During the years that Chairman Mao and He Zizhen were together, they gave birth to 6 children. Articles and books about He Zizhen at home and abroad all said that Li Min was the only surviving daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen. The other children either died in infancy or th

Who is Chairman Mao’s eldest daughter? Many people will say it is Li Min, but it is not the case.

During the years that Chairman Mao and He Zizhen were together, they gave birth to 6 children. Articles and books about He Zizhen at home and abroad say that Li Min is the only surviving daughter of Chairman Mao and He Zizhen. The other children either died in infancy or are missing. ...

However, it is reported: The first daughter He Zizhen gave birth to in Longyan is still alive. What is going on?

Picture | Chairman Mao

To understand the cause and effect, we have to start from 1929.

Aihua Hospital gave birth, an abandoned baby in front of Zanfeng Store

In March 1929, the kapok tree was in full bloom with fiery red flowers. In the early morning, mist enveloped Longyan Mountain City. A uniformed Red Army soldier galloped towards the "Aihua Hospital" with his horse and whip raised.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the hospital, correspondent Xiao Wu Gunan got off his horse, went straight to the Red Army medical officer Jiang Huaijin, and handed him a personal letter from Deng Zihui, secretary of the Western Fujian Special Committee.

Dr. Jiang opened the envelope and saw the letter: "Dr. Jiang, I will give you a special task. In a few days, a woman will go to the Red Army Hospital to give birth. Please be prepared. You can only succeed. There can be no mistakes."

Dr. Jiang was shocked, knowing that the person who came was not an ordinary person, but who was it? He doesn't know much either.

About six days later, two female Red Army soldiers came on horseback. Among them, the woman who gave birth was tall, with calm eyes and determination. She was He Zizhen.

Dr. Jiang arranged He Zizhen in a quiet ward. On the third day, he delivered the baby himself, and a baby girl was born. Dr. Jiang took good care of the baby girl and observed her six or seven times a day.

Another three days later, He Zizhen said to Dr. Jiang gratefully: "Comrade medical officer, thank you for taking such careful care of my daughter."

In the subsequent chat, Dr. Jiang learned that the mother was Chairman Mao's wife He Zizhen . However, He Zizhen told her to keep it a secret for the time being.

Picture | He Zizhen

One morning ten days later, four more female Red Army soldiers came to the hospital, and they took away He Zizhen, who was still weak.

In late April of that year, there was a shoe repair stall on the stone steps of the Longyan Chamber of Commerce, and a shrewd and capable little old man was busy with his work. This man is short and thin, with thick and black hair on his small head, and a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose. He is Weng Qinghe.

One day, Deng Zihui said to Weng Qinghe: "Commissioner Mao's wife He Zizhen gave birth to a girl two months ago. Now that the war is tense and it is inconvenient to take care of her, I will ask you to adopt her." Weng Qinghe said: "Commissioner Mao is a big shot in the Red Army. I'm just a little toe, how dare I get married?"

Deng Zihui smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we trust you!"

Weng Qinghe felt uneasy after returning home. He discussed with Aunt Lin and decided to accept the offer first. I will consider the rest later.

The next day, He Zizhen was led by an old woman, holding her daughter Mao Jinhua in her arms, and accompanied by Deng Zihui, came to Wengqinghe at the north gate.

At that time, He Zizhen carried a basket with 20 yuan in it, as well as silver rings, bracelets, clothes, cakes and bags and other items. When Aunt Lin saw this, she felt a little guilty and said that it couldn't be done. When her second son was born, she was already one month old and close to the end of her life. After saying that, she even squeezed out some milk on the spot. Deng Zihui said: "It doesn't matter, you can raise her."

Picture | Deng Zihui

However, the marriage family always needs to show some expression. The next day, Weng Qinghe also sent a can of old wine, a can of glutinous rice wine , three chickens and other items to the place where He Zizhen collapsed. He Zizhen looked happy and said: "How can we finish eating with so many things?"

Five days later, He Zizhen came to see her daughter for the last time, and then left Longyan and moved to Jiangxi with Chairman Mao.

In this way, Mao Jinhua fell into the arms of Aunt Lin. At the beginning, she often felt uncomfortable and had insufficient milk supply. She often stretched out her little hands and cried.

Auntie Lin is a mother who knows how to fill the baby's stomach. If she feeds a little rice cereal, Golden Flower's cheeks will start to turn rosy, which is very flattering.

But at this time, Weng Qinghe was restless. He had no intention of repairing his shoes and often screamed and had nightmares in the middle of the night. At present, Yang Fengnian, the Kuomintang leader entrenched in Zhangzhou, is eyeing Longyan, and Chairman Mao's eldest daughter is fostered with him, making him uneasy.

So, he put down his work and came to Nanmentou to find out the news from the bosses.

The owner of Zanfeng Store is named Lin, and the owner of Midian Store is named Qiu. They are both easy-going and kind-hearted. Weng Qinghe let out a sigh of relief and said: "Alas! The current situation is not good. I have a little girl at home, so I might as well give it up for adoption."

Several bosses were surprised and felt strange, and said doubtfully: "You added a little girl a month ago She had a boy and gave it away, so why is there another girl now?"

Weng Qinghe left in a hurry without saying anything.

One evening in mid-summer in July, Weng Qinghe got news from somewhere that Yang Fengnian's brigade had marched to Zhangchaishu. This shrouded him in terror, and he couldn't help but secretly think: "Mao Jinhua may bring disaster to my family."

Picture | Mao Jinhua (Yang Yuehua)

In this way, Weng Qinghe made up his mind-"abandoning is the best policy."

That day, while the child was sleeping, Weng Qinghe picked her up and quietly slipped out the door. At this time, it was already midnight, and the door of Zanfeng Store in Nanmentou was closed tightly, and the store owner was fast asleep. Weng Qinghe gently placed the Golden Flower at the door of the store.

Aunt Weng adopted, and Aunt Six "took care of"

The next day, morning came, and the owner of Zanfeng Store opened the door on time. He found a baby girl under the threshold who had just woken up from sleep. Her eyes were dark and bright, and she was very cute.

The kind-hearted Boss Lin called up the opposite Boss Qiu to discuss countermeasures together. Everyone thought in unison that Weng Qinghe must have thrown this away.

At this moment, Weng Qinghe, carrying the burden of mending shoes, passed by the south gate. When Boss Qiu saw this, he quickly stopped him: "Hezai, didn't you say you wanted to give the girl up for adoption? Come to the store and explain it clearly!"

Weng Qinghe felt guilty and glanced at the baby girl in Boss Lin's hands. He stammered and said: "The girl has been given away long ago." and left in a hurry.

Although the two bosses knew this well, they had nothing to do with Weng Qinghe, so they adopted an "emergency countermeasure" by placing a chair at the entrance of the store and placing the baby girl on it to see if anyone would come to adopt him.

After a long while, passers-by just looked at her curiously and had no intention of adopting her, which made the bosses anxious.

Another half-quarter of an hour later, someone told me that Aunt Weng, who lived next door to the Chamber of Commerce, was impoverished and still took her 11-year-old son Maisanzai to the street to beg for food. If he gave her some money, maybe she would adopt him. .

As a result, the bosses made plans for her. Coincidentally, Weng Gu was leading Mai San Zai to the door of the rice noodle shop, as if she wanted to ask for a bowl.

Boss Qiu's heart moved and he said: "Aunt Weng, there is a little girl here. You can take her and raise her. I can also give you some cloth and ocean."

What was unexpected was that Aunt Weng agreed and put away Bu and Dayang, holding the baby girl in their arms, took Mai Sanzai home. She didn't know the little girl's identity, but she was picked up, so she just called her "Shan Gu".

In this way, Weng Gu became the second person to adopt Golden Flower. Mao Jinhua stayed at Aunt Weng's house for a year. Due to difficulties in life, Aunt Weng gave the child to a man from Shandong.

Picture | Mao Jinhua (Yang Yuehua)

This man from Shandong is named Zhang Xianzhi. He used to be a Kuomintang soldier, then stayed in the local area and served as a squad leader in the militia. After that, he gave up the military and went into business, selling sesame cakes and fried dough sticks at Chetouling Bridge.

Zhang Xianzhi has a "lover", and everyone calls her "Sixth Aunt". Sixth Aunt has a relative named Fu Sensheng, who is thirteen years old and diligent. Men from Shandong like him very much.

One evening, Fu Sensheng's mother came to see the Shandong man and said to him: "Gu Weng has adopted a little girl. She can walk, but she lacks food and clothing. She is skinny and pitiful." She asked Zhang Xianzhi if he was not willing to adopt her. He said he could give me some money.

Zhang Xianzhi agreed wholeheartedly. So Mao Jinhua came to Zhang Xianzhi's house to "settle down" again. The reason why Zhang Xianzhi agreed so readily was because he wanted to find a helper in business, so he took the opportunity to call Fu Sensheng over to serve as an apprentice while taking care of the girl.

In the winter of 1934, Li Yannian's 80th Division of the Kuomintang's "Central Army" set out from Longyan to "suppress" Zhangzhou. Zhang Xianzhi took his family with the army.

He put the golden flowers on one end of the basket, and the luggage in the other basket, and started walking on a load. First he went to Nanjing, where he started a steamed bun business, and then went to Zhangzhou for a year.

In 1935, the 80th Division was transferred to Longyan and launched the second phase of the "clearance campaign" against the Red Army guerrillas in western Fujian. Zhang Xianzhi and his family returned to Longyan with Li Yannian's troops.

After Zhang Xianzhi returned to Longyan, he resumed his old business in the old place of Chetouling. Soon, his beloved wife Liu Gu died of tuberculosis. Zhang Xianzhi was in a bad mood. Mao Jinhua looked very haggard because of no one to take care of her.

As the saying goes, to untie the bell, you must tie the bell. Just when Zhang Xianzhi was at his wits' end, Fu Sensheng's mother came up with another suggestion: "The little girl can be raised by Mai Si, a native of Xinan, and the grudge will be settled from now on." How can I bear to take care of the little girl? It turns out that he has a "good wife" - Qiu Lanzi.

Qiu Lanzi is a widow who lost her husband in her early years and left behind a son named Yang Rongfu. The orphaned and widowed couple had no one to rely on, so they lived with Mai Sizi.

When Mai Sizi came to see Qiu Lanzi with the little girl, Qiu Lanzi was unhappy because he "killed first and played later". However, Mai Sizi was a smart man. He whispered to Qiu Lanzi: "When the little girl grows up, she will be given to Yang Rongfu, and we will have something to rely on when we are old. Why not do it?"

Qiu Lanzi is serious. After thinking about it, and seeing that the little girl was smart and cute, she adopted her as her adopted daughter, treated her as her own flesh and blood, and named her Qiu Yuehua.

Seven years later, Mai Sizi passed away, and Qiu Lanzi changed Mao Jinhua's name to Yang Yuehua, because her husband's surname was Yang.

Qiu Lanzi loves Yang Yuehua very much and regards her as the apple of his eye. To outsiders, she insists that Yang Yuehua is her biological daughter.

It’s been a long journey to find a loved one, Mao Jinhua, where are you?

The fate of Golden Flower is related to a great man of a generation. Chairman Mao, He Zizhen and Deng Zihui were all very concerned about Mao Jinhua's whereabouts.

In 1932, Chairman Mao, Nie Rongzhen and others led the Red Army to march to Zhangzhou. On April 10, they defeated Yang Fengnian's brigade and came to Longyan. At that time, Chairman Mao and He Zizhen missed their eldest daughter Mao Jinhua, who was born in Longyan, so they asked their younger brother Mao Zemin to look for her on their behalf.

Picture | Mao Zemin

After receiving the commission, Mao Zemin came to Weng Qinghe's residence. As soon as they met, he gave Weng Qinghe 150 yuan as a living allowance.

Weng Qinghe was very panicked, and the scene of him being interrogated by the Kuomintang immediately flashed in his mind...

It was in the winter of 1930, when Yang Fengnian’s brigade occupied Longyan, and he took Weng Qinghe to the brigade headquarters: "I heard that Mao Zedong had a Who introduced my daughter to you? What did she give you? "

asked a series of questions like a machine gun, which made Weng Qinghe sweat. He couldn't resist the pressure and told everything, but finally said that the child was dead.

Yang Fengnian heard that the child was dead, so it was not easy to blame him again. From then on, whenever anyone asked about the little girl, Weng Qinghe would always become so talkative.

Now, Mao Zemin also asked about this matter. How should he answer? Weng Qinghe thought for a moment and insisted that the little girl was "dead." Then he pretended to be nonchalant and said, "The baby girl is buried at the back north gate. Can I take you to the cemetery to have a look?"

Mao Zemin was shocked after hearing this. He said sadly: "No need."

At this time, Weng Qinghe's heart calmed down. Afterwards, Mao Zemin reported the incident to Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao was very sad after hearing it.

It turns out that I am not my biological child!

Yang Yuehua and her brother Yang Rongfu quarreled over trivial matters. Whenever Fu was in trouble, he would playfully call her a "stuffed meat" (which means not her biological child).

The words "stuffed meat" always made Yang Yuehua uneasy. She sometimes thought: "Is it true that Qiu Lanzi is not my biological mother? "

Picture | Yang Yuehua

In 1961, Yang Yuehua served as the director of the Longyan County Federation of Industry and Commerce. In the second half of that year, her aunt Zheng Qiudi told the truth, saying that Yang Yuehua was not Qiu Lanzi's biological child, but was adopted, and was left by the Red Army. Long Yan’s child.

Upon hearing the news, Yang Yuehua felt extremely uneasy: “The daughter of the old Red Army! Who are my parents? "

After thinking about it, Yang Yuehua finally picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Wu Chaofang, deputy commissioner of the Longyan Office, introducing what she knew.

Wu Chaofang joined the party in 1928. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she received many calls Deng Zihui's letter asked the local party organization to help find the whereabouts of Chairman Mao's eldest daughter, but several investigations yielded no results. After receiving Yang Yuehua's letter, she also felt that something was fishy.

Wu Chaofang immediately reported to Liu Huwen, Secretary of the Longyan County Committee of the Communist Party of China. and the provincial governor Wei Jinshui who was guiding the work in Longyan reported the situation. Wei Jinshui personally organized a symposium for relevant personnel, and Weng Qinghe was also present.

On January 7, 1964, Weng Qinghe finally reported to the Communist Party of China after a fierce ideological struggle. Wei Jinshui told the truth, but only one day later, he changed his mind and said that the little girl died of illness and was buried in Houbeishan.

However, Weng Qinghe's wife, Aunt Lin, denied that the child was dead. She said: "At that time. Both of us were very scared, so we gave the little girl to Weng Gu to be raised. After the child was taken away, we stopped caring about it. "

In addition, Wei Jinshui also found Qiu Lanzai, and Qiu Lanzai also admitted that the child was not her biological flesh and blood, but was brought back from Weng Gu.

These statements are very contradictory. The key is the current situation of the child. In order to strengthen the investigation, Wei Jinshui, Wu Chaofang and others formed an investigation team to continue to learn more about it. In his hometown, he often heard rumors that Chairman Mao's eldest daughter was still in Longyan, and his former superior was He Minxue, so he revealed the matter to He Minxue.

When He Minxue learned about it, he was very excited and entrusted Luo Wanchang to help investigate the matter. After many searches, the truth was finally revealed to He Minxue. In 1973, He Minxue sent the investigation report and materials to Premier Zhou, who was very concerned about the matter. Daughter-in-law Zhou Jianxia also came to Fujian to visit relatives.

After Zhou Jianxia came to Fujian, she first went to see He Minxue, and then He Minxue asked her to go to Longyan to meet Yang Yuehua. After arriving in Longyan, Luo Wanchang described: "Mao Jinhua had a large incision in the armpit of her right leg. There are two smaller moles on the front of the knee. The most important thing now is to check whether these moles are consistent. "

So, how to check whether Yang Yuehua has these moles? You can't just lift her trouser legs. Just when everyone was at a loss, Luo Wanchang's daughter Luo Haiming thought of a way.

She followed the adults to find Yang Yuehua, and then Shout: "There are fleas ! "Then he rolled up his trouser legs first to search. Yang Yuehua also rolled up his trouser legs, unknowingly exposing the mole on his right leg.

At this time, Yang Yuehua's identity was confirmed.

After the National Day in 1973, Luo Wanchang He brought Yang Yuehua to He Minxue's house. When He Minxue saw Yang Yuehua, he burst into tears: "Yuehua! It's so hard for uncle to find you! Your mother is not in good health recently. I am afraid that she will be irritated when she sees you, so I will arrange for you to meet in the future."

Picture | Uncle He Minxue

's concern made Yang Yuehua experience the warmth of another kind of family. In the days to come, the two parties had frequent contacts. Some people were going to Fuzhou for business trips, and Yang Yuehua always asked him to help bring some local products to her uncle. He also said hello to his uncle and aunt.

Li Min saw her sister, but could not recognize her due to various circumstances.

In the summer of 1977, Lin Qigui, deputy secretary of the Longyan County Committee of the Communist Party of China, came to Yang Yuehua’s house at No. 29 Dongcheng Lane, Longyan, and said that the Provincial Cultural Bureau had The comrades came to inspect and asked her to report on the work.

Yang Yuehua was confused and couldn't figure out why the provincial cultural bureau should let the comrades of the county cultural bureau report on the work. Why should she, the secretary of the film work station, go there? What?

However, she couldn’t figure it out. The next day, Yang Yuehua came to the designated place.

When Yang Yuehua walked into the hotel, she saw a woman who was seven or eight years younger than herself sitting on the sofa. At first glance, it looked very familiar.

Yang Yuehua reported on the situation of the film workstation, and after the report was completed, Li Min walked out of the hotel door and said to Lin Qigui: "That one on the sofa just now. I don't know the gay man, but I have an impression of the female gay, it seems to be Li Min. "

After a while, Yang Yuehua came to Fuzhou, and she talked about it in front of her uncle. He Minxue said: "Why weren't you called 'sister' at that time? "

Yang Yuehua replied: "I am several years older than her, and she doesn't call me, so why should I call her? "

In August 1979, on the festive days commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Red Army's entry into Fujian and the Gutian Conference.

Some leaders of Fujian Province were talking about the grand occasion of the commemoration event at the Western Fujian Hotel.

At this time, He Minxue took Yang Yuehua walked in and loudly said to everyone: "She is my sister He Zizhen's eldest daughter Yang Yuehua! "Everyone present was surprised and invariably turned their attention to Yang Yuehua.

Longyan Prefectural Committee Secretary Wen Fushan said: "The last time Li Min came to Longyan, we didn't let her know, and Li Min didn't disclose his identity. Because Li Min called the central government at that time, the central government thought that he would wait for an opportunity before admitting it, so it did not make it public. "

When everyone talked about why they didn't take Yuehua to see her mother, He Minxue explained: "Her mother is not in good health, and I will take her there in the future. "

However, on April 19, 1984, He Zizhen's heart stopped beating. Yang Yuehua learned the bad news from the newspaper and was heartbroken. Not seeing her biological mother became a big regret in her heart.

Picture | He Zizhen

1988 In April of that year, Comrade He Minxue died of illness. When Yang Yuehua learned that her mind was blank, she couldn't believe that her uncle would leave her so soon.

At that time, Yang Yuehua took her children on the train and came. When I arrived in Fuzhou, I wanted to see my uncle for the last time. Yang Yuehua couldn't restrain her sadness as she lay there quietly: "Uncle, uncle, you can't leave!" I finally found you! "

In Yang Yuehua's heart, she has three regrets. The first is that she was not able to meet her biological father, Chairman Mao; the second is that she was not able to meet her biological mother, He Zizhen; and the third is the death of her uncle He Minxue.

Life is so wonderful, some It is undoubtedly a pity that the person she wanted to see has never been seen. But behind the regret, there is a deep sense of longing and family affection. Just like Yang Yuehua misses her father and mother, her father and mother do not. Miss her?