The war years were miserable. The soldiers who defended their homeland fought hard to kill the enemy on the battlefield. There is always the possibility of sacrifice. Their greatness will always be remembered in this era. The red classic "Sunrise Flower" tells the story of that e

The war years were miserable. The soldiers who defended their homeland fought hard to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

There is a possibility of sacrifice at any time. Their greatness will always be remembered in this era.

The red classic "Morning Flower" tells the story of that era.

The author used his own personal experience with soldiers as material to successfully create the image of a miserable girl in the mountains of xiang.

The prototype of the protagonist of the book is Ma Yixiang, and the main author is Tan Shizhen.

To rewrite your destiny,

you have to rely on your own efforts

Ma Yixiang was born in 1922 in rural Hunan.

came from a poor family, and his father paid for all the living expenses of the family. Later, debt collectors came to collect debts.

The mother had no choice but to give 13-year-old Ma Yixiang to another village to be a child bride.

But her parents-in-law often abused her, and she couldn't stand the ordeal, so she ran back home secretly.

Later, the army led by He Long won the battle in Ma Yixiang's hometown.

Ma Yixiang envied the female soldiers in the army. She also heard that the Red Army team were all good people.

never hit or cursed anyone, so she secretly made up her mind to become one of them.

Through her own efforts, she became a caregiver in the army.

From then on, she followed the army everywhere. At the age of 13, he participated in the 25,000-mile Long March.

Climbing snowy mountains, crossing grassland , it is unimaginable for a child who is only 13 years old. How did

survive those difficult years, and what was I doing at the age of 13?

Finally, she became a member of the Communist Party of China.

also fell in love, got married, and had children with Lieutenant General Yan Fusheng, and they stayed together for a lifetime. It can be said that they have a deep love for each other.

In 1955, Ma Yixiang was awarded the rank of major.

Although her birth was tragic, she has been working hard to change and become the person she wants to be step by step. Her experience tells the world.

If you want to change, you have to rely on yourself.

html A novel of more than 2.2 million words

"Sunrise Flower" was released

During the Anti-Japanese War, Ma Yixiang wrote a memoir called "On the Road to the Long March", which moved many people at that time.

In 1959, the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the director of the Office of Literary and Art Gifts decided to continue writing Ma Yixiang's story.

Because he knew that the story of old man Ma Yixiang was very long, and the account in his memoirs was incomplete.

In the end, the director decided that Tan Shizhen would write the book to record the legendary life of Ma Yixiang.

In the next few months, Tan Shizhen went to Ma Yixiang's house every day to listen to stories, and he recorded everything he heard and felt.

4 months later, the first draft was completed, with a total of 140,000 words. The first draft was printed into several volumes and distributed to some writers and critics for comments.

They all agreed that it was well written, but it was full of truth and falsehood, and that it was no longer a revolutionary memoir. They suggested writing it as a novel.

In July 1961, the second and third drafts were completed.

completed the novel "Morning Sun Flower", which took 2 years to complete. After publication, it was printed 12 times and reached more than 1.34 million copies.

became a best-selling book in China at that time.

This novel successfully created the glorious images of a group of Red Army commanders and combatants such as Wu Xiaolan, Wang Deming, and the head nurse, which is shocking after reading.

It is called the three flowers together with the "Bitter Cauliflower" and " Winter Jasmine " of the same period.

The everlasting


In 1966, the "Cultural Revolution" began, and "Chaoyanghua" was called a "banned book". The authors and writers of

have been persecuted and brutally suppressed.

Huang Yongsheng, the then commander of Guangzhou New District, hated "Morning Sun Flower" so much that he wanted to destroy it.

He detained Ma Yixiang and tortured her to extract a confession, asking her to reveal the person behind the scenes.

She fainted and fell to the ground several times, but still stuck to her heart. She vowed not to frame a good person and resolutely support the interests of the party.

That "rising flower" will never wither, nor will it bow its head.She survived

She opened to the sun, shining brightly.

After the end of the "Cultural Revolution", Ma Yixiang regained his reputation. In 1979, "Morning Flower" was broadcast by major radio stations.

received unanimous praise from the audience. After that, "Morning Flower" was published four times in a row.

was launched in 1996 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March.

"Chaoyang Flower" has gone through ups and downs and finally stood up. Let the public know it again.

On September 11, 2016, Ma Yixiang passed away in Guangzhou at the age of 93.

Her legendary life is glorious.

In 2017, Ma Yixiang's ashes were returned to his hometown - Lijia Village, Wanping Town, Yongshun County.


Ma Yixiang’s life is like a sunflower, tenacious, confident and unyielding.

Her life was a life of revolution and fighting. She is a role model for our generation.