The black slavery system in the United States, as everyone is familiar with, is the product of a specific stage of history. Although black slave owners were few in number, they were wealthy, but they were more cruel than white slave owners.

The black slavery system in the United States is familiar to everyone and is a product of a specific stage of history. After the Civil War, slavery in the United States was abolished and black slaves withdrew from the stage of history. In fact, many people have certain misunderstandings about the slavery system in the United States. The slavery system in the United States is very different from what we think. There were not only black slaves here, but also white slaves. What’s more surprising is that they not only had white slave owners, but also black slave owners. Although black slave owners were few in number, they were wealthy, but they were more cruel than white slave owners.

Slavery in the United States appeared very early, before the founding of the United States. Slavery was legal for a long time after the founding of the United States. Since slavery is an institution, it means it is protected by law. However, the laws of various states in the United States at that time did not say which color of people were slaves and which color of people were slave owners. It is for this reason that there were later black slave owners.

In fact, the earliest slaves who appeared on American soil were not black people, but Indians and white people. Indians Needless to say, they are the masters of the Americas. After the European colonists invaded the Americas, they turned these people into their own slaves. However, due to disease, the Indian mortality rate was very high, so few Indians were slaves. White people are special. Most of the Europeans who first went to the Americas were ordinary people, and many went to the Americas because they could no longer live in Europe. In other words, most of these people were penniless when they arrived in America. At that time, America was very desolate and not very populated. These white people who had just arrived in the Americas had to work to survive. Their most common job was to be slaves. These people were also called white slaves.

White slaves are not slaves in theory, but are called indentured servants . They were transported to the colonies by the British government and had to work for free for 7 to 10 years. They were almost like slaves, so they were called white slaves. These white slaves were the main labor force in southern plantations until the end of the 17th century. In 1619, 20 black slaves were transported from Virginia, and these people were sold to other farmers. Later, due to the slave trade, black slaves appeared on other farms. By the 18th century, black slaves replaced white slaves and became the main labor force on southern farms. This is the origin of black slaves in the United States.

However, not all black people who came to the United States became slaves. There were exceptions. Due to many factors, not all of the 13 British colonies in North America allowed slavery. Only the southern colonies held slaves, and the northern colonies did not allow slavery at all. That is to say, black people and white people living in the north are completely equal. Since there is complete equality, this means that black people in the north can make a lot of money with their brains. With this money, they could go to the south to become farmers and then own their own slaves. In this situation, black slave owners officially appeared.

The first black slave owner in the United States was named Anthony Johnson. Not much is recorded about this man, except that he was originally an indentured servant. As mentioned earlier, indentured slaves are not slaves. Once the contract expires, they can be called free persons. Anthony Johnson became a free agent after his contract expired. Later, he made a lot of money through his own efforts and owned his own farm. In 1651, Anthony Johnson established contractual relationships with five black people through various channels and obtained five black indentured servants. The formation of American slavery also had a lot to do with him. One of Anthony Johnson's black indentured servants should be free after his expiration, but Anthony Johnson did not intend to let this man go. Through many relationships, the court finally ruled that the black man was called Anthony Johnson and was a permanent indentured servant. This was the first permanent indentured servant in American history.

Since they are permanent indentured servants, their nature has completely changed. There is no possibility for these people to become free people.This behavior was imitated by others. After that, more and more indentured servants were turned into indentured servants, and the American slavery system officially appeared. No one would have thought that the notorious black slavery system was actually formed under the operation of black people.

After Anthony Johnson became a slave owner, it was completely different from what we imagined. Many people would think that he would be kinder to black slaves, after all, they are compatriots. But if you think about it carefully, you will feel that things will definitely not develop like this. If Anthony Johnson really cares about his compatriots, he will not make these indentured slaves permanent. This shows that Anthony Johnson is quite harsh on slaves. He only uses these people as tools to make money and has no emotions at all.

Of course, Anthony Johnson was not the only black slave owner in the United States, there were other black slave owners. Based on the census of the United States in 1830. There are more than 300,000 black free people in the entire United States, which shows that they are exactly the same as other white people. Of the more than 300,000 free black people, 3,376 were slave owners, which meant that these people were enslaving other black people. The number will definitely shock others. This shows that it was not just southern whites who supported slavery, but many blacks also supported slavery. After all, they benefit from this system.

The vast majority of black slave owners are not very kind to black slaves. Like white slave owners, these people regard black slaves as their private property. Some black slaves even took advantage of their black skin color to continuously sell and sell other black slaves. These black slave owners would mix with the slaves who fled from the south to the north and take the opportunity to sell others. Many escaped black people were inexplicably sold again. This is a step too far.

However, not all black slave owners were like this, and there were exceptions. Some black slave owners treated their slaves better and provided these slaves with very good living conditions. This situation also existed at that time.

This is the general situation of black slave owners in the United States. In fact, the slavery system in the United States is completely different from ours. Although black slaves in the United States are also called slaves, they are completely different from the slaves in our history. These people's lives are, to a certain extent, better than we think. Slave owners would provide them with housing, daily necessities, raise their children, etc. However, the slave owners also did this to maximize their profits.

After all, slaves were their private property. Once a slave died or became ill, it was not cost-effective for the slave owner. After all, slaves were still very expensive at the time. Moreover, if the living conditions of slaves improve, their work enthusiasm will also become higher, so that more value can be created for slave owners.

Generally speaking, slavery is indeed a very special existence in the United States. No matter what, this is still very unfair to black people. Although there were black slave owners, their proportion was very small. After all, the vast majority of black people were slaves. It can be said that slavery is a history of blood and tears for black Americans.


"General History of the World"