Among the Three Kingdoms, Shu and Wei each have a famous general named Zhang. Needless to say, the one in Shu is naturally Liu Bei’s heroic and invincible third brother Zhang Fei. The one in Wei is naturally one of the five good generals. Zhang He. Speaking of which, although the

Among the Three Kingdoms, Shu and Wei each had a famous general named Zhang. Needless to say, the one from Shu was naturally Liu Bei the heroic and invincible third brother Zhang Fei , the one from Wei Naturally, Zhang He is one of the five good generals.

Speaking of which, although the two have the same surname of Zhang, they are out-and-out mortal enemies. They have fought many times, but they can be regarded as rivals, and they have a winning streak with each other.

Zhang Fei has a bravery that no man can match, but Zhang He is well versed in the art of using troops because of the impermanence of forces and the impermanence of water. The two of them should be regarded as heroes with their own merits. At the same time, for their immediate bosses, the two are each other's trump card.

As the saying goes, there is no first in civility and no second in military affairs. For generals, only the first general will be remembered! So, which of these two people can be called the most valuable trump card in their boss's hands?

Three Kingdoms general Zhang He

Rather than saying that Zhang He and Zhang Fei are rivals, it is better to say that these two are completely enemies. Zhang He and Zhang Fei have fought many times, but they can't tell the difference between them. , how could the arrogant Zhang He be convinced by such results?

Originally, as a general under Yuan Shao , Zhang He was famous for his wisdom and courage. Although he put into practice many of the wrong decisions made by Yuan Shao, he did not agree with them.

Because in Zhang He's view, his lord can be a mediocre person, but he cannot be a willful fool. However, some of the mistakes made by his lord were not fatal. In order to continue working under Yuan Shao, Zhang He did not blame him too much. Instead, he tried his best to do his own thing well.

However, Zhang He did not understand one thing, that is, a wise man is not the mastermind of the conspiracy. As a mediocre master, Zhang He still knew very well what kind of things were left under him.

If everything develops like this, Zhang He will not leave Yuan Shao. However, Zhang He, who originally just wanted to live a stable life, finally chose to leave. The reason is also very simple, that is, the Guandu battlefield.

Faced with Cao Cao 's raid on Wuchao , Zhang He reasonably proposed the timely rescue of Wuchao, but once again his opinions were not adopted by Yuan Shao. On the contrary, Yuan Shao adopted the absurd opinions of two villains, Guo Tu and Fengji , and chose to let Zhang He attack Cao Jun's camp.

This idea can only be described with the word "ren". The reason is also very simple. Anyone with some brains can think of this strategy. Since Yuan Shao could think of it, how could Cao Cao not think of it?

At that time, if Zhang He went to attack Cao Cao's camp, he would not be able to capture it for a while. Thinking of this, Zhang He decided to join Cao Cao along with Gao Lan. As expected, Zhang He's talents were fully unleashed after he took refuge with Cao Cao.

From the beginning of following Cao Cao to attack Yecheng and Ma Chao , Zhang He has been making great contributions to Cao Cao. After following Cao Cao for a long time, Cao Cao began to gradually let Zhang He take on important tasks alone.

For example, after Cao Cao captured Zhang Lu , he hurriedly returned to the army to aid Ruxuwu, leaving only Zhang He and Xia Houyuan guarding Mengtou Rock and Dingjun Mountain in Hanzhong . Xia Houyuan was beheaded by Huang Zhong, leaving only Zhang He in Hanzhong. With the hard support of Zhang He, Cao Cao was able to preserve Hanzhong's troops.

After the death of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, Zhang He made another military exploit when he fought against Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition. Until Mu Mendao was shot to death by random arrows, Zhang He's contribution to Cao Wei in his life can be said to be countless.

Zhang Fei with leopard head and ring eyes

As a good general of five sons, Zhang He has proved with his own strength that he is indeed worthy of this title.After talking about Zhang He, if we look back at Zhang Fei's resume, we will find that the two men are not generals of the same level at all.

Zhang Fei cannot compare with Zhang He in many aspects. First of all, as a military general, Zhang Fei made his debut very early. The first time he became famous was in Hulao Pass Front Battle Lu Bu . At that time, all the generals from various princes were invincible when facing Lu Bu. Only Zhang Fei could compete with Lu Bu.

This incident alone is enough to move the princes from all walks of life, not to mention the subsequent Three Heroes Battle with Lu Bu. The princes of the Eighteen Towns were dumbfounded and shocked when they saw the people fighting.

From here, it is not difficult to find that as a strong general, Zhang Fei is still very suitable. However, Zhang Fei is indeed brave enough, but Zhang He is not inferior to him. From Zhang He's ability to compete with Ma Chao, it is not difficult to see that Zhang He is also a person with strong martial arts skills.

Therefore, Zhang He should be on par with Zhang Fei in terms of martial arts, and no one can compare with the other. However, except for martial arts, Zhang Fei's abilities in other aspects are much worse than Zhang He.

As a famous general, it is true that Zhang He has excellent martial arts, but he does not rely on martial arts to win on weekdays. He relies more on resourcefulness to win, such as Battle of Street Pavilion vs. Ma Su "Besieged but Not" attack".

For Zhang He, he mastered the eight-character military policy of "Soldiers have no constant momentum, and water has no constant shape". Among other things, when Zhang He was guarding Hanzhong, he often combined the terrain and other factors to make flexible deployments of troops.

The result made Zhang Fei miserable. This incident is enough to show that Zhang He is much stronger in using troops. Looking back at Zhang Fei, for Zhang Fei, there are two things he likes most, one is drinking, and the other is rushing into the army in front of the battle to take the heads of enemy generals.

Zhang Fei rarely used tricks. In our impression, there were only a few times when he really relied on resourcefulness to defeat his opponents. The most famous one was the roar of the longboard, and the bluffing trick of blooming on the tree to scare away the opponent. He defeated Cao Cao, and this was the only moment when Zhang Fei used his brain.

cannot lead troops better than

, and the gap between Zhang Fei and Zhang He is even greater. Battle of Hanzhong , when Xia Houyuan was beheaded by Huang Zhong, Zhang He acted as the aftermath, gathering up the remaining defeated generals and continuing to lead them to fight against Liu Bei in Hanzhong.

Later, when Zhuge Liang went on the Northern Expedition, Zhang He became the backbone of the Wei State. He could be used as the main general and it was definitely not a problem to lead the army on expeditions. On the other hand, Zhang Fei must be careful even if Zhuge Liang uses him. How can he dare to let Zhang Fei lead the troops?

Zhang Fei's character determines that he is not suitable for leading soldiers. He often whips his soldiers and does not seem to understand how to treat them correctly. Liu Bei was not unaware of this problem of his, and he persuaded him many times to change his habit of whipping soldiers.

However, Zhang Fei couldn't listen at all, and still went his own way and whipped the soldiers. Normally, there might not be any big problems, at most he would just scold the soldiers, but after Guan Yu died, Zhang Fei's temper became even more violent and he whipped the soldiers many times.

Because of some minor mistakes made by the general Fan Jiang Zhang Da, they almost beat the two to death, which made the two hold a grudge. In the end, the two killed Zhang Fei and defected to Soochow . Zhang Fei paid the price with his life. The price of whipping soldiers.

Looking at the Three Kingdoms, people often use words such as "bear and tiger general" when evaluating Zhang Fei, while Chen Shou evaluates Zhang He as "changeable". Even Zhuge Liang said "Unless Zhang He dies, the Han Dynasty will be difficult to prosper." To sum up, the gap between Zhang Fei and Zhang He is huge in all aspects. The two are simply not opponents on the same level.

In fact, based on the positioning of the two, Zhang He is more suitable to act alone, as a general or coach. Zhang Fei, on the other hand, can only be a general in the army, but not a coach. He can easily get into trouble if he is impulsive, so Zhang Fei and Zhang He are not on the same level.

What do you think about this?