But if you have seen a book called "Modern Love Letters", also called "Romantic Love Letters", you will immediately think of the man who has been dating for more than 3,000 years, and the shocking woman who uses her own body to write.

If someone asks who Yu Meiyan is, most people may have never heard of this name. But if you have seen a book called "Modern Love Letters", also called "Romantic Love Letters", you will immediately think of the man who dated for more than 3,000 years, and the shocking woman who used her own body to write.

Yes, this alias is Mengtian, a young woman born in Dihai, Taishan County, Guangdong in 1900. She only lived in this world for a short 28 years. This woman who has been quite beautiful and talented since she was a child has spent her whole life. They are inseparable from men, but in the end they died for men. In 1928, he jumped into the sea on a ship from Hong Kong to Shanghai. His last words were the most heartbreaking.

Advocating a free life

Yu Meiyan's appearance is indeed as beautiful as her name. The upright melon face has a pair of eyes that are the most charming. In today's terms, she has a pair of peach blossom eyes that can attract people's soul. Her good family background made her well-educated, and her father's business acumen also allowed her to move smoothly in the aristocratic circle.

In 1918, at the age of eighteen, she married a wealthy man named Tan. Since her husband had been doing business overseas all year round, young people abroad at that time advocated freedom and were greedy for enjoyment. This wind blew into mainland China, which was still in a backward period at the time, and awakened the buds of young people's desire for freedom under the traditional system. They began to drink foreign wine, taste coffee, and advocate the so-called new life.

Yu Meiyan is naturally no exception. A beautiful and educated woman like her would not dare to be a caged golden bird, especially when her husband is away from home all the time and she is at odds with her parents-in-law. She and her husband separated after only a few months of marriage. She came to Guangzhou alone, but accidentally ended up in jail because of her fashionable dress. Fortunately, he was released on bail by the uncle of the county magistrate, and the turmoil was calmed down.

However, the advanced life atmosphere in Guangzhou soon changed this young girl's attitude towards life, which was delicate in appearance but turbulent in heart. Furthermore, due to the dissolution of the Tan family's marriage, her father angrily sent her to a craft school to learn how to work as a female worker. This place was similar to a modern asylum and was a mixed bag of good and bad. Yu Meiyan must have struggled there and learned nothing good.

Guangzhou is the beginning of Yu Meiyan's degradation. Without the fetters of marriage , she began to be wild. She is young, she is beautiful, she is trendy, and she is charming. What's more important is that she has the ability to control men. She goes to various dance halls, casinos, and cocktail parties. Wherever she appears, she will quickly become the central figure there and become the focus of all the men's attention.

We have seen entertainment venues in old Shanghai in many movies and TV dramas, where the most fashionable and beautiful women are gathered, dancing to the popular music. Young girls dressed fashionably and beautifully dressed shuttle through various For those around dignitaries, especially those rich young men, basically can't escape as long as they are attracted by Yu Meiyan. She spends their money to socialize with them, and even spends the night with them. She looked down upon you and you would be rejected no matter how rich you were. This was the Yu Meiyan that people loved and hated at the time.

However, her luxurious life came to an abrupt end when she met a Hong Kong businessman surnamed He. This middle-aged man naturally fell in love with her beauty. Yu Meiyan was also seduced by his sweet words and threw herself into this flower. In the arms of the young master, she is willing to be his second wife. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long and she was quickly abandoned. However, this was just a small episode in her relationship and was harmless.

continues to fall.

There is no window period in Yu Meiyan’s love life. She has had three marriages, but none of them came to the end. But in 1925, she met the son of the county magistrate of Nanhai County. This bad relationship ended up killing her, and there were repeated emotional entanglements between the two young people.Yu Meiyan gave her true feelings, even raising money to redeem her husband and spending money to buy love for her sweetheart. This was not easy for her who had always been comfortable in her emotional life.

But this marriage was eventually broken up by her father-in-law, who was the county magistrate. Yu Meiyan, who was desperate, came to San Francisco in the United States. This period of life had a great impact on her future, because after all, the United States under the capitalist system It was completely opposite to the old China where the warlords were fighting at that time. This was very close to the life that Yu Meiyan longed for and made her feel like a fish in water.

But she happened to meet her ex-husband again. This kind of constant cutting and confusing emotions once again made Yu Meiyan lose her mind, hoping to renew her relationship with her husband. But this young man rejected her because he heard about Yu Meiyan's unscrupulous life, and he would naturally go back. Yu Meiyan's heart was hit hard.

Her last words are heartbreaking

In order to avenge her father and the heartless man she once loved, Yu Meiyan returned to Guangzhou and began her most depraved and absurd life. She began to wander among all kinds of men. During the period, almost all comers were rejected, and in just 4 years, she dated more than 3,000 men. This was absolutely shocking in the social environment at that time.

In fact, we said that Yu Meiyan was degenerate, but as she saw through the indifference of life and the impermanence of the world at that time, she used another awakening way to treat her future life. She was sentimental, she was debauched, but she was She chooses to associate with men, and she carries the name of a slut, but she has never used her beauty to harm anyone. She just wants to fill her own emptiness and find a sustenance for her lost feelings.

She is also a talented woman. used her own body as the material to write the "Romantic Love Letter", which records her experience of interacting with these men and the love letters she wrote to each other. Every word is her own personal experience. So this book was once very popular at the time. Some people commented that she was the first person to use her own body to write.

In 1927, Yu Meiyan, who was tired of such a life, prepared to escape into Buddhism. In fact, she did so and became a nun, preparing to end her life in a pure heart. But because she was so famous, some people always came to harass her, and she was eventually kicked out of the temple by the old nun. Finally, he committed suicide by jumping into the sea on a ship from Hong Kong to Shanghai in April 1928.

When descendants were sorting out her belongings, they found a suicide note. It says: In the next life, you may be able to be a pure woman and gain true freedom... This deathbed prophecy is really sad. She has been pursuing happiness all her life, but the door to happiness has always been closed to her. She hopes that she can To be a pure woman, but reality broke her dream.

Yu Meiyan is different from other women in that she will never confine herself to a small world. Although she also longs for feelings, she advocates freedom more. Her life is very puzzling. She is a strange woman who wanders in the old and new eras. She always knows how to move forward, but is unwilling to look back and look at the life path she has experienced. She is also formed One of the reasons for the tragedy of her life.