"The brave and heroic figure has a five-foot gun, and the dawn is shining on the military training field. The Chinese people are full of ambitions, and they don't like red clothes and love armed forces." The great man's poem vividly describes the scene of the female militiamen tr

"The brave and heroic five-foot gun, the first light of dawn shines on the military training field. The Chinese people are full of ambitions, and they don't like red clothes but arm." The great man's poem vividly describes the scene of the female militiamen training seriously and full of vitality. Since the Chinese nation entered a century of turmoil, female heroes and talents have emerged in large numbers to seek independence for the country and happiness for the people.

Among them are Qiu Jin, a patriot of the democratic revolution, who calmly died for the anti-feudal cause; and Liu Yaomei, who was not afraid of torture during the Pingyang Massacre; and in Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance , who actively sacrificed his life to attract the enemy's firepower in order to retreat the large forces and finally attracted the enemy's firepower. The eight heroines who threw themselves into the river and died proved with their lives what it means to be a woman and not to be inferior to a man.

The protagonist we are going to talk about today is Zheng Shaoyi. Zheng Shaoyi was originally named Li Zhenfang and was born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province in 1920. Zheng Shaoyi's father, as a new intellectual at that time, had very trendy ideas. I am very supportive of my children’s education. Thanks to his father's enlightenment, Li Zhenfang received new Western education at a very young age. When he grew up to a certain age, he also entered Yangzhou new style school.

There are trendy thoughts and concepts in this school, which planted in her young mind the lofty concept of independence and courage to fight for the revitalization of the nation. Later, with the occurrence of the September 18th Incident, she strengthened her revolutionary belief and finally joined the Communist Party of China on the recommendation of members of our party.

Li Zhenfang is not only born with the image of a graceful and graceful Jiangnan girl, but also has a good knowledge of arts and science, and is very smart. The leader Xia Lan also had a keen eye for talents and discovered this beautiful girl. He invited her and asked her if she was willing to become an underground agent. Li Zhenfang readily agreed. Since then, Li Zhenfang changed his name to Zheng Shaoyi and sneaked into the Kuomintang Political Training Department as a secret agent of our party.

In July 1940, our party appointed Ye Fei, the commander of the 1st Column of the New Fourth Army's Northern Jiangsu Headquarters, and stationed in Northern Jiangsu. At that time, the KMT garrison commander and die-hard Han Deqin still attempted to encircle and suppress this New Fourth Army unit when the Japanese invaded. This confidential encirclement and suppression plan is known only to the top brass of the Kuomintang.

However, Zheng Shaoyi noticed unusual details with her keen observation. The Kuomintang army, which usually delayed and deducted military pay, actually rewarded the soldiers by paying them in advance. And they also stocked up a lot of supplies to buy food and grass. This indicates that there will be war in the near future.

At this time, the anti-Japanese situation in North China has entered a stalemate. With Han Delqin's character, it is unlikely that he would take the initiative to attack the Japanese, so Han Delqin's target must be the New Fourth Army troops led by Ye Fei who have just arrived.

As the saying goes, the military situation is in dire straits. Zheng Shaoyi's first thought was to report this urgent matter to Ye Fei's headquarters. At this critical moment, he could not get in touch with his intelligence line. If there is a slight delay, Ye Fei's army will be in danger of being wiped out.

So she decided to convey this information to the first column in person. However, the Kuomintang station where she was lurking was quite far away from the first column, and there were national army patrols along the way. So she had to leave the Kuomintang station at night. On the way to Guocun, where our army is stationed, she had to take a small road to avoid the patrol. She didn't dare to cross the bridge when she encountered a river, so she had to take a roundabout way to the distance and swim across the river. Along the way, she only swam or walked, and she never had any problems. We stopped and didn't arrive at Guocun until midnight the next day.

When our soldiers found her, Zheng Shaoyi was already soaked to the skin. Due to the rush, her clothes had been torn by branches and the soles of her shoes were almost worn away. But her hard work paid off. Zheng Shaoyi's intelligence made the New Fourth Army fully prepared for the decisive battle at Huangqiao three months later, and Zheng Shaoyi's identity was not exposed. She continued to carry out latent work within the Kuomintang, constantly sending intelligence to various units and the central government. .

After the founding of New China, Zheng Shaoyi's identity as an agent has been kept secret by herself. Even her biological children never knew that her mother was a lone hero. She took a back seat and became an ordinary political cadre. General Ye Fei also clearly remembered this young girl who was not afraid of dangers and conveyed the enemy's information alone. Her bravery left a deep impression on General Ye.

In 1975, when General Ye Fei was inspecting work in Zhejiang, he said to the local leaders: "I want to find a lesbian named Zheng Shaoyi." After hearing this name, the leaders were confused because they had never heard of this name. After some twists and turns, Zheng Shaoyi was finally found in the files of the Organization Department. After

contacted her, General Ye also successfully met this heroine, and her deeds made the leaders praise her. However, Zheng Shaoyi himself has never publicized his deeds. This kind of obscurity and dedication is worth learning by all of us.