In order to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and further inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the Party, on June 29, under the leadership of Zhou Xinjun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and President of the B

In order to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and further inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the party, on June 29, under the leadership of Zhou Xinjun, secretary of the party group and president of the Baqiao Court, party members and police officers went to the Soviet Memorial Hall in Gepai Town, Lantian, to pay homage to the old red site and pay homage to the old site. We will review the oath of joining the party, infiltrate revolutionary education, trace the footsteps of revolutionary ancestors, and carry out themed party day activities.


Visiting the Footprints of the Revolution

Under the leadership of the commentator, everyone visited the Lantian Gepai Town Soviet Memorial Hall. Every party member at the scene listened carefully and felt attentively. Being in the exhibition hall, they felt personally that the martyrs worked hard for the victory of the revolution. Through the successive battles, I deeply understand the original mission and responsibility of being a Communist Party member.

In the museum, there are precious historical materials, firm revolutionary footprints, resolute youthful faces, and heroic struggle history... Party members and police officers stopped to stare at it from time to time, savor it carefully, and review the party's great revolutionary struggle. In the glorious years, we deeply understand the firm and persistent ideals and beliefs and the arduous revolutionary spirit of our revolutionary ancestors.


Revised the oath of joining the Party

At the Soviet Memorial Hall in Gepai Town, Lantian, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the Party and solemnly swore an oath facing the party flag. The resounding oath reflects the loyalty of every Communist Party member to the party; the tightly clenched fists interpret the confidence in the principles of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Everyone expresses their commitment to remember the oath and remain committed to it throughout their lives. strong determination.


Deeply comprehended

Through this visit and study, everyone said that their souls were baptized and their minds were shocked. They should not only learn the fine style of hard work and indomitable fighting spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, but also further temper their party spirit and strengthen their sense of purpose. Deeply understand the decisive significance of " two to establish ", resolutely achieve two to maintain , with firmer ideals and beliefs, and a more high-spirited mental state, invest in various trial execution work of the court, and achieve more excellent results Celebrate the Party’s birthday and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.


Please pay attention to "Baqiao Court"

Reviewer: Yang Mengxin Editor: Hu Yali Editor: Zhou Ruoqi