Someone asked: "Why do people always want to dream back to the Tang Dynasty?" I think, perhaps, returning to the prosperous Tang Dynasty is everyone's obsession. After all, in Chinese history, the only dynasty that can be described with words like "all barbarians serve, and all n

Someone asked: "Why do people always want to dream back to the Tang Dynasty?"

I think, perhaps, returning to the prosperous Tang Dynasty is everyone's obsession.

After all, in Chinese history, the only dynasty that can be described with words like "Siyi Binfu, Wanbang Laimao" is the Tang .

It can be said that the prosperous Tang Dynasty was a dynasty that would fascinate people just by hearing its name.

So, if you also like history and want to witness the glory of the Tang Dynasty, I recommend you to watch the documentary "Da Ming Palace ".

"Daming Palace" is a historical documentary directed by Jin Tiemu and starring Li Cuicui, Liu Changchun and others. The film time spans nearly 300 years. The documentary takes the famous palace "Daming Palace" in history as the main line, and revolves around the entire process of Daming Palace's construction, glory, and destruction.

outlines the history from the Xuanwu Gate Coup to the Zhenguan Reign, the prosperous Kaiyuan era , to the subsequent Anshi Rebellion, the separatist rule of vassal towns, the Gan Change, and finally the demise of the Tang Dynasty... The Daming Palace experienced the vigor of the early Tang Dynasty. , the luxury of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and the decline of the late Tang Dynasty, after going through ups and downs, they were finally destroyed in the flames of war and disappeared in the long river of history.

In the eleventh century BC, the Zhou Dynasty established its capital here for the first time. In the following time, hundreds of emperors made Xi'an their capital and ruled China for more than a thousand years.

AD 626, just eight years after the founding of the Tang Dynasty. At the Xuanwu Gate of Chang'an City , a historical event that affected and changed the fate of the Tang Dynasty was officially staged. In order to compete for power, the royal families of the Tang Dynasty began to fight each other.

At dawn on the fourth day of June, Li Shimin led Changsun Wuji, Yuchigong and other 13 people, and killed Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji inside the Xuanwu Gate. At this point, Li Shimin gained the highest power in the empire. This was the famous "Xuanwu Gate" change in history.

In 630 AD, all the Turks in the north surrendered. They respectfully called Li Shimin Heavenly Khan. In Chinese history, it is very rare for an emperor to be so respected by the Turks. Under Li Shimin's painstaking management, Datang also began to embark on the road to prosperity.

In 640 AD, the imperial cavalry crossed the desert and marched westward.

In 648 AD, the empire moved the Anxi Protectorate to Kucha, and the Western Regions returned to the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

After more than 300 years of division in the Central Plains dynasty, the Silk Road became smooth again under the management of the Datang Empire .

Envoys were running around, monks were traveling, business travelers were traveling, and the East and the West were reconnected. At this point, the glory of Chang'an began to shine on the world.

It can be said that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin created the most commendable governance - the rule of Zhenguan.

Therefore, even Wang Anshi wrote a poem with envy: "I wish I was a frivolous son of Wuling and was born in the Kaiyuan period of Zhenguan. Cockfighting A running dog lives a life without knowing the safety of heaven and earth."

Perhaps, this is also the case. The prosperous Tang Dynasty was the envy of countless people, with its prosperity and prosperity as well as its magnificent architectural designs.

At this time, I finally understood why people always want to "dream back to the Tang Dynasty".

After all, in the Tang Dynasty , it was possible to truly not pick up lost things on the road and never close the door at night.

In 649 AD, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty passed away. So far, no one has thought that Tang Taizong's concubine Wu Zetian would one day dominate the fate of the Tang Empire for half a century.

In 690 AD, Wu Zetian ascended to the throne. Her words "What is the throne, it is just the qualifications to govern the country, I will give women such qualifications with my iron fist" once broke the , broke the ancient ideological constraints of favoring sons over daughters, , and rewrote the feudal tradition that only men are emperors. history.

In the late Tang Dynasty, as Tang Xuanzong began to enjoy himself, the bureaucracy also began to become corrupt, the people were in dire straits, and the Tang Dynasty was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Huang Chao, who wrote "The incense formation soaring into the sky penetrated Chang'an, and the city was filled with golden armor" , led the peasant uprising army to invade Chang'an, bringing a catastrophe to the Tang Dynasty.

In the next few years, there was war and turmoil in the late Tang Dynasty. In 896 AD, the Daming Palace was finally burned to the ground in a fire.

Thousands of years later, the Daming Palace became a ruin. At this point, it has disappeared forever in the long river of history and has become a regret for countless people.

It can be said that "Da Ming Palace" is definitely the pinnacle of Chinese historical documentaries. Every frame of it is exquisite, as if it really puts the audience in the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty, following its pace, witnessing its unparalleled prosperity, and at the same time, witnessing its irreversible decline.

Although time is ruthless, everything in Chang'an has been thrown into smoke. However, the charm of Chang'an, an ancient city that embodies the spirit of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation, still exists, and its elegance has long been integrated into the blood of the Chinese people passed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, the reason why people want to "dream back to the Tang Dynasty" is not only the memory of thousands of years ago, but also the beautiful expectations of China in its prosperous times .