Just after the end of World War II, the 16-year-old Farage got his first job - joining the "Central Italy Morning News" as a police officer and hospital reporter, showing his first talent.

Oriana Fallaci

Oriana Fallaci (June 29, 1929 - September 14, 2006), born in Florence , Italy, journalist and writer.

Just after World War II , the 16-year-old Farage got his first job-entering the "Central Italy Morning News" as a police officer and hospital reporter, showing his first talent. She always takes ordinary news content and takes a new approach to make different reports with clear viewpoints.

As a young man, Farage

served as the foreign correspondent of the Corriere della Sera in 1950. After years of training, she became famous for her sharp and unique news perspective and amazing literary talent.

War Correspondent Farage

In 1967, she went to a national magazine "European" and began to work as a weekly war reporter. She covered Vietnam War, India-Pakistan War, the Middle East War and the unrest in South Africa. Winner of two St. Vincent Journalism Awards and a Bancarella Best-Selling Author Award. She also received an honorary Doctor of Letters from Columbia College in Chicago.

When she went deep into the front line, she looked like a brave and fearless warrior. Instructions on her backpack told people that if she was killed in action, her body would be delivered to the Italian embassy. She recounted her adventures in "The Oriana Farage Report: I was unfortunately injured on the night of the bloodbath". The bloody and horrific scenes were not literary renderings, but real scenes. She was in it, her life hanging by a thread.

Farage was interviewing

She has interviewed many internationally renowned politicians and celebrities, such as Deng Xiaoping, Kissinger, Gaddafi, Arafat, Walesa, Nguyen Van Thieu , Indira· Gandhi , Khomeini and many other international dignitaries. She usually doesn't need a translator. In addition to Italian, she can also speak English, French, and Spanish.

Her interview skills are very superb. Her interview style is aggressive and her language is cold and sharp, leaving many of the big shots being interviewed with no way out. She once embarrassed Kissinger, who was very comfortable on the world diplomatic stage and rarely made mistakes. She said that the "stupid thing she had done in her life" was to accept Farage's interview. Even Gaddafi, who had always been stubborn, was unable to resist her continuous questioning and became furious.

Farage interviews Deng Xiaoping

In August 1980, Farage conducted two interviews with Deng Xiaoping within three days. During the interview, Farage was frank and sharp, while Deng Xiaoping responded with candor, wisdom and humor. Through this interview, the international community gained a comprehensive and profound understanding of the second generation of leaders of the Communist Party of China for the first time.

Farage is famous for his sharp questioning, eloquent rhetoric, unique perspective, and novel information. He has left a strong personal color in the history of journalism. On the surface, he is a sharp question, but in essence, he is an equal posture in front of authority. and independent personality.

In 1993, Farage was invited to give a speech at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences . There was a sea of ​​people inside and outside the venue. An Italian student seized the opportunity to ask questions: "I'm not here to ask questions, because I have been reading your books. I Already know the answer, I am here to thank you, you taught me the two most important things in the world: courage and freedom..."

Farage is a legend in the world of journalism and a maverick in the literary world. Writer and controversial figure. Some people think that she is a "great journalist who faces history directly" and a writer who "implements her ideals through actions." Critics accused her of being "unreasonable and arrogant", her writing style was "exaggerated" and "glorious", and she had a strong "self-expressionism". Italian media reported that Italian literary critics have so far refused to grant her a writer's license.

Her death caused a strong response from all walks of life in Italy. President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano wrote to his family, "We have lost a world-renowned journalist and accomplished author." Former President Ciampi highly praised Farage's life as "a life of bravery, fighting and example."

The New York Times said in her obituary: "Oriana Farage is an interviewer who is good at dissecting authority, a reporter who is good at breaking idols but making herself an idol."

She has published several novels , the representative work "Man" was published in July 1979, with a cumulative print run of more than 1.5 million copies and 14 translations. Worked as a freelance writer in the early 1980s. Her book "Interviews with Influential People" was called "the greatest collection of contemporary political interviews" by "Rolling Stone" magazine. "Washington Post" is hailed as "a brilliant example of the art of interviewing." "Playboy" magazine commented that if you don't understand why the world is in such a mess, Farage's interview has the answer: "Those bragging guys are swaying the world." Known as "the world's first female journalist" and "cultural miracle".