On July 1, 1997, accompanied by the loud "March of the Volunteers", the national flag of China and the regional flag of Hong Kong rose slowly on the land of Hong Kong. But what people don't know is that on June 28, just before Hong Kong's return, a Chinese frigate and a group of

On July 1, 1997, , accompanied by the resounding " March of the Volunteers ", the national flag of China and the regional flag of Hong Kong were rising slowly on the land of Hong Kong. People cheered and jumped for joy, and Hong Kong, which had left the embrace of the motherland for more than a hundred years, finally returned home.

Live pictures of Hong Kong's return ceremony

But what people don't know is that just before Hong Kong's return on June 28, there was a Chinese frigate and a group of Chinese People's Liberation Army soldiers who defended the dignity of the motherland with their lives.

On September 24, 1982, after a morning of arguing with Deng Xiaoping about the Hong Kong issue, Thatcher, known as the "Iron Lady", fell down on the steps of the Great Hall of the People. Even her handbag was thrown to the ground.

Reporters who had been stationed outside the General Assembly Hall waiting to spy on the results of the negotiations between China and Britain saw this shocking scene and immediately raised their cameras to take pictures. After all, Mrs. Thatcher’s fall has already answered the “Hong Kong sovereignty issue”.

Opium War

Since the Opium War in 1840, Hong Kong, which had always been part of Chinese territory, had been occupied by the British. It was not until the founding of New China that Hong Kong was not successfully recovered.

However, New China is by no means the late Qing Dynasty or the Republic of China. Regarding the issue of national territorial sovereignty, there is absolutely no room for negotiation.

It was Deng Xiaoping's tough attitude and the Chinese people's determination to regain the motherland's territory that made Mrs. Thatcher unable to cope, and she fell exhausted on the steps of the Great Hall of the People.

With this opportunity for negotiation, various matters regarding China's recovery of Hong Kong have gradually been put on the agenda. From 1982 to 1997, the motherland spent 5 years of hard work in order to welcome Hong Kong, the "child" who was living outside the country.

Mrs. Thatcher fell

Ever since Mrs. Thatcher fell down in front of the Great Hall of the People, all the dignity of the once arrogant British people has been swept to the ground. They were unwilling to accept that Hong Kong, which had experienced great economic development in the 1960s and was known as " one of the Four Asian Tigers", would return to the embrace of China. Therefore, before Hong Kong's official return, they did not Create less trouble.

In 1997, when Hong Kong was about to return to the motherland, the British military suddenly sent out a very large mixed fleet named "Task Force 97" for a cruise.

Although the British government at this time has always insisted that the patrol of Wave 97 Task Force is to maintain regional security. But everyone understands that this fleet is clearly aimed at China.

Before 157 , The British Navy used such a fleet to knock on China's door forcefully. After 157, , they still want to use this method to humiliate China.

Sure enough, on June 25, less than a week before the return of Hong Kong, all the warships of the Hailang 97 Task Group came to the vicinity of the South China Sea, and dispatched one of the warships towards the South China Sea. They are targeting China and they are looking forward to China's counterattack.

At that time, Hong Kong was about to return to China, and China originally did not want to cause more trouble. But looking at the British warships approaching our waters step by step, the People's Liberation Army decisively dispatched a guided missile frigate to drive away the British warships.

In order to show their prestige, the British warships that received the interception signal from the Chinese missile frigate still sailed straight towards the Chinese waters. They tried to use this method to scare away the Chinese who intercepted them.

However, at this time, the Chinese People's Liberation Army did not have the slightest fear. The guided missile frigate relied on its own advantages to successfully intercept the British warship in the high seas , which is 30 nautical miles away from my country's territorial waters.

The intercepted British warships did not have the courage to actually conflict with the Chinese army. They were like a defeated rooster. They could only leave the Chinese waters in anger and quickly returned to the fleet sailing on the high seas.

After the intercepted British warship returned to the fleet, it was ridiculed by its comrades. just asked a Chinese guided missile frigate to intercept, and this result was not enough to satisfy them. The British fleet decided to continue sending warships to invade our country's territorial waters.

perhaps expected that Britain would not give up. Late at night on June 25,

, who had just finished training, suddenly heard a rapid broadcast : "Emergency preparations for war and flight! Emergency preparations for war and flight!"

received the emergency call The soldiers who gave the combat order had no time to ask any more questions and quickly entered a state of combat readiness, completing the sailing of the warship within ten minutes.

At this time, the captain standing in the command room knitted his brows tightly after seeing the combat order from his superiors. The superiors required all personnel of the Yibin to report the ship's position and sea surface activities every half hour, and also required them to pass through my country's submarine training area .

You must know that the daily action ranges of all our country's warships and submarines are planned early in the morning. surface ships must not enter the designated submarine training areas whether during normal training or navigation. of. But now, uncharacteristically, the Yibin is required to pass through the entire latent training area, which is enough to show the seriousness of the situation at that time.


" On the eve of Hong Kong's return, Britain sent a mixed fleet of 34 warships to cruise near my country's territorial waters. " This news has actually reached the ears of every soldier. After hearing the order, these soldiers who volunteered to defend their country had vaguely guessed that this mission would be related to the British fleet.

June 26 , the Yibin, which has arrived at the designated location, has been cruising in the South China Sea. Time was approaching the day of Hong Kong's return little by little. The soldiers did not dare to relax at all and stared at the British fleet stationed on the high seas not far from the Chinese waters.

Until noon on June 27, the entire South China Sea was calm. The summer breeze blew quietly across the South China Sea, blowing the five-star red flag on the Yibin high.

Just as the soldiers were preparing to take a shift to have lunch, the soldier responsible for observing the sea suddenly shouted: "There is a situation!" The short alarm sounded instantly in every corner of the Yibin.

As soon as the soldiers entered level one combat readiness state , the Yibin rushed towards the two large British ships that had been discovered. But before they had gone far, a British Lynx helicopter flew over the Yibin.

At that time, the Bobcat helicopter was only a hundred meters away from the sea level. The wind caused by the rapid rotation of the helicopter's propeller caused the five-star red flag on the deck to whistle.. The soldiers stood ready and stayed at their posts, waiting for the next order to be issued.

A cook who was cleaning on the deck saw the two people in the helicopter holding something and looking towards this side. He suddenly waved the broom in his hand and quickly moved A shooting gesture scared the observing British soldiers to dodge quickly.

The behavior of the cooking soldiers was clearly observed by the soldiers in the command post. Especially after seeing the British soldier's dodge, everyone couldn't help laughing. Just when the captain was about to ask everyone to be quiet, news came from the front again. was heading towards China's territorial waters. It was a British Broadsword-class frigate and a comprehensive supply ship.

After hearing the news, the relaxed atmosphere just now disappeared instantly. The soldiers immediately became very serious and did not dare to say a word. Captain waved his hand, and the signal soldier received the order and immediately sent a message to the other party: "This is China's exclusive economic zone, please leave!"

repeated these words several times, but the other party did not stop at all. the meaning of.Just when the signalman was about to send another letter, the British warship finally responded : "We are sailing on the high seas."

Upon hearing this, the captain's face became more and more gloomy. Especially after seeing the British warships speeding up significantly, the air pressure in the entire command office dropped. Finally, the captain ordered the Yibin to follow the British frigate and resolutely not let them leave his sight.

British frigate

Although the top speed of the Yibin is only 26 knots, and the top speed of the British frigate can reach 28 knots, due to the slower sailing speed of the British integrated supply ship, the Yibin has been closely chasing the British frigate. nearby.

Just as the Yibin was following the two British warships and constantly pushing them southward, the radar soldiers suddenly detected that the two warships were traveling in two opposite directions.

The two targets are separated. Who will follow the Yibin, which has only one ship? The captain kept observing the direction of the two targets, but never said a word. Just when everyone thought they would chase the British frigate, the captain said : "Follow the supply ship !"

The soldiers who received the order were a little confused and looked at the captain in confusion. The captain looked at the group of soldiers. He knew their questions, but did not answer them directly. Instead, he asked: "Do you think we can catch up with the frigates traveling at high speed?" The speeding warriors shook their heads in frustration. The captain saw the soldiers looking a little unhappy and laughed: "They also know that we can't catch up. If we chase their frigate today but fail to catch up, then they will feel that we are inferior to them and think that we It’s embarrassing internationally!”

The soldiers suddenly realized that Britain wanted to make China embarrassed internationally. Wasn’t it just to save the face lost when Hong Kong returned to China? It's a pity that the Chinese don't agree with them. As long as the supply ship is there, the frigate will definitely come back.

Sure enough, saw that the British frigate Yibin was not fooled and returned to the supply ship after a long circle on the high seas. Driving within sight of the Yibin.

In this way, the Chinese and British frigates have been "biting" tightly together, very close to each other. Just when the soldiers on the Yibin thought they were going to be entangled with the British frigate until 7 1st , the British frigate suddenly changed its direction.

British warship

At 8:00 a.m. on June 28, 1997, just as the Yibin ship followed the British frigate to near the 10th parallel of south latitude, the British frigate suddenly changed direction and drove towards the Yibin ship at high speed.

The distance between the two frigates is very close, so it is easy for problems to occur at such high speed. The British Broadsword-class frigate is larger and harder than the Yibin. In the event of a collision, the damage to the Yibin will be more serious.

The British frigate, which was hoping that the Chinese soldiers would make a fool of themselves, thought that the Yibin would change its direction in fear of death, thus confirming the voice that "the Chinese navy is not as good as the British navy". However, every soldier on the Yibin who swore to defend the dignity of the country did not show any fear. .

The first mate who had been standing next to the captain watched the distance between the two frigates getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but asked: "Captain, do you want to get out of the way?" At this time, his eyes were red. The captain held his fist tightly and said loudly: "Get out of the way? Behind us is the motherland, where can we get out of the way? He will hit him whenever he wants. The Chinese are definitely not afraid of their provocation!"

After saying this After speaking, the captain shouted into the cab: "The Yibin's course remains unchanged!"

The soldiers who were still a little nervous immediately stood up straight after hearing the captain's words. Today's China is definitely not the China of more than a hundred years ago, and no one can tolerate bullying! As Chinese soldiers, they will defend the dignity of the motherland to the death!

"Ten nautical miles...five nautical miles...one nautical mile...one thousand meters...five hundred meters..." The distance between the British frigate and the Yibin The distance was getting closer little by little. Listening to the radar soldier's report, every soldier on the Yibin was ready to die with the British frigate. They wanted to use their lives to prove the backbone of the Chinese people!

Soon, the distance between the two ships was compressed to the limit of 00 meters . Seeing that the British frigate was about to hit the hull of the Yibin, the British frigate suddenly made a rudder angle in a general direction, and was ten meters to the starboard side of the Yibin. A few meters away.

The British frigate, which was originally expected to scare off the Yibin and thus give the Chinese army a show of strength, did not really want to ram the Chinese warship. But they did not expect that the Chinese soldiers would not flinch in the face of the enemy's attack.

Back then, the British dared to invade China with just one warship. Now, when facing Chinese warships, they can only flee. They who "steal the chicken but lose the rice" have completely lost their face.

The British fleet, which was "defeated" by China, hurriedly left the Asian Strait and returned to the UK not long after the frigate returned to the formation. The victorious Yibin stood in China's territorial waters and watched their retreating figures, just like a young man in his prime watching an old rogue walking home dejectedly after failing to play rogue. .

The Yibin returned to the station and was not only praised by the military region, but these young soldiers also saw the grand occasion of Hong Kong's return on live TV.

As the five-star red flag rose slowly, tears filled the eyes of these soldiers who had just experienced a life and death battle. They are proud of themselves for defending the dignity and territory of their motherland!