Why was MacArthur fired suddenly during the Korean War in 1951? Not just because of defeat

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April 11, 1951 , as the commander-in-chief of United Nations MacArthur _span16s In the embassy in Tokyo, suddenly heard on the radio broadcast the statement issued by Truman.

was informed that the White House collective has decided to remove himself from various positions, and let Li Qiwei Lieutenant General to replace him .


This is so ridiculous that MacArthur is unacceptable is angry said in front of many embassy staff said :

"There is no office employee,No servant girl of any kind would have been fired with such ruthless disregard for minimal decency without that errand girl. "


That's it, MacArthur in a humiliating way took out the core of American rights .

Why did MacArthur be humiliated by the top American What are the means of dismissal? What is the reason for ?

Volunteers enter the DPRK

After October 1950 , the Korean battlefield was due to China 's resolute sent troops, The situation has been reversed. ,

With the support of the spirit of defending the home and the country, Chinese Volunteers From late October 1950 to early 1951, through several battles, killed and wounded 33,000 United Nations soldiers , completely smashed MacArthur's so-called solemn promise to bring soldiers home with a total offensive Christmas.

Korean War 1950-1953 Map

This military defeat_ strong6strong ,Not only did it hit the morale of the U.S. front-line troops, it was also called by the American public opinion at the time: "The biggest military failure of the United States since the Pearl Harbor incident." The decision-making is very confused and frightened about China's next move. . Some politicians even said, "Only time will tell whether this is the beginning of another world war."

And the differences and conflicts between MacArthur and the US decision-making stratum began .

MacArthur and Truman

The perception of the Korean War situation is contrary to the White House

Since the final victory of World War II , America's strategic focus is Western Europe .

This is not only the main implementation site of the US Marshall Plan , but also has a huge consumer market and a bridgehead against the Soviet Union.

As for Asia , the American civil service group headed by Truman believes that it is not as important as the Western European countries, so does not pay much attention to it.


and US military The view of Asia is the opposite, in their eyes Asia has the world's largest population and has the world's proven About 60% of the property resources have huge war potential.

Today, under the guidance of communism, Asian countries are gradually reuniting morally and materially. future global development center will inevitably move to the Asia Pacific region,

The difference between the two

Therefore, the US military generals headed by MacArthur were in after the war. Strongly opposed Presidential Palace launched "Europe first, then Asia" 's military economy political strategy .

MacArthur believes that , if the United States sits and waits for communism to spread in Asia, then Europe will be in danger in time, but if the United States wins the war in Asia , then the Western European countries supported by the United States can save development from war .

In the Berlin Crisis, the United States tried its best to lead the Soviet Union by one point

From the perspective that Asia is the future, MacArthur led a kind of US military generals who took the trouble to write to the Truman government, asked to be proactive to intervene and to contain the cause of Asian communism ,He did not hesitate to stand on the opposite side of the White House politicians, and personally led an investigation team composed of 16 senior officials of the United Nations Command to meet with Jiang.

Truman and US politicians

Truman was so angry that he was seriously considering whether to dismiss MacArthur and return him to the country. But people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations, The Korean War situationThe development gave MacArthur the opportunity to ignore China's warnings and cross the thirty-eighth line after landing in Incheon, led to the participation of the Chinese Volunteers in the war, Let it fail.

Volunteers join the war

MacArthur In order to restore the situation and prestige, blames the White House on the one hand limits the scale of the war, on the one hand insists on attacking mainland China opens up The second battlefield deepened the conflict with the White House.

Volunteer Army Attack

Miscalculation of the Volunteer Army's Operational Situation in North Korea

As early as October 5, 1950, MacArthur and Truman met at Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean to discuss the situation in Korea. Truman Very Worried about China's remarks , thinking that the United States needs restraint will stop the battle line south of the thirty-eighth line .

But MacArthur is dismissive of Truman's concerns, according to the front-line information reported by CIA, the United Nations Supreme Commander clapped his chest and said:

"The possibility of Chinese interference The sex is very small. China has 300,000 troops in Manchuria. They have no air force. They can only send 50,000 to 60,000 people to fight across the river. Massacre."

MacArthur and his staff

After getting MacArthur reassurance, Truman acquiesced The US military continued to cross the 38th parallel .

However, in his short essay to Maxus at the joint meeting, he stated that "MacArthur shall not take any military action against targets in Chinese territory without the authorization of Washington."

MacArthur Of course he will not follow the advice of the White House. He instructed the US Army Air Force to invade China's airspace wantonly, and bombed Yalu River several Chinese villages .


China Facing the aggressive situation of the United States, had no choice but to send volunteers into the DPRK To participate in the war, after a fight, MacArthur found that he had made a serious strategic mistake, and he greatly underestimated the strength of the Chinese volunteers. Willingness to fight and overall military strength.

It was originally expected that China would only send 50,000 to 60,000 people to fight in North Korea. As a result, this number soared to 300,000 in the second battle from November to December, far exceeding the scale estimated in MacArthur's plan.

US Army Aviation

for this MacArthur orders Air Force Commander Strat Meyer to authorize his Air Force units to bomb all Chinese targets encountered along the way . Fortunately, this air force commander has a deep understanding of the battlefield situation and international strategy. The target range of his air force bombing has always been limited to the area south of the Yalu River .

U.S. Army Aviation

MacArthur also issued a statement saying:

"Operations are proceeding according to schedule and plan, in fact we have removed organized communist forces from South Korea... Such a brutal and ravaged North Korea, the country and its people must never be abandoned again."


This privately expresses political remarks .The act of provoking an all-out war has naturally drawn the ire of the White House . Because MacArthur has violated the Joint Chiefs of Staff about not making any public statements and training on foreign policy without prior approval from the Pentagon .


Perceptions of WMD are at odds with the White House.

Compared to the generals on the front lines, want to start an all-out war to end the threat of communism.

The White House bureaucrats, led by Truman, are not ready to fight a third world war.

These White House bureaucrats are soberly aware. If the plan had been outlined in MacArthur's mind , this would likely lead to an unprecedented world war .

Nuclear weapons

This war includes nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, which will inevitably be used on the battlefield. The only U.S. president in U.S. history to approve the use of nuclear weapons.

Truman knew very well the enormous destructive power of nuclear weapons , how is a huge deterrent to the front-line battlefield and even the cities in the rear .

nuclear weapons

nuclear weapons can not only kill people on an objective level, but alsoIt can also destroy the expectations of the people of a country for the future on a psychological level. If the United States uses nuclear weapons on the Korean battlefield, the Soviet Union may launch a nuclear retaliation on the same scale in Western Europe and East Asia. Destroy the United States completely The international trade system established by the Marshall Plan with great difficulty .

So the White House bureaucrats are well aware that this war can only be ended by peaceful negotiation, not by force.


This is a very weak performance for MacArthur .

After he was defeated by the volunteers several times by . Seeing that conventional means could not achieve victory, moved to the use of nuclear weapons .

Several times he suggested that the White House use nuclear weapons to attack the rear of the Volunteers and Chinese mainland cities on the Korean battlefield, attacking China's war potential, and also published the information that he wanted to nuclear strike The information about China's mainland was on the front pages of major American newspapers , agitated public opinion in the United States, and later forced the White House to make concessions.

US prisoners

The plan is almost a success. November 30, 1950. President Truman, who has long been devastated. Under the reporter's continuous questioning, he said two words in a confused way.

"Use atomic bomb has always been our option,Of course this is a very cruel weapon, we don't want it to be used on civilians, and if there is nothing we can do to prevent the use of the atomic bomb, it will be a pity that this happens. "That's something the front commander needs to decide, and I won't easily interfere with the front commander's decision. "

US soldiers on the front line of the Korean War

Truman's words, in the eyes of the people at the time, could be regarded as a precursor to a nuclear strike against China.

So after this press conference, Truman His remarks spread quickly and widely, pushing the United States into the limelight, and the Western European countries in the United Nations army protested to the East United States one after another. In this way, Truman, as the President of the United States, felt ashamed and disgusted with MacArthur, who was the commander of the front line. A few months later, MacArthur was quickly resolved, and the foreshadowing was laid.

US troops in the Korean War

MacArthur and Truman on the difference between peace negotiations and military solutions.

As early as the beginning of the Korean War, MacArthur Full discussion with Truman about the nature of the war.

MacArthur thinks a all-out war will be needed to contain the burgeoning socialist forces in East Asia.

and Truman thinks that a full-scale war is not advisable, and the risk of easily stimulating the Soviet Union to enter the war is too great.

Korean War U.S. Army

The differences between the two on the nature of the war eventually led to Controversy over how the Korean War should be resolved .

The civilian government, led by Truman, believed that the Korean War must be resolved peacefully.

The front-line generals headed by MacArthur believed that the Korean War could only be resolved by war.

US Tank Crew

As the situation on the Korean battlefield develops, White House bureaucrats, led by US President Truman , believe that the conditions for a full-scale war no longer exist. There must be a political way, to limit the Korean conflict to keep current boundaries .

On January 17, 1951, the Chinese government submitted to the United Nations the "Four Proposals for the Peaceful Resolution of the Korean Issue", which provided new possibilities for the situation on the peninsula.


The Truman Administration intended to issue a statement on this peacefully resolving the Korean War , but MacArthur learned of this plan, published it first A proclamation that is the exact opposite of the Truman government statement.

This caused the United States to be very passive in foreign affairs and domestic public opinion for the next few weeks. Political criticism of Truman in the US Congress has become more frequent, making Truman determined to fire MacArthur before May.

MacArthur with the Emperor of Japan

09 Apr 151 ,Truman decided to fire MacArthur through the meeting announcement . As a result, on April 11, the announcement was leaked to the American media for some reason, and Truman had no choice but to directly issue a temporary press conference to officially announce to the world that he was going to fire MacArthur.

This led to the scene at the beginning of the above, MacArthur humiliatingly received a Japanese radio broadcast of his dismissal order in the embassy.



In fact MacArthur and Truman There is not much grudge between the two .

is more within the US national system , the civilian government and the military system have a confrontation between the nature of future US foreign wars, , limited war or total war.

With the amazing combat power of the Chinese Volunteers in the Korean War, the bureaucrats in the White House led by Dumen have realized that it is not whether they can fight a full-scale war, but only a limited war in the future. .

This is also the deep feeling that the United States and China have drawn after the first fight.
