But did you know that the following things were also invented here? Toilet paper. In 1857, Joseph Gageti and his wonderful invention - toilet paper for flush toilets, made the world a better place.

New York City is often hailed as the greatest city and the most prosperous financial center in the world. But did you know that the following things were also invented on this land?

Toilet paper, in 1857, Joseph Gageti and his wonderful invention - toilet paper for flush toilets, made the world a better place. The medicinal paper was rolled out of hemp paper and softened with aloe . This was the first time toilet paper was sold or packaged commercially. Before then, people often made do with whatever paper products they had lying around, such as old newspapers or magazines. In earlier times, they had made do with corncobs , rags, leaves, or sponges on sticks, but Gayetti's invention was a wonder.

Credit Cards, While the concept of credit cards is hundreds of years old, dating back to ancient Mesopotamia , the first credit card was actually the Biggins Bank in 1946 by its owner, John Biggins. The credit card was introduced as a convenience to customers. Only two blocks of businesses in New York City accepted the credit card, but over the following decades the concept grew in popularity, and by 1958, American Express debuted its own plastic version of the credit card, and credit cards began to grow in popularity around the world.

Cell phone technology has been developing since the 1940s, when Motorola engineer Martin Cooper launched it in New York City on April 3, 1973. The first official cell phone call was made. He stood at a Sixth Avenue pay phone and called Bell Labs in New Jersey from a bulky 2.5-pound cell phone. The first conversation was not recorded. The main problem was: " can you hear me? ”, just as countless mobile phone users have done for decades.

The tuxedo, a dress once a fashion staple of black tie, made its debut in a local park in 1865, The Prince of Wales There Edward VII decided to wear black to evening dress instead of the traditional tuxedo. This modern approach took New York City by storm, and eventually the rest of the world, and soon the black evening gown replaced the tailcoat, and the name "tuxedo" stuck. .

The air conditioner, the world's first operational air conditioner, was built in 1902 for the scorching heat of a New York summer, cobbled together by Willis Haviland Culley a few years later. It was in 1906 that Carrier patented the "Air Treatment Device" and went on to build the world's first independent air humidifier. He founded the Aircraft Carrier Engineering Company and became a very wealthy man.