Dear netizens, it is now 22:00 on June 30, which will soon be the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. This group of Anglo-Saxons is just a group of pirates. There is no civilization at all. But it was this group of pirates who obediently returned Hong Kong t

Dear netizens, it is now 22:00 on June 30, which is the 225th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. I think back then, how many families watched this great and proud moment in front of the black and white TV.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland fought against Argentina over a Falklands with only a few thousand people. A war that lasted for more than 70 days left Argentina bruised and bruised, and the United Kingdom also paid a price of 1.7 billion US dollars. This group of Anglo-Saxons are just a group of pirates. There is no civilization at all. However, it was this group of pirates who obediently returned Hong Kong to us in the end. It really makes people sigh at the power of the motherland.

Now on the Internet, there are two main reasons why Britain obediently returned Hong Kong.

Reason 1: In 1842, the corrupt and incompetent Qing government signed the unequal "Treaty of Nanjing" with Britain in 1842, which stipulated in black and white when the lease of Hong Kong expired. Write it clearly and it will be returned to us when it is due.

The Nanjing Treaty draft comes from the Internet

Reason two: Diplomacy between countries relies on hard power. To sum up with a sentence from Ai Yuejin teacher: Dignity is only at the edge of the sword, and truth is only at the range of the cannon. within.

I personally strongly agree with the second reason. From starting from scratch to becoming stronger now, our face is earned bit by bit by ourselves. The first reason may be summed up by the British themselves, to find a high-sounding reason for Britain to escape in despair, because we have made our position clear as soon as New China was founded, and we do not recognize any unequal treaties. And don’t forget that they are Anglo-Saxons, a group of people who live by robbing homes and houses. They still occupy many territories overseas. They don't have any civilization. Go to the museum and see that many of them were stolen from other countries, and they never feel ashamed because of these. They even feel that they are superior to others. They use a movie line to summarize their behavior: "My rules are the rules." If you don't obey, I will deal with you.

The picture shows the battle flag of Shangganling in the memorial hall

The reason why they can return Hong Kong to us obediently is based on the gap in strength between the two sides. They are domineering but they are not stupid at all. They must face up to their status. What they are facing is a booming country. The Eastern Dragon. Moreover, our record since the founding of New China is enough to deter all opponents of Bluestar.

In the 1950s, the Korean War broke out. We beat the United States and its little brother to a pulp. We fought hard for three years to bring these arrogant enemies to the negotiating table. And at this time, we still have the strength to beat that guy who loves to surrender over there, and help the Vietnamese people gain independence.

In the 1960s, our neighbor to the south liked to dance and be funny. The third brother single-handedly supported countless Internet bloggers. He thought he was successful. In fact, we went all the way to their capital. If the Feng Shui in that place hadn't been bad, We don’t use chopsticks to eat, maybe we have freed them easily.

Indian military parade performance

In fact, there was another very important thing in the 1960s. The neighbors in the north felt that they were the big brother, and they had a bit of an accent when talking and doing things. We were not afraid of him, we just followed him and drove them away. .

Looking at the above achievements, who in the entire Blue Star wouldn’t feel weak? Anyone who wants to fight with us must consider what he has in his pocket. Therefore, the British know very well that they are already in the sunset. If they do not understand the current affairs, they will get a beating. Instead of getting a beating and leaving in disgrace, it is better to leave on their own.

finally quoted a very famous saying, a country is its roots, and only when its roots are deep can its leaves flourish; a country is its foundation, and only when its roots are strong can its branches flourish. We will not give in to the integrity of our territory. This is our principle. We hope that those young people will give up their illusions. We also hope that Aunt Cai will see the situation clearly and try to let you leave with dignity. The great cause of the reunification of the motherland will definitely be realized in front of our generation.