What were the reasons for Zheng He's voyages to the West?

Zheng He's voyages to the Western Ocean has a strong and indelible stroke in the history of my country's navigation. It can be said that it is the originator of my country's voyages.

Let's start with Zheng He , Zheng He was born in Hongwu three years (1371), which is Zhu Yuanzhang shortly after he became emperor, his original name was Ma Sanbao , Yunnan people. Although Yunnan does not rely on the sea, Zheng He has longed to go to sea since he was a child, because his grandfather and father both believed in Islam, influenced by his family, he also believed in Islam, and they all had one wish in their hearts - to go to the holy city of Mecca for a pilgrimage. .

But unfortunately, before he could reach his adulthood to realize his dream, he was captured as a prisoner of war by the Ming army expedition to Yunnan and castrated. Difficulties did not make Zheng He depressed, but patience and hard work finally allowed him to meet his Bole, the king of Yan at that time Zhu Di .

Under Zhu Di, he made many military exploits. After Zhu Di ascended the throne, he was named the eunuch of the internal official supervisor, which is the highest official position of the internal official of . Later, he was given the surname Zheng, so he changed his name to Zheng. and.

So what made Zheng He embark on his voyage? Everyone knows that Zhu Di seized the throne from his nephew Zhu Yunwen , but Zhu Yunwen did not die during the pacification process, but disappeared, and he himself has become an unsolved mystery.

In order to have no worries, Zhu Di sent two groups of people to look for Jianwen Emperor , all the way is Hu Xi ,He is responsible for the land route in the territory and travels in secret. And all the way is Zheng He, he is in charge of overseas, and he travels in an open and aboveboard manner, because he also shoulders the heavy responsibility of mega-shaking the world and raising the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty. He set out to the sea with a mighty army, and finally stepped on the on the journey of his dreams.
