The Communist Party of China was first established with just over 50 party members. It took the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its original mission. After a hundred years of vicissitudes, it has resolutely defended national independence, resolutely

1. The mainstay is a metaphor for a strong person or group that can act as a pillar. When the Communist Party of China was first established, it only had more than 50 party members. It took realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its original mission. After a hundred years of vicissitudes, it resolutely defended national independence, resolutely safeguarded the interests of the people, and firmly opposed foreign aggression; it has overcome thousands of difficulties. Risk was born in darkness, grew up in suffering, stood up bravely in setbacks, grew stronger in struggle, and gradually developed into the largest ruling party in the world with 96.712 million party members (as of the end of 2021). Chinese Communists have always stood together with the Chinese people, sharing the same hatred of the enemy and fighting against the national calamity. They have built the Great Steel Wall with their own flesh and blood to save the nation from danger and defend its dignity. They have supported the majestic force of the Chinese nation's salvation and survival, and ultimately become the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The "mainstay" in the magnificent history! ! 2. " Build the party for the public , govern for the people " This is the governing philosophy of the Communist Party of China. The "Party Constitution of China" clearly states: The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, and at the same time the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. It is the core leadership of the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and represents the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces. , represents the direction of China's advanced culture and represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The starting point of the founding of the Communist Party of China: everything starts from the interests of the people, and the interests of the people are above all else. We Communists should always remember: Found the party for the public good, govern for the people, and strive to serve the people wholeheartedly! Qu A Ren: A Lin Congratulations to the party on its 101st birthday❗2022.07.01