July 12, 1994, was originally a very peaceful day. My mother planned to go to the market to buy a new coat for my father Zhao Daifu. The two brothers were at the age where they loved to have fun. As soon as they heard that their mother was going to the market, they started to mak

July 12, 1994, this date has always been engraved in Zhao Yongyong's heart and has become his eternal nightmare. He originally had a peaceful and peaceful life, but from that day on, he truly felt the cruelty of fate.

He lost his mother on this day, and was trafficked out of town at the same time as his younger brother. He was separated from his father, and an originally happy family fell apart.

Zhao Yongyong has never been able to reconcile with hatred in his life. During the days and nights of being trafficked, what kept Zhao Yongyong alive was to find his father and younger brother and avenge his mother. For this goal of revenge, he endured hardships For a full 18 years.

Cruel memories

Zhao Yongyong’s hometown is in a small village in Yongjiang County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province. At the time of the accident, Zhao Yongyong was seven years old and his younger brother Zhao Yongkuan was only five years old.

July 12, 1994, was originally a very peaceful day. My mother planned to go to the market to buy a new coat for my father Zhao Daifu. The two brothers were at the age where they loved to have fun. When they heard that their mother was going to the market, they started to make a fuss. I want to go with my mother.

Mother Xiao Xueqin couldn't stand the crying of the two brothers, so she took her two children to the market. Unexpectedly, this trip would lead to a dead end.

The mother and son came to the market happily. The mother saw a somewhat unfamiliar storefront in the town, and a tall man walked out of the door.

At that time, Zhao Yongyong vaguely remembered that the man came out and chatted with his mother for a few words, and her mother decided to go into the store to have a look and let the brothers play outside.

There were people coming and going in the market, and there were so many acquaintances. No one thought that something would happen in a place like this. However, the two brothers played boredly at the door for a while, but still did not see their mother come out. As the elder brother, Zhao Yongyong Feeling a little anxious while waiting, I took my brother's hand and walked into the store.

But unexpectedly, he saw a bloody scene. His mother fell to the ground and was kicked and punched by several men. The men still had knives in their hands. There was blood on the ground. His mother's clothes were torn and her face was There were scars on his upper body and hands.

Zhao Yongyong and Zhao Yongkuan were both frightened. After being stunned for a few seconds, Zhao Yongyong came to his senses and wanted to run out to call for help, but found that the door had been locked tightly at some point, and a man directly took a A tape recorder was turned up to the maximum volume, covering the screams of the women and children in the house.

Several more men came over and strangled Zhao Yongyong's neck. Zhao Yongyong was just a young and thin child, so of course he had no ability to resist. Soon, both Zhao Yongyong and Zhao Yongkuan were strangled and passed out.

When Zhao Yongyong woke up again, he found himself locked in a dark room, which seemed to be a basement. A man came down the stairs every day to feed them some water and food.

But the food seemed to be laced with drugs. After eating such unclean food, he and his brother felt groggy every day, their hands and feet became weak, and there was no hope of escaping. His mother had already died here. Traffickers' den.

I don’t know how long it took before Zhao Yongyong finally regained consciousness. At that time, he was still tied up in the car by the trafficker, with his still unconscious brother lying next to him.

Zhao Yongyong still remembers that as soon as he woke up, he realized that the climate in this place was wrong. It was very hot, stuffy, and somewhat humid. After a long time, he realized that he had been trafficked from Dazhou City, Sichuan Province to Putian City, Fujian Province, which was why he was so acclimatized.

Living in a foreign land

But as a child at that time, Zhao Yongyong had no ability to judge. He was just very panicked and wanted his mother and his father, but the traffickers ignored the crying of the two children. Soon, Zhao Yongyong and his younger brother Zhao Yongkuan were also separated. The traffickers began to take Zhao Yongyong to negotiate business, and wanted to sell Zhao Yongyong to a family that could afford a "big price."

Human traffickers are not worried about their criminal behavior being exposed at all. They are already habitual offenders. In the past, many children were abducted from them, and these children were often very young when they were abducted.Coupled with the fright and the buyer's brainwashing, he will completely forget his life experience and hometown within a few years.

Moreover, it was 1994, the criminal investigation system was very underdeveloped, and there was no surveillance on the street. The only few witnesses only saw Zhao Yongyong, mother and son, walking into the store, and no other evidence could be provided.

At that time, Zhao Yongyong’s father discovered that his wife and children were missing and quickly called the police. After the police found the store, they found that the store was opened by a well-known local gangster and an old acquaintance in the Public Security Bureau.

But that man had always been a scoundrel. He lay down on the ground and said that he knew nothing. The public security agency searched for a long time but could not find any strong evidence. In the end, the case was dropped.

Zhao Yongyong hoped that his father would come to rescue him quickly, but his father could not find even a single clue. How could he have thought that his son had been sold to Fujian thousands of miles away? The traffickers quickly negotiated a price with the buyer and left Zhao Yongyong at the home of his adoptive parents.

Zhao Yongyong looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, feeling very scared in his heart, but he also understood that if he wanted to survive, find his father and younger brother, and avenge his mother in the future, he must first learn to compromise.

Zhao Yongyong was afraid that he would forget the past. He knew that the buyers, his so-called adoptive parents, had always wanted him to forget everything. Therefore, on the surface, he pretended that he had forgotten everything. He didn't remember it, but in his heart, he didn't dare to forget it for a moment.

Before going to bed every night, Zhao Yongyong forced himself to go through those bloody and painful memories in his mind. He began to fall in love with painting. Although his adoptive parents' poor family would not provide him with any professional painting education at all, Even with a small pencil tip and on worn-out draft paper, Zhao Yongyong is willing to continue to draw what he remembers.

Zhao Yongyong also considered a problem. People's appearance can change. He was very worried. What if one day his father came to this area of ​​​​Fujian and saw himself, but couldn't recognize him because he had grown up and changed his appearance? manage?

In order to solve this problem, every time his adoptive parents took Zhao Yongyong out to take photos, he would try his best to secretly hide one by himself. He thought that even if his father didn't know him when he grew up, he would definitely remember his appearance as a child. Therefore, he would always have a chance to recognize his father by holding the photos of his childhood.

When he was 13 years old, Zhao Yongyong dropped out of school at the request of his adoptive parents. Over the years, Zhao Yongyong pretended to be honest, but his adoptive parents were still worried. The reason why they went through so much trouble to buy a son was to raise him for old age. They were always worried that one day the child would remember something and return to his biological parents.

If this child is allowed to study again, they are afraid that the child will open up his mind and become too smart and uncontrollable, so they decisively stopped Zhao Yongyong's studies.

Zhao Yongyong felt very uncomfortable because he couldn't study. He had very good academic performance. Although he experienced so many twists and turns, after being sent to a local elementary school by his adoptive parents, his grades were still first in the class. He studied very hard. , He wants to escape from this place by entering higher education in the future, so that he will have more opportunities to avoid the sight of his adoptive parents and find his relatives.

But now, because of the mandatory requirements of his adoptive parents, he had to change his plan. After dropping out of school, Zhao Yongyong first helped his adoptive parents in farming at home. Later, when Zhao Yongyong was 16 years old, his adoptive parents felt that he could not earn much money just by working in the fields, so they urged Zhao Yongyong to join several young people in the village to work in the Pearl River Delta to make money.

struggled to find

At this time, because nearly ten years had passed, the adoptive parents were relatively relieved of Zhao Yongyong. When they asked Zhao Yongyong several times about his past, Zhao Yongyong pretended that he had completely lost his memory.

On the surface, he also respected his adoptive parents as much as his biological parents. Only then did the adoptive parents finally make up their mind to let the child live outside.

This was the opportunity that Zhao Yongyong had been waiting for for a long time. He was finally able to escape here. After arriving in the Pearl River Delta, Zhao Yongyong entered a jade carving factory as an apprentice. After working for others for two years, he opened a small store of his own. While maintaining his life, he traveled all over the world, trying to find clues about his hometown.

Although Zhao Yongyong tried his best to not forget it over the years, he was too young when he was trafficked, and the clues in his memory were too vague. He didn't even know which province his hometown was in or what its name was.

This makes Zhao Yongyong very painful. Over the years, every day and night, his heart has been tortured. Every time he closes his eyes, it is the scene of his mother's death. He urgently needs to return to his family. Only in this way can he truly of relief.

But where is his home? Zhao Yongyong was searching aimlessly in the world, and in the blink of an eye, time came to 2012.

This year, Zhao Yongyong was already in his early 20s. He had been searching for so long and still found nothing.

One day, a friend invited Zhao Yongyong to his home for dinner. This friend’s mother is from Sichuan and is good at making delicious Sichuan dishes. At the dinner table, the friend’s mother brought a bunch of Sichuan snacks, such as sausages and squid.Zheergen , Dengying Beef...

Looking at these snacks, Zhao Yongyong suddenly fell into deep thought. He felt an inexplicable familiarity. He was sure that he had definitely tasted this taste somewhere at some time. Zhao Yongyong was immediately ecstatic. He felt familiar with Sichuan snacks, which proved that he was most likely from Sichuan!

Zhao Yongyong immediately bought a ticket to Sichuan. However, Sichuan is so big, where to start?

But for Zhao Yongyong, as long as he keeps looking, there will always be hope. Soon after, Zhao Yongyong registered his information on the baby home website. When registering, Zhao Yongyong filled in the name "Zhao Yongyong" that he remembered.

In fact, after he was abducted, his name was changed by his adoptive parents, but the name "Zhao Yongyong" has always been engraved deep in his heart. Zhao Yongyong is very worried. He is worried that his memory and judgment will be wrong, and he will never be harmed. Loved ones missed.

However, Huangtian paid off, and soon, several volunteers from the Baby Home team contacted Zhao Yongyong and asked him if he could think of any other clues.

However, due to the accent of his hometown, Zhao Yongyong is not sure about a lot of information. For example, he is not sure whether his surname is Zhao. Also, he remembers that the place where he came from is pronounced "Pagoda Street" and he planted many Bamboo and lotus, but he searched on the Internet and did not find a place called "Pagoda Street" in Sichuan.

At this time, a volunteer gave Zhao Yongyong a suggestion. He was still young at the time, but his adoptive parents must have some clues. Why not go back and ask?

Zhao Yongyong was very embarrassed. In his opinion, those were not his adoptive parents at all, but the murderers who had harmed his life. After escaping from Fujian, Zhao Yongyong had almost no contact with his adoptive parents and their family.

But the volunteers told him that a small impatience can ruin a big plan. Today, the human traffickers from back then can't be found, and his memory is too vague. He can only find some useful clues from his adoptive parents.

After much thought, Zhao Yongyong decided to go to the adoptive parents’ home with the volunteers. However, even if the volunteers asked in every possible way, the adoptive father could not give any clues. He only said that when he bought the child, it was from a place called Ahe. Bought from a trafficker.

Returned to his hometown

This made Zhao Yongyong feel disappointed, but things were still improving. Soon, reporters heard about this matter, and various media reported it. Not long after, Dazhou City had news, there was a A man named Zhao Daifu lost his wife and children many years ago. The time and location matched the information provided by Zhao Yongyong.

Zhao Yongyong became excited again. At the same time, he thought that if Dazhou City was his hometown, then he might be able to find the trafficker who killed his mother. He clearly remembered that his mother was killed in a storefront. So, 18 years later, Zhao Yongyong returned to his hometown again.

He first returned to the street where he was abducted. The scenery had changed, but the storefront was still there. The locals told Zhao Yongyong and the volunteers that the storefront belonged to a gangster named Pu Sanwa.

htmlMore than 0 years ago, when Zhao Yongyong, mother and son disappeared, the public security agency went there to investigate, but later did not continue the investigation.

Zhao Yongyong decided to go in and find out what was going on. He suppressed his anger and walked into the store, pretending to be passing by by chance, and chatted with Pu Sanwa in the room. A few minutes later, Zhao Yongyong came out and said to Zhiyi The reporter said with certainty: "This is it."

He could not forget this room, nor could he forget Pu Sanwa's ferocious face. He was one of the murderers who killed Xiao Xueqin.

Zhao Yongyong immediately called the police. On the one hand, the police quickly contacted Zhao Yongyong's father and asked him to return to his hometown to meet his son. On the other hand, they detained Pu Sanwa and interrogated him. They also sent people to Fujian to look for more people. clue.

Pu Sanwa did not expect that the scandal he had committed back then would be exposed. He told the truth to the police in despair. His storefront had been a den of human traffickers many years ago, and several people who had committed the crime with him lived next door. small town. They specifically used this store as a cover to abduct passing children and then sell them to Fujian.

After doing such cruel things for a long time, they did not regard killing as a big deal. At that time, they saw Zhao Yongyong's mother passing by with her two children, and they had evil thoughts.

first coaxed Zhao Yongyong's mother into killing her, then detained the two children, fed them drugs, and sold them to Fujian. After Zhao Yongyong's mother's body was burned, they buried her in the backyard.

Ups and downs in the world

Later, Zhao Yongyong and his father who rushed back did a paternity test, which confirmed that they were indeed their biological father and son. Zhao Yongyong's wish for many years was finally fulfilled, but where did his brother go? The trafficker quickly confessed that his younger brother had also been sold to a village in Fujian.

So Zhao Yongyong and his father rushed back to look for someone without stopping. Zhao Yongyong's younger brother was resold twice. The first time his adoptive parents often tortured and beat him. Later, because they disliked his disobedience, they sold him to the second time. I met a family named Wu. When Zhao Yongyong came over, his brother couldn't believe it.

He was too young when he was trafficked, and those childhood memories became blurred. Sometimes, his younger brother couldn't tell whether those memories about Sichuan were dreams or reality.

What makes Zhao Yongyong even more uncomfortable is that his younger brother is unwilling to leave the Wu family because he has lived in this family for more than ten years. He regards himself as a child of this family and has forgotten the painful experiences of that year.

Sometimes, forgetting is not a good thing, but for Zhao Yongyong, this is really difficult to accept. After meeting his younger brother, Zhao Yongyong had to return to the life track he should have. He found his father and found his father. He killed his younger brother and also caught the murderer of his mother, but there were many regrets that could never be made up for.

His mother cannot come back. His father married someone else a few years after losing his wife and now lives with his new wife and two stepsons. His younger brother has already accepted living with the buyer. .

Everyone seems to have their own life, but Zhao Yongyong cannot easily get out of the past. He can't forget, and he doesn't dare to forget.

However, he didn't know what else he could do. Could he ask his father and brother to keep the events of that year in mind like him?

He couldn't be so demanding, so he could only go back to his jade carving shop and continue to live his life like all ordinary people.

He has always been alone, unmarried, cut off relations with his adoptive parents, and has little contact with his younger brother. Occasionally, during holidays, he will go back to visit his biological father, but his biological father has his own home, which does not belong to Zhao Yongyong.

Zhao Yongyong is also trying hard to start a new life. He is a determined and brave man. We only hope that fate can treat him better.