The ministers also said: "There are two kinds of people living in Mobei, one is the people in the yurt, and the other is the people in the trees. If you want Mobei to become a pure world, you must conquer the people in the trees." It’s the Yi Lati Department.”


Huoerchi was granted the title of Ten Thousand Households by Genghis Khan, he went to his fiefdom - the forest area between the Ob River and the Yenisei River . Although it was easier for him to get a household of ten thousand, it was not easy to manage the fiefdom well. Because the living environment and conditions of the forest people are different from those of the herdsmen, their lifestyles are also completely different from those of the herdsmen. Forest people are not weak and obedient people. They often look for opportunities and carry out various forms of resistance. Another part of the forest people, the Wursi-Merqid people, also rebelled and left, setting up a stronghold at the Huluhebuchaer Pass.

Stills of Huoerchi (middle)

One day when was discussing , Huoerchi advised Genghis Khan: "Now the grasslands are stable, but the people living in the forests in the north really make us worried." The ministers also They all said: "There are two kinds of people living in Mobei, one is the people in the yurt, and the other is the people in the trees. If you want Mobei to become a pure world, you must conquer the people in the treesor "We can't forget our own safety because of our achievements. The tribes in the forest once shot us fiercely. Now we must deal with the relationship between them and the people in the yurt." Genghis Khan. With a stern look on his face, he said solemnly: "Is it the Ayilati tribe who fought with Jamuka, Wang Han and Taiyang Khan? I think our army and horses have rested long enough. If we don't go out for a walk, I'm afraid I will be too fat to walk." Genghis Khan ordered Jochi to be the main general and Boltu the consort to march into the forest.

The next morning, the two generals said goodbye to everyone and led the army towards the Black Forest. When Jochi's army was standing on the bank of the Dregel River, the leader of the Oyilati tribe, Kuduhebeqi, had already led his tribe to wait at the mountain pass. Mu Chi stepped forward and asked: "Do you, the Oyilati tribe, really want to fight with us?" Suddenly Duhebieqi stepped forward to pay homage and said, "We, the Oyilati tribe, have done ridiculous things before, but now we know Wrong, we are here to pay allegiance to the powerful Genghis Khan. I hope Genghis Khan can accept the same sincerity as our slaves." After being introduced by Kuduhebeqi, Jochi inspected their tribe and said happily: "Since you are planning to do so. Go to Mongolia , and you will have to obey my orders from now on. Tomorrow I will go to the mountains and forests to conquer the surnames. Can you be my guide?" Huduhebei thanked him and said, "The people of Oyilati are willing to serve as generals. Lao.

That night, Kuduhebeqi made another plan for Jochi and said: "Tomorrow I can lead the Mongolian army to the Lost Sishi River, Bahe area and Lake Baikal area to surrender our compatriots and neighbors. Then the army will It takes no effort to defeat them all. When Jochi heard this, he was very happy and said: "If this can be done, we will definitely remember your great achievements when we return to the army." "Subsequently, Kuduhebeqi explained the walking path in detail and asked the soldiers to prepare for climbing the mountain.

After several days of long journey, Kuduhebeqi led the Mongolian army to surrender Wanyila and Buri successively. Yati, Balhuti, Tumati and other tribes, Shuchi said excitedly to Huduhebeqi: "You are indeed a man of trust and can take on big things. In the future, the Great Khan will definitely let you see us Mongolians. How he treats his friends well. "Kuduhebiqi said: "As long as the Great Khan can not blame us for our past mistakes, we will be very grateful. "Juchi stretched out his hands, patted him gently on the shoulder, and said: "You have done a lot of credit. My father Khan is very merciful to others. "Kudouhebeiqi hurriedly knelt down and thanked him: "This is such an honor for us in the Onyici Department. I hope that the Immortal Heaven can bless us and the light of Genghis Khan can always shine in our grasslands and black forests. Jochi laughed loudly and said: "We will be friends forever, and you will be the leader of the black forest from now on." After our triumphant return, Father Khan will definitely reward you well. "At this time, a sentry came to report: "The Great Khan heard that General Jochi has pacified the people in the forest. Please immediately raise your troops and return to the base camp, and bring the new leader with you to the court."

1 In the summer of 207, Shuchi led all the leaders to kowtow under Genghis Khan's tent. Genghis Khan said very excitedly: "My son Shuchi can lead so many people to come here today to ask for credit. I will give you a heavy reward." "Genghis Khan immediately rewarded a large number of people to Jochi. Jochi said loudly: "My son, I can quell the people in the forest without spending a single soldier, all because of the help of the leader of the Oyilati tribe. I beg my father to give me a good reward. he. ''So Genghis Khan made Huduhebieqi the leader of the people in the forest, and officially announced that he would marry his second daughter, Tua Yijian, to Tuoyoulechi, the eldest son of Huduhebieqi, and marry Shuchi's daughter, Huoleihan. Huduhe begged for another son, Yinalechihada.

Genghis Khan also announced that he would marry the princess Alahaibeji to the leader of the Wanggu tribe. After the celebration, Genghis Khan said to Huo'erchi: "My loyal minister Huo'erchi listens to the order. Get ready to leave as soon as possible and lead the people in your forest." Huo'erchi immediately bowed his head in thanks and said: Great Khan, Holy Ming, I will set off tomorrow. I am grateful to the Great Khan for being so kind to me. I will never let down the Great Khan's high expectations. "After that, Huoerchi packed up and rushed to the black forest.

1 In 209, Genghis Khan gathered most of his troops to march south to the Kingdom of Jin , leaving only two thousand troops and horses to guard the grassland. The people in the forest learned about this. After hearing the news, rebellion arose in their hearts, and Huoerchi often raped women, which made the people resentful. It happened that the leader of the Tumati tribe had died recently, and his widow Bituo Huita'erhun succeeded him as the leader. She openly launched a rebellion and imprisoned Haoerchi in a cage. When Genghis Khan learned of this, he immediately ordered: "Rescue Haoerchi quickly. My father-in-law, Huduhebeqi, is a neighbor of the Tumat people, and I asked him to come forward to resolve the matter. ”


So, Duhebieqi and others came to the tent of the leader of the Tumat tribe and said respectfully: “Today we are here to ask the Tumat tribe to release General Huo’erchi, and Present some beauties so that we can speak for you in front of sweating ! Unexpectedly, Batu Huita'erhun stood up and shouted loudly: "Are you going to let us Tumat people suffer all the humiliation before you are willing to reconcile?" Then let Changshengtian speak and see if what we Tumatians did was right? "After saying that, Batu Huita'erhun asked his followers to arrest Huduhebieqi as well. The people in the forest shouted in unison: "If you continue to force us, we will revolt on the spot and no longer obey Genghis Khan. jurisdiction. "

Genghis Khan heard the news and said angrily: "Do you dare to ignore my Cheng Yan in a small and remote area? If they refuse to obey, destroy them. "That night, Genghis Khan ordered the most reliable general Naya'a to quell the rebellion. But Naya'a believed that what Huo'erchi did was not a just thing, oppressing the people in the forest and asking for money and people, so now let him It is contrary to justice to do something that offends the people in the forest. Therefore, Na Yatong, who has always been obedient, said to the messenger: "I have been in severe pain recently, and it may not be very convenient for me to fight. "After listening to the report, Gengyan Sihan sat in the tent and thought for a long time before he said to his subordinate: "Then I have to ask my sworn brother Bolhu to fight. The attendant passed the order to Borhu's tent. Borhu frowned and asked, "Did you mention me before the Lord?" "Zai Cong said that it was the Great Khan who thought of him. Borhu immediately put down the cup in his hand and said to his family: "Although I went to seek unification for the Great Khan, I went there for others.

He was looking for him at the moment. There was no reason to refuse, so he had no choice but to lead thousands of soldiers and rush into the woods. Borhu led his army to attack the camp of Toumati's tribe. Because the road in the mountains was dangerous, Borhu led five light cavalry to explore the way deep into the mountains. As Borhu walked, he said to the people around him: "What can we do to the little Baluma Ti? I can take them down without moving a single soldier." But after days and nights of exploration, they never found the advance. route. Bor suddenly felt anxious and said to everyone: "Can there be a large army in this mountain? It's only a few dozen people at most." Before he finished speaking, shouts of death suddenly sounded from behind. He turned around and saw that they were hundreds of bald horses. The Ti people cut off their way back.They were about to draw their swords to fight, but arrows were flying directly towards them from all directions. Borhu resisted for a while with his sword, and finally fell down due to being unable to bear it. Finally, he was hacked to death in the woods by the Tumat people who came up. middle. By the time the main force of the Mongolian army came for reinforcements, the Baluma 4ti people who were ambushing in the mountains had already disappeared without a trace. The soldiers carried Borhu's body back to the camp and held a memorial ceremony in the camp for three days.

Genghis Khan thought that Borhu's conquest of Black Forest would be effortless and he was sure of victory. However, news came from the front saying: "General Borhu was killed in an ambush, and the people fled to the north. The Mongolian army is leaderless." Genghis Khan said painfully. : "Borhu, although you have made great achievements in battle, this time you underestimated the enemy in the battle, causing me to lose my right and left arm. I must personally lead the army and crush the Tumat tribe." He beat his chest and feet, cursed the Tumad people, and decided to give up the attack. Jin planned to avenge Bo Hu.


The generals were shocked when they heard this. Boshu kowtowed forward and said: "Tens of thousands of the main force of our army are confronting the Kingdom of Jin. If we withdraw because of this, it will be very detrimental to the overall situation."Muhuali He also stepped forward and said: "We can send another brave and resourceful general to conquer the Tumati tribe. If it still doesn't work, we can consider it in the long run." But Genghis Khan did not listen to the dissuasion and said coldly: "No matter what happens in the future. No matter what, I decided to stop here and return to the grassland to put an end to the Black Forest rebellion." The generals saw that Genghis Khan had made up his mind and said nothing more. Early the next morning, the Mongolian army slowly withdrew. After leaving the border of Jinmeng, they immediately turned on their horses and galloped towards the black forest.

On the road, the successful person is thinking about the way to follow. "Did Borhu say anything before he died?" The attendant asked: When our army arrived, the Tumati people had already killed him, and when we rescued him, he had already died. Genghis Khan sighed and said:. "We must wipe out the Tumat people this time, so that we can comfort the spirits of our warriors in heaven."

A few days later, Genghis Khan convened the generals in the marching tent to discuss countermeasures. He said: "The black forest is vast. There are hundreds and thousands of people hidden there. It is easy for people to encircle and suppress people. It will cost people and money and is difficult to achieve. This time I sent Duoerbo Duoheshen to lead the light cavalry. What do you think?" Mu Huali immediately agreed: "The Great Khan's wisdom is ours. This is the most sage decision, so how can we have any objections?" The generals also echoed. So, Genghis Khan held the riding crop in his hand and said: Duoerboduoheshen will lead three thousand troops to march today, and they will surely pacify the people in the forest and avenge General Borhu. "He himself led tens of thousands of people to seal off the main passages around the forest, preparing to wipe out the rebellious Tumat people like a hunt.

Duoerbo Duoheshen led the people to the middle of the forest and looked at the vast sea of ​​​​forests. , he thought for a long time before giving the order: "We cannot underestimate the enemy and advance rashly. Our troops are divided into three groups. We will only divide our troops after finding out the direction of a road. We must kill the main leaders at once." "After three groups of people explored separately, they finally found a road that led directly to the forest and mountains. After finding the path, Duoerboduoheshen still sent one group of people to bluff along the path of Borhu, while the other two groups of people followed the path. The trail climbed to the back of the mountain. The sergeants carried heavy tools to cut through the thorns and dig the path. It took them a full month to reach the top of the mountain. At that time, the Tumat people were holding a banquet in the mountainside barracks, and the Mongolian army was condescending. , they were surrounded and suppressed by surprise. The Linmu coalition was in chaos and was wiped out by the Mongolian army. All the chiefs and leaders were captured by the Mongolian army. Genghis Khan personally welcomed the triumphal victory of Doerbodo Heshen's army and held a banquet. Celebrating the victory. He rewarded Batu Huita'erhun to Hudu Hebieqi, and ordered hundreds of Tumadids to guard Bohu's funeral.

A few days later, Genghis Khan sent General Subutai to lead the army to clear the desert. All the foreign resistance forces in the north, and now the entire Mobei has become his territory
