martyr Xiang Jingyu. It has a construction area of ​​about 220 square meters and consists of three parts: the front hall, the main hall and the office. Through display, scene restoration, modeling design, historical materials display, audio and video playback, etc., the short but glorious, steadfast and heroic life of martyr Xiang Jingyu was fully presented to the visiting public.

Exhibition hall interior

Xiang Jingyu is an outstanding early member of our party, a pioneer of the Chinese women's movement, and a model women leader. Comrade Mao Zedong once spoke highly of her revolutionary life. In 1928, 33-year-old Xiang Jingyu was brutally killed due to betrayal by a traitor and was buried near Biganting at the southwest foot of Guishan Mountain in Hanyang. In 2009, Xiang Jingyu was named "one of the 100 heroic model figures who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China." In May 1978, a cemetery was built to commemorate martyr Xiang Jingyu and the martyrs who died during the Chinese Agrarian Revolutionary War. Comrade Deng Xiaoping personally inscribed "Tomb of Martyr Xiang Jingyu". Since its completion, it has received tens of thousands of groups and tourists visiting the festival every year, and has become a well-known red education base in Wuhan.

The red scarf interpreters in Hanyang District have officially taken up their posts. Eight red scarf interpreters from Zhongjiacun Boarding School and West Street Primary School participated in the front-line interpretation tasks.

"At the end of 2020, the Central Ministry of Veterans Affairs gave Hanyang District a glorious political task - to build an exhibition hall to honor the lives of martyrs. It took one and a half years, and the exhibition hall was successfully completed." The relevant person in charge of Hanyang District said that they will do their best to do a good job All service work in the exhibition hall must manage and make good use of red resources to ensure that red cultural relics will last forever and shine with the glory of the times. We will guide citizens to remember the martyrs’ merits, promote red culture, appreciate the party’s kindness, listen to the party’s words, follow the party, and work hard. The Long March of the new era.

From now on

Jingyu Martyr’s Life Exhibition Hall is officially open to the public