During the ten-year special period from 1966 to 1976, a workers' rebel organization was established in Shanghai called the "Shanghai General Administration of Industry." The main leaders of the "Shanghai General Administration of Industry and Commerce" are Wang Hongwen, Chen Ada,

During the ten-year special period from 1966 to 1976, a workers' rebel organization was established in Shanghai called the "Shanghai General Administration of Industry." The main leaders of the "Shanghai General Administration of Industry and Commerce" are Wang Hongwen, Chen Ada, etc. They engage in "collaboration" in Shanghai and engage in many "fighting" incidents, which have a very bad impact.

The person we are going to talk about today once participated in the "Shanghai General Administration of Industry" and is a loyal follower of Wang Hongwen. It was also under Wang Hongwen's arrangement that he was elected as a representative of the "Top Ten" and was elected at the "Top Ten" meeting As a member of the Central Committee, he served as deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security after the "Top Ten" meeting. This person’s name is Zhu Jiayao . So, what’s the story about Zhu Jiayao?

Zhu Jiayao was born in 1937 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In his early years, he studied in his hometown and dropped out of school until he was in junior high school. In 1955, 18-year-old Zhu Jiayao joined the army and became a soldier of the People's Liberation Army. After joining the army, Zhu Jiayao performed well and was later promoted to deputy squad leader, and became an official party member in January 1959.

In May 1959, Zhu Jiayao transferred from the army. After his transfer, he was assigned to Shanghai No. 5703 Factory and became an ordinary worker. Objectively speaking, Zhu Jiayao has a high emotional intelligence, which in layman's terms means "things will come". Therefore, he is very comfortable in the factory. If there is no subsequent special period of ten years, Zhu Jiayao is likely to work in the factory for the rest of his life and take care of himself after retirement. However, the special period of ten years changed Zhu Jiayao's fate. During that period, Zhu Jiayao began to follow Wang Hongwen. Under Wang Hongwen's "support", in January 1967, he entered the "Shanghai General Administration of Industry" and was mainly engaged in organizational work.

Wang Hongwen trusted Zhu Jiayao very much and took good care of him. Zhu Jiayao was also grateful to Wang Hongwen from the bottom of his heart, so he worked extra hard. However, Zhu Jiayao's hard work was for Wang Hongwen, which also paved the way for his future tragedy. In 1973, before the "Top Ten" convened, Zhu Jiayao was elected as a representative of the "Top Ten" and also entered the Shanghai Airport Authority, officially entering politics.

At the "Top Ten" Conference, Zhu Jiayao was elected as a member of the Central Committee. In November 1973, under the control of Wang Hongwen, Zhu Jiayao entered the Ministry of Public Security and became a member of the core group of the Party of the Ministry of Public Security. He also served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security. It is worth mentioning that Zhu Jiayao was actually Wang Hongwen's "insider" at the Ministry of Public Security. News including the smashing of the "Gang of Four" was also leaked from Zhu Jiayao. What is going on?

It turns out that after the "Gang of Four" was crushed on October 6, 1976, the organization tightly blocked this news. The "Gang of Four" associates in Shanghai did not know that the "Gang of Four" had been crushed. However, they repeatedly reported to the "Gang of Four" "The members tried to call, but they couldn't get through. They couldn't help but murmur in their hearts and had a premonition that something had happened.

On October 8, Wang Xiuzhen, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Revolutionary Committee, sent Miao Wenjin, secretary of Jin Zumin, the head of the preparatory group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, to Beijing to prepare for information. Before arriving in Beijing, Wang Xiuzhen and Miao Wenjin agreed on a contact code. After Miao Wenjin arrived in Beijing, he found Zhu Jiayao. He had a good relationship with Zhu Jiayao, and Zhu Jiayao was also promoted by Wang Hongwen and followed Wang Hongwen's advice. Miao Wenjin believed that he could get information from Zhu Jiayao.

The development of the matter was exactly as Miao Wenjin expected. Zhu Jiayao told Miao Wenjin that the "Gang of Four" had been arrested. Miao Wenjin immediately reported to Wang Xiuzhen according to the agreed code. At the same time, Zhu Jiayao also personally called Wang Xiuzhen and told Wang Xiuzhen: "People are concentrated. It’s locked up and can’t be moved.” After Wang Xiuzhen and others received the news from Zhu Jiayao, they began to plan conspiracy activities. Fortunately, Ni Zhifu and others turned the tide and crushed Wang Xiuzhen and others' conspiracy.

After this, the relevant departments found out that the information was leaked from Zhu Jiayao. In June 1977, Zhu Jiayao was isolated and examined. In 1984, Zhu Jiayao was expelled from the party. After that, he was arranged to return to Shanghai No. 5703 Factory to work. In 1994, Zhu Jiayao immigrated to the United States. In his later years, he lived in the United States and led an ordinary life.