This pair of lovers have gone through a period of ups and downs hand in hand, but life is like a banquet. Although their love is stronger than gold, facing the laws of nature, no matter how talented they are in literature and have poetry in their belly, they are just two ordinary

The good things in the world are not strong, and the colorful clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is broken.

After receiving the doctor's notification of critical illness, Mr. Yang Jiang did not burst into tears, nor was he hysterical.

Mr. Yang Jiang just held her husband's hand silently and whispered about the past that only two people knew.

This pair of lovers have gone through a period of ups and downs hand in hand, but life is like a banquet. Although their love is stronger than gold, in the face of the laws of nature, no matter how talented they are in literature and have poetry in their belly, they are just two ordinary people. Just people.

Qian Zhongshu Before he died, Yang Jiang kissed Qian Zhongshu deeply on his forehead. Qian Zhongshu's lips moved, and Yang Jiang saw what he was talking about. Qian Zhongshu was telling her to live well.

Mr. Qian Zhongshu’s funeral was very simple, and the people who came to the funeral just said a simple goodbye to Mr. Qian Zhongshu.

After the funeral, Mr. Yang Jiang locked himself in the room and told the other party that he wanted to concentrate on his creation. However, no one knew whether this strong old man secretly shed tears alone.

During this period, many people related to Mr. Yang Jiang's health came to visit, and one of them came very frequently.

Mr. Yang Jiang did not avoid seeing him, but happily opened the door and invited him in as a guest. This visitor had a decades-long relationship with Qian and Yang, and was also Mr. Yang Jiang's former suitor.

Will those two lonely old people get together and spend the rest of their lives together?

The answer is no. When Mr. Yang Jiang sent this old friend out once, Yang Jiang said: "The stairs are difficult to climb, so you have to retreat when they are difficult."

The man was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning. , and in the following days, there was no further interruption.

So, who is this person? What is the story between him, Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang?

Childhood sweetheart, self-proclaimed flower protector

In the 1920s and 1930s, 12-year-old Yang Jiang came to Zhenhua Girls' School in Suzhou . It was also at this time that Yang Jiang met the man who had been pursuing her life, Fei Xiaotong .

Fei Xiaotong was weak by nature. His mother, Yang Renlan, was an old acquaintance of the principal. Yang Renlan was afraid that her son would be bullied in an ordinary school, so she planned to let Fei Xiaotong go to a girls' school.

But Zhenhua is a girls' school after all, and Fei Xiaotong would not agree no matter how weak he was. But Yang Renlan was consistent at home, and Fei Xiaotong was young at the time, so he finally succumbed to his mother's power and went to a girls' school.

Fei Xiaotong, a young boy, was extremely shy in a school where such a group of girls gathered together, and he did not know how to become friends with a group of girls.

The helpless Fei Xiaotong slowly became a marginalized person in the school. Although he was the only male student in the school, his weak nature made it impossible for him to integrate into the large group of girls.

So he could only hide in the corner every day, watching helplessly the female classmates around him chatting and playing games. It was at this time that Yang Jiang on the side noticed this lonely and shy boy, and took the initiative to talk to him and take him to play with him.

Yang Jiang has a lively and cheerful personality. From time to time, he will play tricks on Fei Xiaotong, who is reserved and talks little. Fei Xiaotong will often be so angry that his face turns red, but he has no choice but to grit his teeth and accept Yang Jiang's pranks.

A few years later, the two passed the Soochow University exam and became classmates. When she grew up, Yang Jiangming had bright eyes and bright teeth. Naturally, some male classmates frequently showed their affection to Yang Jiang.

Fei Xiaotong, who saw all this, began to become anxious, worried that his Bai Yueguang would be taken away by other classmates. After Yang Jiang came to study at Tsinghua University, Fei Xiaotong asked someone to spread rumors in Tsinghua University in order to prevent Yang Jiang from being snatched away by others, saying that Yang Jiang had already fallen in love.

But even so, it could not prevent a pair of lovers from getting married. After Yang Jiang came to Tsinghua University, he met Qian Zhongshu. The moment when

's eyes met, the spark of love exploded instantly, causing ripples in the two people's originally peaceful hearts.

Qian Zhongshu said to Yang Jiang: "I am not engaged."

Yang Jiang said to Qian Zhongshu: "I don't have a boyfriend either."

Just like that, the two people who had just met each other expressed their feelings to each other.

Fei Xiaotong, who knew this, didn't care about being shy, and hurriedly found Yang Jiang, saying that she and Qian Zhongshu had only known each other for a long time, and they didn't understand each other at all. But they have known each other for many years and understand each other, so he is the most suitable match for her.

But how can a girl who is in love listen to such words? What's more, how can the decision of whether she likes or not be in love be determined by how long they have known each other?

Fei Xiaotong found it hard to accept that the girl he had always been attracted to since childhood became someone else's girlfriend.

But seeing the girl who could laugh and laugh with him in the past seriously expressing her attitude now, he had to accept the fact that Yang Jiang could only be friends with him at this moment.

Love at first sight, lasting forever

Fei Xiaotong had no choice but to accept the reality, while Yang Jiang, who lived a transparent and honest life, knew very clearly what she wanted. Maybe she had never thought about love before that.

But after meeting Qian Zhongshu, she understood that her heart belonged to him alone.

Yang Jiang made a very clear distinction between love and friendship. She did not let her love affair with Qian Zhongshu get involved in what the world calls a love triangle.

Yang Jiang has never had any illusions about her friend Fei Xiaotong, let alone left any hope. She only gets along within the boundaries of friends honestly and straightforwardly.

Many years later, Qian Zhongshu passed away at the age of eighty-eight. After learning about the situation, Fei Xiaotong, who was also eighty-eight, began to pursue Yang Jiang. The two met for the first time many years later because of their relationship. The friendship between classmates makes it a pleasure to talk with each other.

After the conversation ended appropriately, Yang Jiang sent Fei Xiaotong back with a smile and seemingly said lightly: "The stairs are not easy to walk, so don't go up them again in the future."

Fei Xiaotong was stunned for a moment when he heard this sentence, and then he realized what Yang Jiang meant. This can be considered a farewell. Behind Yang Jiang's high self-esteem personality comes from the deep tolerance and love given by her family.

Living in an era when the mind was not yet completely liberated, Yang Jiang's father did not favor sons over daughters like most families. Although Yangjiang City Yang Jiang's fourth daughter has been smart since she was a child, Yang's father dotes on this fourth daughter even more.

He would not ask Yang Jiang to get high scores in school. Instead, he would tell Yang Jiang that you should study whatever you like, and there is nothing that should or should not be done.

In such an enlightened family environment, Yang Jiang became a knowledgeable, visionary, loving, tolerant and kind-hearted girl. She spent her life doing what she loved and loving the person she chose.

Yang Jiang, who was born in a family of intellectuals, was almost obsessed with reading. Qian Zhongshu, whose real name was Mr. Qian Yang, changed his name to Zhongshu precisely because he loved reading.

So the meeting of two people can be said to be love at first sight, rather it can be said to be the collision of two souls that are compatible with each other.

Although Yang Jiang is not the kind of beauty that makes people fall in love with her at first glance, she has grown into a bookish and attractive figure under the influence of years of reading.

This type happened to be Qian Zhongshu’s favorite, so even when Yang Jiang’s best friend and Yang Jiang’s father were skeptical about whether Qian Zhongshu was suitable for Yang Jiang, Qian Zhongshu Because of his love for Yang Jiang, he had a one-to-one conversation with his future father-in-law alone.

After it was over, Father Yang only said one thing, others are wise.

has finally decided that this is his daughter, the son-in-law who will be with him for life.

On the other hand, Fei Xiaotong was still the introverted and timid little boy at this time, and he was still very immature inside. For a long time, he even thought that he was in love with Yang Jiang.

Although this was just Fei Xiaotong's wishful thinking, it still caused a lot of misunderstandings for Yang Jiang. For this reason, Yang Jiang made clarifications many times, saying that she and Fei Xiaotong were just friends and there was no relationship between men and women.

Such pure love, only such pure people can bloom the flower of romantic love. They support each other with this flower of pure romantic love, and they will remain committed to it throughout their lives.

Two flowers bloomed, and Fei Xiaotong let go of his obsession.

Seeing that there was no possibility for him and Yang Jiang, Fei Xiaotong later studied hard and was admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student. It was also here that Fei Xiaotong met his first wife Wang Tonghui.

At that time, Fei Xiaotong learned French because of academic research, so he and Wang Tonghui, who was good at French, started doing research together. As the days passed, the two people also developed feelings while getting along bit by bit, and got married in 1935.

originally thought that this would be a marriage of like-minded people who would stay together for a long time, but fate seemed to have played a huge joke. Between tomorrow and accidents, Fei Xiaotong and his wife encountered an accident first.

When the two went to Yaoshan, Shanxi to do social research, Fei Xiaotong accidentally fell into a trap, and Wang Tonghui accidentally fell off a cliff and died while rushing to rescue him.

At this time, the two had only been married for more than three months.

Four years later, Fei Xiaotong met his second wife, Meng Yin, who had been with him all his life. Meng Yin, who was born in the countryside, did not have the rich spiritual world of intellectuals like Wang Tonghui, but her simplicity and simplicity attracted Fei Xiaotong. Xiaotong.

Fei Xiaotong's image as a knowledgeable scholar also made Meng Yin feel some respect and admiration in her heart. She was a simple and dedicated rural girl.

Despite the material poverty in her married life and the guns she would face from time to time during the war, Meng Yin never complained about anything and kept her home in order. The two have gone through decades of ups and downs hand in hand.

In Fei Xiaotong's case, although she has been married twice, Yang Jiang has always been in her heart. Yang Jiang treated me as a good friend, and whenever Fei Xiaotong created another work and wanted to get some advice from Yang Jiang, she treated her generously and seriously as a friend.

Of course, Qian Zhongshu naturally knew these things very well. In 1979, Qian Zhongshu and Fei Xiaotong accidentally collaborated together. When they visited the United States as sociologists, they lived in a suite due to room allocation issues.

However, the two were not particularly jealous when they met as romantic rivals. Instead, they got along very well professionally.

During the days when they lived together, Fei Xiaotong found that Qian Zhongshu seemed to have never sent a letter to his home. He even worried that it was because Qian Zhongshu didn't have stamps that he didn't send a letter. For this reason, he even sent a letter to Qian Zhongshu thoughtfully. Qian Zhongshu sent some stamps.

This made him feel a little satisfied, and he also regained some confidence that surpassed Qian Zhongshu.

From the bottom of his heart, he believed that Yang Jiang chose Qian Zhongshu because Qian Zhongshu was more talented. This made him feel not only a little angry but also a little ashamed of himself when he learned that Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu had confirmed their relationship.

html After many years, he was able to get some practical help from his love rival, which made him feel that he had made a small comeback.

At this time, in Qian Zhongshu's eyes, it was a little funny when he thought about it, because the fact was that Qian Zhongshu didn't send the letter because he had a small agreement with Yang Jiang.

What Qian Zhong wrote is a diary that better records his life and spiritual world. He is waiting to share it in detail after meeting Yang Jiang.

There is a British writer who described love like this: I never thought about getting married before I met that person, and I never regretted meeting this person after I got married.

Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu also made such a promise to each other. After their daughter Qian Yuan was born, although the family of three was displaced, traveled to many places, and suffered a lot of hardships, the two people's Emotions have never been affected.

Qian Zhongshu even said to Yang Jiang: "We can only say goodbye in death, but never in life."

Later, Qian Zhongshu fell ill. Yang Jiang cooked three meals a day and sent them to the hospital, taking good care of Qian Zhongshu. Their mutual affection integrated each other into their lives.

Unfortunately, even though Yang Jiang worked so hard, They took care of Qian Zhongshu, but Qian Zhongshu passed away due to illness in 1998. Their daughter Qian Yuan also passed away a year before Qian Zhongshu's death.

Only Yang Jiang was left in the originally happy family. At the time of separation, neither Qian Zhongshu nor Yang Jiang was as sad and painful as everyone expected.

But after closing the door, no one knew whether the old man would suffer from the pain of missing him.

Later, he would experience the same pain. Fei Xiaotong, who had been widowed, came to Yang Jiang's house, wondering if he could renew his relationship, but all he got was "the stairs are difficult to walk"

Although Yang Jiang did not refuse outright, he was as smart as Fei. Xiaotong, how could you not hear the underlying meaning?

Later, Mr. Yang Jiang lived alone for more than ten years, and compiled " We Three " when he was over 90 years old. It is not always perfect, and many things will not go smoothly. Fei Lao did not have the chance to join hands with Mr. Yang for a lifetime, and Mr. Yang also failed to spend a hundred years with Qian Lao as he wished.

The past is like smoke, and only the calmness in the heart can be achieved. It is an unshakable spiritual pillar, and the ups and downs in your destiny will eventually turn into calmness and calmness.