One autumn night, with heavy rain, an army came to Wuhou Temple in Nanyang, Henan Province. They got caught in the rain on their way and will stay here temporarily tonight. This army is well-trained, and they do no harm to the common people. People are curious about which general


The eighth year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty.

One autumn night, with heavy rain, an army came to Wuhou Temple in Nanyang, Henan Province. They got caught in the rain on their way and will stay here temporarily tonight.

This army is well-trained, and they do no harm to the common people. People are curious about which general's army this is, and they see the big flag clearly written: Yue.

Yes, this is the world-famous Yue Jiajun , and the person who started it is the leader of the Yue Jiajun - Yue Fei .

Yue Fei walked into Wuhou Temple, where the famous minister Zhuge Liang is enshrined.

The night was deep and no sound was heard, but Yue Fei couldn't sleep. He walked around the Wuhou Temple for several times and read poems and articles praising Zhuge Liang by candlelight at night. He felt mixed feelings and thoughts in his heart.

Looking back on the current situation, it is so similar to Zhuge Liang who wanted to make the Northern Expedition.

Zhuge Liang longed to return to the Han Dynasty and attack the rebellious ministers. Why didn't he hope to regain the lost territory, drive out the foreigners who insulted the Han people from the Central Plains, and restore the Han family's country and country.


Yue Fei was born with great strength. With and crowned, he could draw a bow of three hundred kilograms and shoot an eight-stone crossbow from his waist, which was amazing to the world.

He killed or captured enemy generals many times in foreign wars. Twenty-three When he was young, he already served as a capable general under Deputy Marshal Zong Ze. In the war with the Jin soldiers, he achieved thirteen victories and was promoted to Xiu Wu Lang.

Then, Jingkang’s shame happened.

The Jin soldiers tore up the armistice agreement, marched south, crossed the Yellow River, and surrounded the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty Kaifeng . The purpose of their coming here was to harvest grass and grain, and to ask for money, food, and women.

The prosperous Song Dynasty had everything they wanted. The foreign barbarians had been coveting the Central Plains for a long time. If there was no strong army to protect their wealth, then the butcher knives of the Jin soldiers would mercilessly snatch away everything of value.

Wanyan Zonghan led the Jin soldiers to the city of Bianjing, forcing the Song Dynasty to negotiate a peace and withdraw its troops. He even proposed 10 million ingots of gold, 20 million ingots of silver, 10 million bolts of silk, and the cession of the three towns of Zhongshan, Hejian, and Taiyuan. Wait for unreasonable demands.

These gold, silver and silk wealth are equivalent to the total fiscal revenue of the Song Dynasty for ten years.

Not only that, in order to humiliate the Song Dynasty, the barbaric Jinren even asked for two emperor concubines, four each Zong Ji and clan concubine, 2,500 palace maids, 1,500 female musicians, and various crafts Three thousand people.

If you don't give it, then women at each level will clearly mark the price and take money in exchange.

But the Northern Song Dynasty government had no money, so it had to hand over the woman obediently.

Song Huizong had thirty-four daughters, and in Jingkang Disaster , twenty-one of them were ravaged to death.

Without resistance, what will be gained is not peace, but more humiliation.

Jin Jun broke the agreement again for the sake of wealth and women, captured Bianjing, and kidnapped the two emperors Huizong of Song and Qinzong of Song, together with more than 3,000 of their concubines, royal family and ministers, and took them to Jin. The capital of China .

The people kidnapped by the Jin soldiers were naked. Even the emperor and queen of the Song Dynasty were stripped naked, put on sheepskins, put on leashes, and were pulled like animals. In the Jin Kingdom, In the ancestral hall, they kowtow to the ancestors of the Jin people.

The queen of Song Qinzong couldn't bear the humiliation after the sheep-taking ceremony and chose to commit suicide.

Yue Fei wrote in "Man Jiang Hong": The shame of Jingkang has not yet been resolved, and the hatred of the ministers, when will it be destroyed?

From then on, the Northern Expedition to regain the lost territory and rebuild the Song Dynasty became Yue Fei's long-cherished wish in his life.


He wrote a letter to Song Gaozong Zhao Gou who ran to the south at that time, and wrote thousands of words eloquently.

The general content is: He is willing to personally command the Sixth Army, gather military strength, launch an expedition to the north, conquer his homeland, and welcome the second emperor to return to the court.

But the 25-year-old Yue Fei was full of enthusiasm, but he didn't know the treachery of the court. Song Gaozong succeeded to the throne and controlled the imperial power. How could he tolerate the return of the two emperors?

If this is the case, can he still hold the throne firmly? What would those old officials of the Northern Song Dynasty think?

So Yue Fei's article only received an eight-character comment from Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty:

A minor minister has exceeded his duties, which is inappropriate.

angered Song Gaozong, and Yue Fei could no longer stay in the military camp. He was dismissed from the military and expelled from the military camp.

Although gold is covered in dust, it cannot block his glory.

In such a sensitive period as the Northern Song Dynasty, there were frequent wars and numerous alien races. The internal armaments of the Northern Song Dynasty were not strict, and there was a lack of generals who could conquer and fight. It would not be long before Yue Fei was re-appointed.

Ten years later, Yue Fei led his army to conquer the north and south, mainly fighting against the Jin army.

In the battle of Bishui Pass, he used 500 scouts to defeat the Jin soldiers who were several times his number; in the Guangde pursuit, he defeated the Jin army in six battles and with six victories; in the first battle of Qingshui Pavilion, he defeated the Jin army and defeated it. The corpse lay fifteen miles away; in the battle of Jiankang, he led 300 cavalry and 2,000 infantry, killed more than 3,000 Jin soldiers, and forced the landing of more than 1,000 people.

From then on, the Yuejia Army became the main elite of the Song Army. It was well-known at home and the Jin soldiers were frightened by the news.


, Yue Fei made three Northern Expeditions, conquered the six counties of Xianghan, quelled the Dongting Lake rebellion, drove Yiluo, marched into Caizhou, and helped the Southern Song Dynasty regain Hubei, Shaanxi, Henan and other large areas of territory, with abundant troops and high morale.

Just as he was preparing to make persistent efforts to conquer the Central Plains in the north, voices for peace appeared in the DPRK.

Yue Fei didn't understand why he wanted to negotiate peace with Jin Bing when he had the advantage. He repeatedly wrote to express his feelings and even threatened to resign, but there was still no big reaction from the DPRK.


It was his long-cherished wish to make the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and regain the lost territory.

So when he came to Wuhou Temple and saw the statue of Zhuge Liang, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Zhuge Liang had too many similarities with him.

At the beginning, some people from the Shu Kingdom advised Zhuge Liang: Now we have the natural chasm of the Shu Road. The wealth of Sichuan and Shu can protect the people from worries about their livelihood, but why should we attack the Wei army, which is several times ours?

Zhuge Liang replied like this:

The late emperor was deeply concerned about the Han Dynasty. The thieves were not at odds with each other, and the royal family was not in peace. Yes, if you don't attack the thieves, the king's career will also perish. If you just sit and wait for death, who can attack them?

roughly means: I know that if we go to attack an enemy that is ten times our size, I am weak and he is strong, the chance of victory is not high, but if we don't do this, and he comes to attack me, Wang Ye will not be able to defend it. After

, Zhuge Liang was like a nanny. Who could be trusted and who could not be trusted in the palace, camp, and even the mansion, everything was clearly explained, no matter how big or small.

See " Deployment List ":

Now that the south has been settled and the troops are sufficient, it is time to lead the three armies to the north to conquer the Central Plains... The crime of mistreating ministers is the special experience of pursuing the late emperor.

After two military expeditions and Zhuge Liang's various requests, he overcame all objections and began the vigorous Northern Expedition.

At this point, Yue Fei thought of how similar his situation was to Wu Hou, and finally couldn't suppress his inner emotions. He burst into tears and wrote down Zhuge Liang's military history.

He even said: If one does not cry when studying like a teacher, he will be disloyal.

These two outstanding talents of the era, although they are not in the same time and space, are connected in mind, as if they have traveled through nine hundred years of time and had a soul-deep communication.

We can now see many calligraphy and painting works, including the top ten running scripts and the five regular scripts. But no matter which Wuhou Temple you go to, you can see Yue Fei's "Execution Model" engraved by Yue Fei. It is cadenced and the pen is as sharp as a sword. You can definitely Imagine his heroic appearance at that time.

's surging emotions in his chest and his heroic courage are all vividly displayed between the lines.

Maybe it’s because I never forget it, and there will be repercussions.

In the second year after Yue Fei visited Wuhou Temple, he finally ushered in the opportunity of the fourth Northern Expedition.

In the Battle of Yicheng, the Jin soldiers brought out their main elite, the heavy armored cavalryIron Pagoda. Like a copper wall, they swept through the Song army with overwhelming force, but Yue Fei only used one move.

broke off the horse's feet and defeated the opponent. Immediately afterwards, the Yue family army took advantage of the victory and pursued it. They killed 130,000 Jin soldiers with 30,000 people, killed 5,000 people, captured more than 2,000 people, captured more than 3,000 war horses, and obtained The greatest victory since the founding of the Southern Song Dynasty.

This war made the enemy general Jin Wushu retreat again and again, and even finally escaped from Kaifeng, the old capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, preparing to cross the Yellow River and flee to Hebei.

But there was only a glimmer of time before success. At this time, something went wrong again in the Southern Song Dynasty court.

Zhao Gou, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, recalled Yue Fei with twelve gold medals and ordered him to immediately return to the court. This was tantamount to handing back Henan. Unfortunately, the achievements of the Song army's ten years of campaign were completely destroyed in one day. Everyone must know what happened next to


The most decorated marshal in the Northern Expedition, Yue Fei was framed by traitors. No matter what kind of torture he went through, he always spoke uprightly.

He tore open his clothes, revealing the four words carved on his back by his mother when he was young: Serve the country with loyalty . Even the presiding judge was moved by it, walked away, and voluntarily resigned from the post of presiding judge.

Qin Hui had no choice but to change the interrogator, remove all the officials who spoke for Yue Fei, and even executed Yue Fei on trumped-up charges.

Before they died, they looked through the confession written by Yue Fei, and found only eight shocking words:

The sky is clear, the sky is clear.

After Yue Fei's death, the abuse of him continued. A jailer risked his life to carry out his body and buried it outside the gate of Qiantang. He only told his son the secret before he died.

Twenty years later, Yue Fei's unjust case was finally vindicated. Emperor Xiaozong of the Song Dynasty issued an edict that Yue Fei be "recovered as an official and reburied with courtesy." And under the guidance of the descendants of the jailer, he was reburied in Qixialing, West Lake, that is, The current Yuewang Temple .


Eight hundred years later, many truths are buried in the dust of history and are already far away from us.

Even now, many scholars believe that "Man Jiang Hong" was not written by Yue Fei, that Qin Hui was a good man, and that Yue Fei was an anti-golden hero but not a national hero. There are various opinions, but there are different opinions.

But what was the real Yue Fei in history? Perhaps it is no longer important to us now. The reason why we miss him is a desire and respect for the glory of human nature.

We have seen a soul that is enough to illuminate us. When we encounter soul torture, we at least know what can and cannot be done.

We at least know how this person with capital letters should stand upright in this life!