Li Faxing, born in 1928, joined the People's Liberation Army in July 1948. On October 15, 1948, during the Liaoshen Campaign, he joined the Northeast People's Liberation Army and was incorporated into the third column, the 1st Platoon and the 9th Platoon of the 119th Division Mou

On the occasion of the July 1st Party Founding Day, the Party Organization of Lufeng Municipal Public Security Bureau received the party dues paid by 94-year-old Comrade Li Faxing to the party organization, hoping to express his deep affection for the party and celebrate the 101st anniversary of the party. Offering.

Li Faxing, born in 1928, joined the People's Liberation Army in July 1948. On October 15, 1948, during the Liaoshen Campaign, he joined the Northeast People's Liberation Army and was incorporated into the third column, (40th Army). The nine divisions and three platoons of the Ninth Division Mountain Artillery Battalion served as drivers. In December 1948, he participated in the Battle of Pingjin. On March 5, 1950, he participated in the liberation of Hainan Island. The war ended on May 1. On October 19, 1950, he participated in the volunteer army and went to the Korean front. On July 29, 1953, he The Chinese People's Volunteer Army returned home triumphantly. He was demobilized in 1956 and participated in public security work for more than 30 years. He went through the retirement procedures on June 10, 1986 and enjoyed deputy director level treatment.

Since joining the party organization, Comrade Li Faxing has never forgotten his original intention of joining the party and followed the party with firm ideals and beliefs. While doing his job well, he always adheres to theoretical study, constantly improves his political literacy, and always pays attention to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Even after retiring, he still requires himself to stay true to the Party and his heart to the Party. He maintains a very high level of ideological consciousness and always strictly demands himself as a Communist Party member, caring about the development of the Party and the country.

A party fee repays the party’s kindness, and a sincerity expresses the original intention. In the form of paying special party dues, Comrade Li Faxing surrendered his sincerity without regrets, his lofty beliefs, and his sincere love for the party to the party, which also explained the original intention of a 94-year-old Communist. and faith, demonstrating a firm belief in following the Party throughout his life.

Pictures/text: Political Work Supervision Office

★ Review: Li Zongwei

★ Editor: Yang Juan

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