This is Han Yu's story of how Princess Taiping, the favorite daughter of Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, relied on the power in her hands to do whatever she wanted to occupy other people's fields. This kind of story tells that when the princess is in power, she can almost do whatever she w

" The princess wanted to seize the spring breeze, so she suppressed the pavilions and towers ." This is Han Yu describing that year, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian's favorite daughter Princess Taiping relied on the power in her hands to do whatever she wanted. Stories from other people’s fields. This kind of story tells that when the princess is in power, she can almost do whatever she wants, and others dare not refute her. But if the country is destroyed, the situation will be far worse than before.

During the heyday of the dynasty, she could enjoy the glory and wealth, but once she lost power, her end would not be as miserable as usual. After and were destroyed in the Qing Dynasty, where did those princesses go? The fate of these people is very different after they get married. Some stars in the entertainment industry are descendants of royal families.

Princess marriage in the Qing Dynasty

During the feudal period, it was very common for men to have three wives and four concubines. The emperor had three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines. In other words, he doesn't just have one wife, he has quite a lot of them. These girls have lived a life of fine clothing and fine food since they were young. They do not have to work as hard as folk women. The "price" is that their marriages are arranged by the royal family.

If E Niang is in power, she can still get a good future for herself, otherwise it is possible to marry an old man. If those spoiled concubines and daughters of the past were asked to sacrifice themselves, it would be difficult to say no. Like Lan Qier in "Kangxi Dynasty", he was so favored by Kangxi in the early years, and he was not arranged by his father to marry his enemy. Even though he knew that his daughter might be a widow, Kangxi still had no mercy and used his daughter to buy time.

The fate of the princesses of the Qing Dynasty includes not only the descendants of the Manchu and Qing Dynasty meritorious officials, but also the Mongolian princes and ministers. Considering the Mongolian people's wariness against the Qing emperor and the "history" of Gege's marriage, some people were reluctant to go. It's just that the situation forces it. Considering the importance of the Mongolian people to the Qing Dynasty's frontiers, the Qing Dynasty's princesses married Mongolians "too many times." Strengthening mutual ties with each other, most married lives are not too happy.

Even if she married into a Manchu official family, her life would not be too happy. There will be maids, maids, and nannies following her when she goes out. Her status is higher than everyone else. Usually, the parents-in-law will kneel down when they see the princess. If the prince-in-law wants to see his wife, he has to speak to the aunt in the palace who is accompanying Princess in advance, which is difficult to do in most cases. Even if she has a good relationship with her husband, she does not have a good relationship with everyone in her husband's family. Gege is almost the same as being alone forever.

Puyi 's biological sister "married"

In early 1912, Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, abdicated, and the Qing Dynasty officially perished. Although the dynasty is destroyed, there are still seven characters, and each of them has a different marriage ending. The first three are all from the same mother as Puyi. The first one is Yun Yun. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, in order to win over the ministers, she married the queen Wanrong's brother Guo Bulo Runliang.

According to Sanmei’s later memories, her sister’s life was unhappy, and her husband was a playboy and was useless at all. Because of her "marriage" status, Puyi refused to allow her to divorce and forced the two of them to continue living together. When he was 17 years old, he contracted appendicitis . Western medicine could have saved Da Ge Ge, but his husband's family stopped him and he died of pain. Among the seven sisters, she had the worst life. She was harmed by feudalism and lost her young life.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing royal family was not completely in despair. Puyi's second sister Yun and lived a stable life. During that time, she saw that her family was in difficulty and wanted to go out to make money, but her family did not agree. Later, she was given a marriage by her elder brother. Her husband was Zheng Guangyuan, the grandson of a high-ranking official of the Puppet Manchukuo Kingdom. She lived a pretty good life. After the peaceful liberation of the country, she became the director of a kindergarten. Her husband entered a government department and lived a stable life. I passed away in 2001 at the age of 97, which is considered a long-lived old man.

In order to continue to communicate with the Queen Wanrong's natal family, Puyi married his third sister Yunying to Wanrong's younger brother Guo Bulo Runqi. went to Japan with her husband after getting married. Because of her special status, her life was stable. However, this princess had national sentiments deep down and was quite repulsive towards the Japanese. The couple returned to China, but they got separated while fleeing after the war. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she returned to Beijing with her children and became a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. She worked hard to raise her children and died of illness in 1992.

The lives of other concubine sisters

As for the fourth daughter Yunxian was born to the concubine of Puyi's father. Compared with the previous ones, she has a lower status. Her brother accused her of marrying Sebu Jingtai, the son of the Mongolian noble Lingsheng . Later, something happened and the engagement was cancelled. Later, her brother arranged for her to be betrothed to her classmate Zhao Qifan, who had a close relationship with the Japanese. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, her husband went abroad and the two of them lived in separate places. Under the care of the government, they lived a relatively happy life.

LaowuYunxinLike Si Gege, they also belong to free love and have a happier life. Her husband is Wan Jiaxi, the son of Puyi's close confidant Wan Sheng. went to Japan to study in the past and is relatively open-minded. After Japan surrendered, the man was captured by the Soviets, and the woman struggled to survive alone with her children. The couple reunited after the founding of New China. Wugege went to work in a hotel and her husband was a translator. She and her husband gave birth to four children, all of whom were admitted to college. Wuge died in 1998 at the age of 81.

Liugege is considered the most talented among these girls. She comes from a good family and her painting skills are naturally good. Her marriage was different from that of her five sisters. She and her husband were in a free relationship. In 1945, she married Wanyan Ailan , who was born in a Manchu noble family. Both of them were painters. After marriage, we have a very good relationship because we have a common language.

As for Qigege Yun Huan was born in 1921. The Qing Dynasty had long been destroyed when he was born, and he had little exposure to the idea of ​​imperial power. Mainly exposed to Western education, he firmly adheres to human rights equality and devotes himself to education throughout his life. Her husband Qiao Hongzhi is an ordinary person, and he also founded a school to let more children receive education. For her, she does not agree with the royal thoughts in her heart, and she also opposes Puyi's restoration. It should be said that she is the one who lives the most like a commoner.


Some of Puyi's younger sisters were used as "political tools" by their brother Puyi to get married, which was their misfortune. As for whether your life is good or bad, you can only know it yourself, and of course you have to fight for it yourself. Looking carefully at their life experiences, they have experienced many difficulties, but they overcame these problems with their strong will. To a certain extent, I have successfully taken control of my life.

Even if someone is regarded as a marriage partner, the marriage is not completely autonomous, but you can still live your life. Now think about it, if the Qing Dynasty had not perished, their lives would have been subject to a lot of constraints, and there would be no freedom later. Even though life was difficult, I never regretted it in my heart. It was unfortunate for them to be born into an imperial family, but lucky for them to come to New China. Look at the fate of those princesses who lost their country. These princesses are considered good and live an ordinary and simple life.