Su Qin wrote to King Qin Hui ten times, but in the end his ideas were not adopted. At this time, his sable robe was worn out, his gold was used up, and he was short of money, so he had to leave Qin and go home. He was wearing leggings and straw sandals, carrying books and carryin

Su Qin wrote to King Qin Hui ten times, but in the end his proposition was not adopted.

At this time, his sable robe was worn out, his gold was used up, and he was short of money, so he had no choice but to leave Qin State and go home. He was wearing leggings and straw sandals, carrying books and carrying luggage. He looked haggard, his face was black and yellow, and he was ashamed.

just returned home after a long and bumpy road. The wife was weaving, and when she saw the state in which he came back, the loom was not running yet ( the wife does not leave her job ), and her sister-in-law did not cook for her ( the wife does not cook for the parents ). His parents didn't talk to him either. Su Qin talked for a long time and said: "My wife doesn't treat me as her husband, my sister-in-law doesn't treat me as my brother-in-law, and my parents don't treat me as their son. It's all my own fault!"

So he rummaged through the cabinets all night to find books and put them away. After more than a dozen boxes, I found the "Yin Fu Jing " written by Jiang Taigong . I climbed on the table and read it, choosing the key points and pondering over and over again to understand it. When he read and felt sleepy, he stabbed himself in the thigh with an iron awl, causing blood to flow to his feet.

Su Qin stabbed

A year later, he finally succeeded in his research. He said: "This time I can really lobby the current monarch." Later, he became the only person in history who had the seal of the Six Kingdoms on his waist, which is truly an unprecedented person.

When he became prosperous and lobbied the King of Chu, he passed by Luoyang . When his parents heard the news, they hurriedly cleaned his residence, cleaned the roads, arranged a band and banquets, and went to the countryside thirty miles to welcome him. His wife did not dare to look at him, but secretly observed his words and listened respectfully to what he said. His sister-in-law fell to the ground, crawling like a snake, and knelt down four times to apologize.

Sister-in-law kneeling down and worshiping picture

Su Qin said: "Why is my sister-in-law so arrogant before and so humble now?"

Sister-in-law replied: "Because my brother is now in a prominent position and has a lot of money!"

Su Qin sighed: "Hey! If you are poor, your wife will not make mistakes. , the sister-in-law does not make a living, and the parents do not talk to each other. Wealth and wealth make relatives afraid. How dare you ignore status and wealth in life? "

Editor's comment: The contrast between Yan and Liang is clear at a glance.

Infringement Statement: The pictures come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it!