On June 30, 1959, Mao Zedong climbed to Mount Lu to prepare for the Lushan Conference. Mao Zedong's handwritten "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan", final draft. Chronology of major events in Mao Zedong’s life Source: CNKI.

On June 30, 1959, Mao Zedong ascended Lushan to prepare for the Lushan Conference.


Lushan Mountain



Mao Zedong's handwritten " Seven Rules·Climbing Lushan Mountain ", final draft

On June 29, 1959, Mao Zedong took the "Jiangxia" ship from Hankou to Jiujiang , preparing to attend the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau.

On June 30, Mao Zedong drove to Lushan and stayed at Meilu .

On July 1, Mao Zedong wrote the famous poem "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan".

Source: "Jiujiang City Chronicle"

The first Lushan Conference in 1959 was also the first time Mao Zedong went to Lushan. As for the date when he went to Mount Lushan, there are currently two versions: June 29 and June 30. The former is because the famous poem "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lu" has a little-known preface: "On June 29, 1959, I climbed Mount Lu, looking at Poyang Lake, Yangtze River..."

In the "Chronology of Major Events in Mao Zedong's Life" pictured below, it is recorded that he discussed work with some leaders in Lushan on the 29th. However, in the reminiscence articles of some parties, the date of Mao Zedong's mountain climbing was June 30. What day is it? This article will examine this issue.

Chronology of Major Events in Mao Zedong's Life (1893-1976) Source: CNKI

Anyone who knows the proceedings of the Lushan Conference knows that Chairman Mao originally wanted to turn this conference into a "fairy meeting", and he was in a good mood before that. On June 25, he returned to his hometown of Shaoshan, where he had been away for 32 years, and wrote the famous song "Seven Rhymes of : To Shaoshan ".

html On June 27, Mao Zedong returned to Changsha from Shaoshan and stayed at the Rongyuan Hotel (a hotel directly under the Provincial Party Committee). Some old friends from Hunan were invited to the dinner, including Cheng Qian, Tang Shengzhi and others, as well as some relatives and friends.

html On June 28, Mao Zedong arrived in Wuhan from Changsha. On the afternoon of June 29, he took the "Jiangxia" ship from Wuhan to Jiujiang. Also accompanying him were Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Lin Boqu and other central leaders, as well as several regional secretaries: Ke Qingshi (East China), Li Jingquan (Southwest China), Lin Tie (North China), Ouyang Qin (Northeast China), Zhang Desheng (North China) Northwest) etc. On the ship, Mao Zedong discussed the current situation with several regional secretaries. He did not make a clear position on future policy directions. The secretaries were also speculating on Mao Zedong's true intention of going to Lushan for the meeting.

Mao Zedong's "Jiangxia" ship

's downbound flight from Hankou to Jiujiang usually takes 10 hours at normal speed. Since it is a special flight, there will be no stops at Huangshi, Wuxue, etc. along the way. The author estimates that it will take about 8 hours to get to Jiujiang. The ship departs on the afternoon of the 29th and is likely to arrive at Jiujiang Port around 1 am. Therefore, the record in the "Chronology of Major Events in Mao Zedong's Life" that "on June 29, discussed economic work with some leading comrades in Lushan" is not accurate. It should be "on June 29, on the ship from Wuhan to Jiujiang. Some leading comrades discuss economic work."

After the "Jiangxia" ship arrived at Jiujiang Port, the driver Zhao Yiyong had already driven Mao Zedong's special car - a "Jim" brand car produced in the Soviet Union - to the dock. The author has not found any articles recalling the time when Mao Zedong disembarked. The author speculates that the greater possibility is that people continued to rest after the ship arrived at the port, and then left the ship in the early morning to go to Lushan Mountain.

Mao Zedong did not stop in Jiujiang City and went directly up the mountain. Some people recall that Chairman Mao arrived at Guling in the early morning of June 30. It was estimated that the driving time should be more than 2 hours based on the road conditions that year. The departure time in Jiujiang is around four or five in the morning, so there is also a possibility that the ship arrived at the port relatively late, and the leaders immediately disembarked and went up the mountain.

Mao Zedong was a night owl. His life was often reversed between day and night, and he was never on time. It was nothing to him not to sleep at four or five in the morning.

Chairman Mao's "Jim" car. This photo was taken when he went to Shaoshan on June 25. Source: CCTV

The convoy circled along the Shanbei Highway, and something happened on the way. Due to the average manufacturing level of the "Jim" cars produced in the Soviet Union, the water tank boiled halfway up the mountain, and we had to stop to add water. At this time, the chairman pushed out the door from the car and walked up the road for a while, then stopped and looked down the mountain from the roadside, silently.

People who have walked along the Shanbei Highway should be able to imagine this scene: in the east at this time, the morning sun is rising, shining on the sparkling Poyang Lake. In the distance, the Yangtze River is like a long chain, and the sky and water are the same color. Everyone will have a spectacular and vast feeling when looking down at the mountain from the winding mountain road. Anyone who goes to Mount Lushan for the first time will be touched or even shocked.

The author believes that Mao Zedong, a great man of his generation, liked this feeling of looking down on all living beings in the world very much. According to the memories of the Lushan reception staff, the scenic spot he visited most in Lushan was the containing Pokou overlooking Poyang Lake. Looking down the mountain from many sections of the Shanbei Highway, the perspective is the same as that of Hanpokou, or even better.

In 1961, Mao Zedong was in Hanpokou. Source: Taobao

In the early morning of June 30, 1959, the "Jim" car carried the chairman to the "Meilu" villa, the original official residence of Chiang Kai-shek. The chairman was in a good mood. He jokingly shouted: "Chairman, here I come!" which made everyone burst into laughter. A story about staying at Meilu can be connected with another article in this series, see "Today in History·March 18·Wu Zongci and Lushan Chronicle".

What was Chairman thinking and brewing when he looked at Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River by the highway? In fact, the answer came on the 30th. Shortly after Mao Zedong went up the mountain, he wrote "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan". He sent the first draft to two old secretaries, Hu Qiaomu and Zhou Xiaozhou. The original poem is as follows:

一The mountains fly to the edge of the river, and I want to go up to the four hundred winding plateaus.

Looking at the world with cold eyes, the hot wind and rain sprinkle the southern sky.

YunhengNine factionsFloating yellow cranes, white smoke rises from three Wu under the waves.

Tao Qian was not affected by Yuan Jialu, just because he did not move forward.

The original preface of this poem goes: "On June 29, 1959, I climbed Mount Lu and looked at Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River. Thousands of mountains competed with each other, thousands of valleys competed with each other, and the red sun rose in the east. Eight lines of this poem." After reading it, Zhou Xiaozhou said, It was suggested to be deleted and the Chairman readily accepted it. The author believes that the date Mao Zedong went to Mount Lushan should be June 30. He arrived in Jiujiang on the night of the 29th and went up the mountain in the early morning. It is also correct to write it as the 29th.

Mao Zedong's handwritten "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan", the first draft

This poem was later sent to Guo Moruo , and Guo put forward some opinions. After long-term deliberation and revision by the chairman, when it was published in " People's Daily " on January 4, 1964, the final draft was as follows:

A mountain flies by the river, leaping into the lush greenery four hundred times.

Looking at the world with cold eyes, the hot wind blows and rains in the river sky.

There are nine floating yellow cranes in the clouds, and white smoke rises from three Wus under the waves.

Tao Ling I don’t know where to go. Is there plowable land in the Peach Blossom Spring?

This poem is majestic, and the revised version is more refined and artistic than the first draft, especially the last two sentences. It has also become a representative work of the Chairman's poetry.

There is also an interesting story in the poem "The greener mountains are greener than the four hundred spins". We will continue to tell it tomorrow, so stay tuned.

"Today in the History of Jiujiang" is a series of short articles introducing local history. Each article selects an event that occurred on that day or month that has clear historical records, and is accompanied by relevant photos, news pictures, literature and books and other image materials, and also provides Make appropriate comments on the cause and impact of the incident. Due to the limited level of the author and incomplete information, there must be fallacies and inappropriate selections. I sincerely ask for criticism and correction.