Before the outbreak of the Pacific War, why did Hideki Tojo forced the guard to step down? It was a struggle for power


Hideki Tojo is a Class A war criminal of World War II. There is no doubt about it, but how he forced the former Prime Minister to step down and carry the military on his own. The banner of aggression against ism, but there is a lot of articles here. It can be said that the entire Pacific War was planned by him alone, so that the Asia-Pacific battlefield was full of smoke, how many people were devastated, and soldiers died. As for Japan, Hideki Tojo also sent this island country on the road of no return. As Tojo Hideki himself, it is only to achieve personal desires to fight for power.

Japan’s southward strategy has been around for a long time. Facing the battlefield in Europe, the guards were hesitant, and Hideo Tojo took the opportunity to plan to seize power.

Some people think why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor To discuss a topic, they thought that this action was a stupid practice. In fact, in 1927, someone in Japan published an academic article studying the plan to occupy the Pacific Islands. It was just that the world situation was not as favorable to Japan as it was during World War II. The plan at the time was that the Japanese Navy and the US Pacific Fleet had a head-on in Pearl Harbor. World War I.

As the vanguard of Japan’s invasion of Asia, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Konoe was also an ambitionist in his bones, and both of China’s "September 18" and "Seven Seven Incident" were derived from His masterpiece, therefore, his hands are stained with the blood of the Chinese people, and he is an out-and-out aggressor conspirator.

Konwei Fumio is different from Hideki Tojo. He comes from a noble family. In addition to worrying about his family’s interests, he also has to consider the future of the country. Therefore, when he found that the wars in Europe were becoming more and more prosperous, Japan was The Asian battlefield is deep in the quagmire again. If there is an unpleasant situation with the United States at this time, the Japanese economy will be impacted and the way to invade East Asia will be affected. Therefore, he did not send a strong war signal like Tojo Hideki. On the contrary, he adopted a strategy of playing while talking, dreaming of maintaining good economic and trade relations with the United States through negotiations.

However, after the Japanese Kwantung Army went northward on two trips to the Soviet Union, the main combatants represented by Hideki Tojo did not want to see any good results between Japan and the United States. Dedicated to quickly go south, taking advantage of Germany's opportunity to occupy Britain, France, and the Netherlands, they seized their colonies in Southeast Asia.

Kinwei Fumio is strong, and he has formed a cabinet three times in the face of the power seizing faction, but he is finally forced to step down by Tojo Hideki's unfulfilled goal

In contrast to the high profile of Hideki Tojo and his companions, Prime Minister Fumiko Kanae was not frightened by them. Not only did he adopt compromise measures to form the cabinet three times, he only exchanged one or two members each time, but he still firmly controlled the Japanese discourse. Quan, the army has become a constraint situation.

In this situation, Hideki Tojo did not sit still. On the contrary, he first talked about the significance of the Southern War in the Japanese army, and at the same time secretly sent some killers to murder the Guards Cabinet. After several attempted murders, the Guards Cabinet made a slight concession. However, in negotiations with the United States, the United States made a request to withdraw troops from the Asian battlefield first. When the news reached the War Department, Hideki Tojo flatly refused and demanded the Guards Cabinet. The cabinet was reorganized. With the support of the Chief of Staff of the Army and the Japanese Joint Fleet Commander Yamamoto Ichigo, the cabinet was forced to pass the wartime southward bill, and the negotiation time was limited to October 10, 1941. If this period does not exist After a good deal, Japan will send troops to the south.

In fact, facing the crazy domestic war requirements in Japan, the United States knew it well. Sorge, who was sent by the Allies in Japan, had long used various relationships to control the Japanese army. The trend. Therefore, when the United States learned that Japan did not really want to negotiate, the United States resolutely cut off its oil and military aid to Japan in November, and issued a number of sanctions. Wei Wenming felt difficult to ride a tiger.

At the strong request of Hideki Tojo and other main combat factions, the Guards Cabinet heldThe Imperial Conference, in fact, is a pre-war mobilization meeting dominated by Hideki Tojo. In his eyes, no matter how the Guards Cabinet explains, they will step down today.

When the guards said that if they provoke the United States, they would bring huge losses to Japan, Hideki Tojo strongly ordered him to either agree to war or step down quickly. With no one around him, the guard had to announce his resignation, and the emperor handed over the power to reorganize the cabinet to Hideki Tojo.

Pretending to be peace talks cannot conceal the ambitions of aggression and expansion, the Pacific War broke out, Hideki Tojo let Japan go on a road of no return

Sit Assuming the throne of prime minister, this was only the first step for Hideki Tojo, who was born in a military family. In order to achieve his personal ambitions, he did not issue war orders as soon as he came to power. Instead, they continue to negotiate with the United States with the attitude of the Guards Cabinet, secretly stepping up preparations for war.

In order to achieve the effect of the surprise attack, Hideki Tojo first removed the Soviet intelligence agency Sorge team in Japan. This is an important eye and eye of the Allied forces in Japan. Sorge’s arrest was given to the Allied forces. Surprised, it also aroused greater suspicion by the Allies.

followed by stepping up preparations for the south. Regarding the issue of sending troops to the south, the Japanese high-level officials have shown a state of suspicion and worry. On the one hand, they worry that the United States is too strong and that Japan is not an opponent of the United States. Not sure about the thousands of miles of the attack on Pearl Harbor. On the other hand, some people suggested that some troops should be withdrawn from the Chinese battlefield to block the transportation of Myanmar to and from the mainland.

But in your words and my words, they were all denied by the military representatives. Their purpose is to start war as soon as possible, and it is an unprecedented maritime Sneak attack and battle.

In the end, the crazy Tojo Hideki and the crazy Japanese militarists led Japan to a Pacific War that affected the process of World War II. Both Japan and himself took a path of no return.

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References: "The Complete History of World War II" and "The History of the Pacific War"

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