#Hong KongPoliceNever Say "Yes Sir" Again##Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland#Text/Junjian On July 1, the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the development of the Hong Kong Police Force also ushered in a new era. Audienc

("Yes, Sir" scenes often appear in Hong Kong film and television works)

However, with the advent of the new era, "Yes, Sir" has been replaced by a new Chinese password.

According to Global Network , On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, starting from July 1, the Hong Kong police will no longer say "Yes, Sir", but will say "Yes, sir" sonorously and forcefully. .

At the same time, the Hong Kong police force also began to adopt Chinese-style foot drills, use new uniforms, and equip domestically produced "Saber-Tooth Tiger" armored vehicles.

(Members of the Hong Kong Police Force using Chinese-style foot drills)

(The Hong Kong Police Force is equipped with domestically produced "Sabertooth Tiger" armored vehicles)

Regarding related adjustments, Lam Chi-wai, chairman of the Hong Kong Police Junior Officers Association, said that Hong Kong is an integral part of China, Hong Kong Discipline Force to make adjustments, the "colonial color" will be removed.

Looking back at the past, Hong Kong has experienced a hundred years of colonial history. The current Hong Kong Police Force was established in 1844. In fact, it was shortly after the Opium War in 1840. At that time, the Qing government was defeated and had to sign the "Abolition of Power and Humiliation to the Country" Treaty of Nanjing", and ceded Hong Kong Island to Britain.

(Scene of the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing)

After that, Britain occupied Hong Kong Island and established the Hong Kong Police Force. At that time, the Hong Kong police force existed in a semi-military manner, including British, Indian, Chinese and other different groups.

When the British colonized Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Police Force's footwork and passwords were formulated in accordance with British standards. One detail here is that in order to facilitate management, the British decided to recruit a large number of Hong Kong locals as police officers, but the training methods were all British-style. The United Kingdom has compiled a complete set of drill training content. Selected personnel who become Hong Kong police must receive this British drill training.

(information screen)

Moreover, British-style gymnastics training also combines foot drills with passwords. Only by using British passwords can the foot drills be performed normally, otherwise it will look very strange.

Therefore, in order to achieve colonial purposes, the British obviously made great efforts to instill British passwords into the brains of the Hong Kong police and make the Hong Kong police habitually think that they are "loyal to the Queen."

Because this situation is deeply rooted, the Hong Kong police force has been "loyal to the Queen" for a long time.

But Hong Kong officially returned to China on July 1, 1997. Now that it has been the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return, everything should change. Hong Kong belongs to China, so the Hong Kong Police Force naturally conducts training according to Chinese foot drills and uses Chinese passwords.

(The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong held a flag-raising ceremony)

Therefore, a "fine-tuning" actually reflects the key significance. In the past, Hong Kong police said "Yes, Sir", but now they cheer up and say "Yes, sir"; in the past, Hong Kong police trained British foot drills, but now Hong Kong police train Chinese foot drills with more confidence.

(To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the return of the motherland, Hong Kong held a flag-raising ceremony, and the flag guard team entered the field with Chinese foot drills)

When talking about the training of Chinese foot drills, a flag guard trainee surnamed Chen said excitedly that this reflects the importance of Everyone feels glorious and proud of their sense of belonging to the motherland and their feelings for the nation.

From now on we will never say "Yes, Sir" again, because we are all Chinese.