In the TV series "Do you know whether it should be green, fat, red and thin" and the TV series "Meng Hua Lu", there is a basis for filing a complaint. Why was Ming Lan safe and sound, but Zhao Pan'er was almost beaten to death? The tradition of beating drums originated from the W

has the basis to complain in the TV series "Does know whether it should be green, fat, red and thin " and the TV series " Menghualu ". Why was , Minglan, and living in peace, but Zhao Paner was almost beaten to death?

The tradition of beating drums originated from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. The purpose was to allow the wronged persons to express their grievances to the emperor and let the emperor redress the grievances of the people.

In the Song Dynasty , the popularity of beating the drum to litigate was quite high.

At first, the common people beat the Dengwen Drum and asked the officials to solve some sneaky matters. Later, as soon as the novelty of the officials wore off, they perfected the Dengwen Drum Litigation Regulations.

denwengu is mainly divided into two types.

The first one is at the gate of the palace, where all important cases are handled, and those who redress grievances are all prominent figures.

The second type is at the entrance of the procuratorate, where all civil cases or criminal cases are handled by ordinary people, and those who file grievances are ordinary people.

It should be noted that no matter where you sound the drum, if your case is not well-known to the officials or the principals, the person who filed the complaint will be severely punished!

1-Minglan beats the Dengwen drum

Minglan beats the Dengwen drum at the gate of the palace, and the case she is suing is Gu Tingye and Kang Wang's case. The official family is confident about this matter, and since Sheng Minglan is an official family member and his wife, they will naturally give her some dignity!

2-Zhao Paner beats the Dengwen drum

The Dengwen drum that Zhao Paner plays is at the gate of the Procuratorate. She is neither an official family member nor a royal wife. Moreover, she used to be a Lehu, so she is not very familiar with the people in the Procuratorate. , the people in the procuratorate didn’t know much about her character. Therefore, the prosecutors could only beat Zhao Paner according to the rules.

Although this process seems cruel, the case-solving technology at the time was limited. They felt that only after the defendant experienced various cruel beatings, he still did not change his original intention and requested a redress of injustice, which would be somewhat credible!

After all, the medical conditions at that time were very poor, and many people would die on the spot if they could not withstand the beatings! So Zhao Paner obviously paid a heavy price to redress his grievances!


Although Minglan and Zhao Paner both beat the drum and complained, Minglan was a frequent visitor to the palace, and Zhao Paner was born in Lehu. Get beaten with a stick!