In order to further consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education, and guide party members and cadres to draw the strength to move forward bravely from comprehending the revolutionary sentiments, on June 29, members of the Party Branch of the Organizatio

Handheld Spring City News In order to further consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education, and guide party members and cadres to draw the strength to move forward bravely while comprehending the revolutionary sentiments, on June 29, the Party Branch of the Organizational Organ of the Longquan Street Party Working Committee and the Party Branch of Young Talents Party members, community party committee (general branch) secretary, deputy secretary, neighborhood committee deputy director, etc. went to the patriotic education base of Yunnan Province - the Red Army Long March Kedu Memorial Hall to carry out a series of themed activities of "Strive for the New Era and Present Twenty Major Works to Be the Vanguard" .

In the square of the Red Army Long March Kedu Memorial Hall, all party members lined up facing the bright red party flag, raised their right fists high and solemnly swore an oath to express to the party organization their determination and belief to listen to the party and follow the party. Subsequently, Liu Guoqiang, secretary of the street Party Working Committee , sent a "Political Birthday" greeting card to party members celebrating their political birthday. The card contained warm and heartfelt birthday wishes and ardent hopes for party members and cadres.

In the memorial hall, all party members visited the former site of the headquarters of the Central Red Army, the former site of the headquarters of the Central Red Army leaders and the theme exhibition hall, paid homage to the group sculptures of the Red Army, and listened to the immortal historical memories of the Red Army's Long March. . Precious cultural relics, vivid pictures, and simple texts allow everyone to relive the glorious history of the older generation of revolutionaries leading the Chinese people in heroic struggles, and understand the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and hard work during the war years. I remembered the arduous and turbulent years of the revolutionary martyrs and realized the historical significance of the Communist Party of China's "Five Must-Go Roads". Walk the Long March again and revisit the red heart. Along the way, you can learn about the local customs, geography and culture, as well as some stories about the Red Army’s Long March to Kedu that cannot be explained in the museum. Pursuing the memory of the Red Army’s Long March through Xundian, we truly felt the great feats of the Red Army’s Long March, experienced the great spirit of the Long March, expressed our admiration for the Red Army’s Long March, and remembered that glorious and splendid history.

's journey of original intention explored the red element, pursued the red mark, accepted the baptism of party spirit, and replenished the spiritual calcium. Party members unanimously stated that they will take the spirit of the Long March as a guide, internalize the spirit of the Long March in their hearts, externalize it in their actions, and be inspired by the revolutionary spirit to devote themselves to urban grassroots governance work with fuller enthusiasm and with higher spirits. We should follow the road of "rushing for the exam" in grassroots governance in the new era, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with a new look, new achievements, and new achievements.

Since this year, the Longquan Street Party Working Committee has carried out thematic party days in a solid manner, leading the majority of party members and cadres to learn party history well, accept political tempering, draw spiritual strength, ignite the passion for struggle through continuous and in-depth study, and demonstrate in the high-quality leap-forward development of Yunnan Take on the role of contribution.

Kunming Daily All-Media Reporter: Luo Kunya

Editor: Bi Qun

Editor and Reviewer: Fu Yali

Final Review: Zhou Jianjun