The sun shines on the Shangrao Concentration Camp Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Leigong Mountain in Maojialing, passing through the pines and cypresses, casting mottled light and shadow. A breeze blew by, and the leaves rustled, as if the revolutionary martyrs were whispering

The party flag is uniquely red

Song Haifeng

The sun shines on the Shangrao Concentration Camp Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Leigong Mountain in Maojialing, passing through the pines and cypresses, casting mottled light and shadow. A breeze blew by, and the leaves rustled, as if the revolutionary martyrs were whispering.

"There is no need to be afraid of physical torture. After several days of recovery and struggle";

"The heroic spirit will last forever, and the loyalty will last forever. Whatever was left unfinished during one's lifetime will be left to be made up for by future generations."


The original intention will remain forever. between heaven and earth. The bloody oaths made by the revolutionary martyrs, every sentence of which is extremely important and every word of which is boiling, reflects the spiritual soul and soul code of the Chinese Communists. They are devotees of communism and pursuers of light. They have used their lives and blood to forge monuments of their ideals and beliefs, paving the way for the Chinese nation to continuously climb upward.

History will never forget that in January 1941, the Kuomintang reactionaries ignored the national interests and used heavy troops to attack the New Fourth Army on its way north to resist Japan, creating the "Southern Anhui Incident" that shocked both China and the world.

History will never forget that after the "Southern Anhui Incident", the Kuomintang authorities established a large-scale fascist-style hell in Zhoutian, Maojialing, Licun, Qifengyan and other places in Shangrao, Jiangxi. Ye Ting, commander of the New Fourth Army, and more than 900 captured New Fourth Army cadres above the platoon, as well as some Communist Party members and anti-Japanese patriotic progressives rounded up from the southeastern provinces, were secretly imprisoned here, and they were brutally tortured both physically and mentally in an attempt to change them into a nation. The lofty ideals and beliefs of the struggle for liberation and people's democracy.

Faith is tempered in struggle. Under the secret leadership of the Party, the officers and soldiers of our New Fourth Army and revolutionary patriots, unswervingly determined to sacrifice their lives for righteousness, fought an unyielding struggle against them, composed a song of righteousness for the Chinese proletarian class, and wrote a magnificent heroic epic with their blood and lives. .

Directly in front of the prologue hall of the Shangrao Concentration Camp Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall, a sculpture of a group of revolutionary martyrs titled "Monument" stands out. This "monument" is dyed with the blood of the revolutionary martyrs of the Shangrao Concentration Camp. The unyielding struggle of heroes in desperate situations has supported the suffering and glory of a nation.

Fire-tempered gold. Ye Ting, Li Zifang, Lin Zhifu , Zhang Zhengkun , Feng Dafei, Huang Cheng... The string of names that will never fade, brighten the starry sky of history and calibrate the coordinates of the spirit.

"If the Iron Army soldiers don't bend down, how can they be afraid of dying and begging for mercy? In one hundred years of life, one will die, leaving behind the clouds on the green mountains. If the Iron Army soldiers don't worry, there is no need to fear beheading in the revolution. Zixu's pride will be left alive, and he will return to avenge the King of Chu in three years. ".

Standing solemnly while passing the "Zifang Pavilion", silently reciting this poem written by martyr Li Zifang, the organizational director of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army in prison, I seemed to hear Li Zifang educating the prisoners on revolutionary integrity after being imprisoned. The clank words: "We are about to start another kind of battle. We will never give in. Either we will persist until victory, or we will fight until we die."

will stick to its original aspiration with clank and iron bones. After unfortunately falling into the hands of the enemy, Li Zifang served as secretary of the secret branch of the Communist Party of China in Shidi Prison, leading the arduous prison struggle and constantly thwarting the enemy's plots. In November 1941, under the leadership of Li Zifang, Shidi Prison organized an escape struggle. Although they failed, the revolutionary spirit of their heroic struggle was like a spring thunder exploding in Shangrao concentration camp, starting the Maojialing riots, Chishi The beginning of the riot. In April 1942, the Kuomintang die-hards, the Communist Party of China, extended a bloody black hand, and Li Zifang died heroically for the revolution. She was only 32 years old.

The people's heroes used their own blood and lives to sing a revolutionary "righteousness song" and wrote a glorious revolutionary epic.

Marx pointed out: "If the struggle is carried out only when there is an extremely smooth chance of success, then it will be too easy to create world history." The struggle of the New Fourth Army officers, Communists, and patriots captured in the Shangrao concentration camp proved that With this philosophical conclusion.

walked into the confinement room, interrogation room, torture room of this "black hell". Under the dim lights, various torture instruments were displayed, such as tiger benches, soldering irons, large iron pots for boiling chili pepper water and other torture instruments... ··The eerie atmosphere seems to be telling the darkness before dawn.

restores the "hell on earth" of that year. On the one hand, the Kuomintang authorities implemented a "soft" policy, and under the guise of so-called "education" and "training", they tried to shake and destroy the tenacious will of the captured New Fourth Army officers and soldiers, Communist Party members, and patriots. On the other hand, they used 10 regular punishments of "metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, standing, swallowing, strangulation, and poison", plus 3 special punishments and a special exercise to brutally torture them.

The moment the revolutionaries joined the revolutionary ranks, they gave their lives to the party and the cause of the people, regardless of life and death. In prison, freedom is lost and the hope of life is very slim. However, none of these can make revolutionaries surrender. "For the sake of sacrifice and ambition, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky." The lives of revolutionaries must be sublimated in the struggle against the reactionaries.

"The revolution is so difficult, but the party flag is so red." In the dark night, the bright red party flag became the backbone of the captured New Fourth Army soldiers and Communist Party members. People raised their fists and hit the sky: "Unyielding until death, not afraid of execution, win glory for the revolution, and strive for history!", full of contentment! What lies between heaven and earth is the awe-inspiring righteousness of a group of Communists made of "special materials" who "exchange their youth for a strong country, and dye the heaven and earth red with blue blood."

It is this flag that calls on more Communists to add their own significant brushstrokes to the history of the Chinese revolution. After Shi Qi, a confidential scientific translator of the New Fourth Army's headquarters, was unfortunately captured, the vicious enemies tortured her in every possible way. Facing the power, Shi Qi was unyielding and sternly denounced the enemies: "You beasts can't shake my steel. "The will of a communist cannot stain the heart of a Communist." In May 1942, Shi Qi, who was only 20 years old, was buried alive by the enemy in Maojialing.

The "red hearts" are the innocent hearts of revolutionaries and their loyalty to the party.

On June 20, 1942, during the Chishi Massacre, facing the enemy’s guns, Yang Ruinian, a member of the “Girls Team” of the Shangrao Concentration Camp, shouted “Down with the Kuomintang reactionaries who compromised and surrendered!” “Long live the victory of the Anti-Japanese War!” “Long live the Chinese Communist Party” !" and fell into a pool of blood. According to a Kuomintang military policeman who executed the shooting at the time, he later said: "Yang Ruinian was shot three times and still shouted slogans. He was shot seven times before he died. His head was shattered..." In this "hell on earth", More than 200 New Fourth Army officers and soldiers have been laid to rest on this red land. They defended the communists’ firm beliefs with their lives.

Build a rock-solid belief in the Party and love the Party, and achieve the goal of being "as stable as a mountain, unshakable despite rain or shine." Absolute loyalty to the Party is the core and soul of the Party spirit, and it is also an oath that needs to be abided by throughout life.

shows the red flag like a picture. The arrested officers and soldiers of the New Fourth Army risked their lives and established seven secret party branches in prison to continue their heroic struggle against the enemy. A party branch is like a red flag planted in a black prison, leading revolutionaries to fight tenaciously and unyieldingly against the enemy.

In the Shangrao concentration camp, the secret party branch was like a red thread, uniting the inmates scattered in various cells and becoming a strong fortress for the imprisoned revolutionaries to carry out in-prison struggles. Huang Gangpei, a 14-year-old soldier from the New Fourth Army Training Corps , after hearing and witnessing the struggles of Communists in prison who were not afraid of rape and actively resisted, he applied to the secret party branch several times, requesting to join the party organization and sacrifice his life for national liberation. Hot blooded.

This flag became the belief and vision of the imprisoned revolutionaries. There is white terror everywhere in the iron prison. How to carry out a struggle in this small space? In the concentration camp, they had to gather for roll call and sing in the morning and evening. This allowed Zhong Yuanping, a Communist Party member and former propaganda captain of the Wannan Political Work Team before his arrest, to see an opportunity. He collaborated with fellow imprisoned woodcarver and poet Lai Shaoqi to write the song "Dawn" to use music to fight against brutal oppression.

"Iron hoofs cannot crush the heart of hatred! The sea water cannot wash away the grief and indignation of the motherland. Holding down the wounds all over our bodies, and holding up our iron chests, we walk towards the dawn of the earth..." "Dawn" almost became a concentration camp in Shangrao The theme song of struggle is sung by everyone during normal gatherings, when the spies brutally whip the soldiers, and when they go on hunger strikes in prison...

Revolutionary soldiers are in jail, but they still remain optimistic. They use singing to inspire fighting spirit; they face the butcher's knife with firm faith, and use singing to gather strength under coercion and inducement... In the dark prison life, singing not only becomes a spiritual elixir for revolutionaries to soothe their pain, but also provides a spiritual medicine for revolutionaries. They persisted in carrying out revolutionary struggles and gathered the power of faith.

gently pushed open Licun Prison. Wooden doors, a piece of dusty history slowly unfolds. In the "Southern Anhui Incident" that shocked China and the world, Ye Ting, commander of the New Fourth Army, was unreasonably detained while negotiating with the Kuomintang. He was imprisoned in the Licun Prison, which was converted from a private house.

The room where Ye Ting was detained was dimly lit. There was a bed and a set of tables and chairs. On the table were paper, pens and an inkstone. On this wooden table, Ye Ting wrote " Prisoner's Language " of more than 4,000 words, expressing his unrealized ambitions and longing for freedom in his writing.

"If you don't shun hardship, why die? Life and death are just a game. If you have a clear conscience, you will die naked. From the opening chapter of "Prisoner's Language" where Ye Ting parodied four lines of discordant poetry, we can read Ye Ting's loyalty to the revolution. Unswerving faith. Faced with the coercion and inducement of the Kuomintang, Ye Ting said generously: "Ye Ting's head can be cut off, his blood can be shed, and his ambition can be unyielding! "Expressed his indestructible revolutionary will.

The bright red flag made a hunting sound in the night wind. No, this is not the sound of the flag. This is the oath of the captured New Fourth Army officers and soldiers, which is to break out of the cage with blood and life and fight for A fighting slogan about sacrificing one's life for national independence and people's liberation. In the summer of 1942, on the eve of and during the relocation of the Shangrao concentration camp to Fujian, the secret party organization in the prison successfully organized the Maojialing and Chishi riots, demonstrating noble revolutionary integrity and fearless spirit. With heroic spirit, the comrades who escaped from prison returned to the revolutionary ranks and continued to fight against the Japanese invaders with the help of local party organizations and the people.

The party flag is strength. The heroic deeds of the revolutionaries in Shangrao Concentration Camp, the glorious faith and the epic of tenacious struggle, reflect history and shock people's hearts.

( The author is a senior reporter of "Jiangxi Daily" )
