As the "July 1st" Party's birthday is approaching, in order to encourage all judicial police to not forget their original aspirations and continue to move forward, the Hailin City People's Procuratorate Judicial Police Brigade came to the first party branch established in Mudanji

Pursuing the red memory

Inheriting the revolutionary spirit

Warmly celebrating the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Keeping the original intention and moving forward

As the birthday of the "July 1" Party is approaching, in order to encourage all judicial police to not forget the original intention and move forward , the Judicial Police Brigade of the Hailin Municipal People's Procuratorate came to the former site of the Qilidi Party Branch, the first party branch established in the Mudanjiang area, to carry out the "July 1" commemorative activities with the theme of "Pursuing Red Memory and Inheriting the Revolutionary Spirit".

The bailiffs carefully visited the former site of the Qilidi Party branch with reverence. The exhibition hall is divided into three exhibition areas. Through precious cultural relics, photos and written materials, it comprehensively and systematically displays the early party organizations, the period of the Anti-Japanese War, the War of Liberation, the period of socialist construction, and the people of Hailin since the reform and opening up. The unswerving, evocative revolutionary story and the glorious journey of jointly writing a new chapter of reform and development reproduce the turbulent years when the revolutionary martyrs walked through the forest and across the snowy field.

Under the statue of the revolutionary martyrs and in front of the huge party flag, the bailiffs held a solemn oath ceremony and reviewed the oath of joining the Party.. The court's judicial police said that in future work, they must keep in mind their original intention of joining the party, never forget their mission as police officers, follow the example of revolutionary martyrs, have the courage to take on responsibilities, work hard, focus on "real work", and use their skills in " "Do more", set the goal on "getting things done", inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition, and work tirelessly for the procuratorial cause.

Source: Hailin Procuratorate