Our party is 101 years old. It has gone through a hundred years of ups and downs, from the time when Chen and Li from the south met to found the party, to the completion of the "party's first meeting" on a cruise ship in Nanhu, Jiaxing, Zhejiang.

text | Lu Qi Studio Sun Yuliang

Today is July 1, 2022, the birthday of the party.

Our party is 101 years old. It has gone through a hundred years of ups and downs, from the time when Chen and Li met in the south, to the day when the party was founded, to the completion of the "party's first meeting" on a cruise ship in Nanhu, Jiaxing, Zhejiang. As of the end of 2021, the number of members of the Communist Party of China reached 96.712 million, making it the largest party in the world. Moreover, there is a steady stream of people requesting to join the party. By the end of 2021, the number of party applicants nationwide reached 20.625 million, and the number of party activists reached 10.091 million. Comprehensive data shows that the number of Chinese who have joined the Party or want to join the Party has reached nearly 130 million. Big data fully shows that this century-old party has not aged, and still has strong vitality, attracting people to join and devote themselves to its lofty beliefs.

Why does the Chinese Communist Party have such strong vitality? There is no other reason to explain it. There is only one reason, the charm of faith. As we all know, the Communist Party of China believes in communism, and all party members are willing to sacrifice themselves for the realization of communism. The communist belief is in line with the "Great Harmony Society" in the mind of ancient Chinese Confucian . What is the "Great Harmony Society"? " Book of Rites·Liyun" Datong chapter says: "In the course of the great road, the world is for the common good, selecting the worthy and capable, trusting and cultivating harmony, old friends do not only kiss their relatives, do not only have their own children, so that the old will have a happy life." , the strong will be useful, the young will be prosperous, the widowed, widowed, lonely and disabled will all be supported; men will have a share, women will have a home, there is no need to hide goods if they are abandoned on the ground, and there is no need to hide them for oneself if the strength does not come from the body. "It is because people seek to be closed but not prosper, because they steal and rebel but not commit crimes, because they are outside the house but not closed, this is called Great Harmony." Although China had such a beautiful idea in distant ancient times, it has experienced thousands of years of social turmoil and has not No emperor could implement this dream personally. Sun Yat-sen proposed that "the world is one common people", which was only a flash in the pan. The wisdom and greatness of the Communist Party of China is that it combines the Marxist theory of communism with the ancient Chinese ideal of "Great Harmony" and has embarked on a socialist road with Chinese characteristics , which has both laid a solid foundation for the country and stabilized the country. , there is only one secret: serve the people.

Why the older generation of revolutionaries gave up their superior living conditions and continued to carry out revolution one after another, if it is not explained by "lofty faith", there is really no suitable reason. To give a few examples, Chairman Mao once served as the acting propaganda minister of the National Government . According to today's terms, he was a full-fledged ministerial-level cadre. At that time, he was still very young. If he took an "official career" in the National Government, his future would be bright. There is no limit to it; Premier Zhou was once the director of the political department of Huang Bo Military Academy, and his family is not short of money. With his ability, he can be a deputy national leader in the National Government without any problems; Commander-in-Chief Zhu was in when he was young As a major general and brigade commander in the Yunnan Army, he can earn 2,000 oceans a month, which is several times higher than Cai Yuanpei's salary of 600 oceans as the president of Peking University... But they all resolutely gave up the so-called glory and wealth and went to Jinggangshan to fight guerrillas. , there are bullets and bullets every day, risking your life, why is this? There can only be one reason to explain it, in order to establish a " new China " in their minds. This new China is a beautiful country, and the future will be a communist society similar to the "Great Harmony Society".

For this lofty belief, countless revolutionary martyrs shed their lives and blood. They do not have a high degree of Marxist theoretical literacy, but they have a simple pursuit of communism or a "great harmonious society." This lofty pursuit goal was recognized by the masses, so it was invincible, drove away Japanese imperialism, and drove away the Kuomintang reactionaries. In just 28 years, China achieved Nirvana and was reborn from the ashes. The biggest difference between New China and Old China is that the Communist Party of China takes "serving the people" as its purpose, and all government agencies have the word "people" in front of them. Because the party deeply understands that as long as it grasps the foundation of "serving the people" and practices it, the Communist Party of China will become an immortal " evergreen tree ".

Today is the 101st birthday of the party. As an ordinary party member, I want to light 101 candles for the party and silently make three wishes:

First, I hope that our party will never forget its original intention and keep its mission in mind. The Communist Party of China We should always strive to achieve a communist society as the goal. This general direction cannot be changed, otherwise the blood of the martyrs will be shed in vain and the people will not agree;

Second, I hope that our party will always keep in mind the purpose of "serving the people". The general direction cannot be changed. If it violates this purpose, the party will change its color and the people will not agree;

Third, we hope that our party will always remain clean and pure. Our party is in danger, and the danger comes from within. Some people have impure thoughts and sneak into the Party, and some people have wavered thoughts and rebelled against the Party. This is like having thrombus in the blood. If the circulation is not smooth, "cerebral infarction" will occur. Therefore, "clearing out the dirt" within the party will become a long-term and arduous task. Fighting corruption requires the courage to "scratches the bones and cure the poison". If not, the healthy growth of the party will be in danger.

Every Communist Party member is a cell in the large collective of the Communist Party of China. Only when every cell is healthy can the Communist Party of China as a whole be healthy, and the Communist Party of China will be "long live". Every true Communist Party member hopes that the Communist Party of China will live long. But "Long Live" is not something that is shouted, but is achieved by every Communist Party member in a down-to-earth manner. Which party in the world takes "serving the people" as its purpose and aims to realize a communist society? Only the Communist Party. This is a party that represents the bright progress of mankind. As long as it remains clean and uncontaminated, China, under the leadership of the party, will surely move toward a bright future and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Bless you, Communist Party of China!

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