The Lost Road to a Great Power 16: Why did the democracy of ancient Greece not be able to accommodate Socrates? Too awkward

Ancient China-The Road to a Lost Great Power

Chapter 14: Why can’t the democracy of ancient Greece accommodate Socrates? He is too awkward

To prove this, you may have to re-examine the history of ancient Greece, but this is definitely not what everyone wants to see, so here we only take some of the ancient Greece The description goes here. Through these descriptions, everyone will naturally find the answer that ancient Greece is a commodity economy and society.

Ancient Greek commercial trade originated in the Cretan culture period (about 3000-1200 BC). According to the literature, "Crete also had prosperous commerce at this time. The round-trip trade brought it into contact with the ancient cultures of Egypt and West Asia. From the heights of the palace, we can vaguely see the port north of Nosas City, where the boat ants Ruzhi is engaged in busy transactions with Aegean islands, mainland Greece, Egypt, West Asia, Cyprus and the Western Mediterranean."

In " Homer's Epic ", we can also see this record: in trade, iron and copper, leather, livestock, etc. are both the medium of trade, and you can also see examples of using iron for wine .

In the unearthed cultural relics, in Nossas in Crete and Mycenae in South Greece, handicrafts of the new kingdom of Egypt, including gold, ivory and pottery, have been found. In Egypt, products from the Aegean islands at that time were also unearthed, which proves that the commodity economy of ancient Greece held an important position.

developed together with the ancient Greek commodity economy,It is the democratic politics of ancient Greece. Although China has always said that there is no business and no evil, it is undeniable that the essence of the commodity economy is fair, just, and open. This kind of fairness, justice, and openness is the most basic principle and requirement of the commodity economy at the beginning of commodity exchange.

Although the brains of ancient people may be a little smaller, they may not have as much knowledge as we have, but turning the arm in is the common sense that all animals have. Of course, as a human being, it is impossible to degenerate at this point alone. . Therefore, when exchanging goods for the sake of life and to make their lives a little better, no one wants to let themselves suffer. In this kind of sordid, profit-seeking commodity exchange that the great Confucians considered to be sly and profit-seeking, the real sense of fairness, justice, and openness sprouted. This kind of commodity exchange, at least in the eyes of both parties of the exchange, must be carried out in public, and no one will be foolish enough to buy an imaginary thing; and it must also be fair and fair, and is acceptable to the parties, unless There is a two fool on the side of the commodity exchange.

And when merchants who live by operating commodities appear, they also need to add one more item on the principle of fairness, justice, and openness, that is, honesty. Unless some businessman catches up with a particularly big deal that can satisfy his future life and all his greed, otherwise, even for his career, he must stick to his integrity to the end.

draws our eyes back to the era of navigation. Many people will be extremely surprised that a small country, the Netherlands, can become a world-wide big country. But the following story may provide you with the answer.

From 1596 to 1598, a famous man named Barents, a captain in the Netherlands, tried to find a route from the north to Asia. He passed Sanwenya, now a Russian island, but they were trapped by the frozen sea.

Sanwenya is located within the Arctic Circle, where Captain Barents and 17 Dutch sailors spent 8 months of long winter. They dismantled the deck of the ship to make fuel in order to maintain body temperature in the freezing temperature of minus 40 degrees; they hunted to obtain clothes and food that they could barely survive.

8 people died in this terrible danger. But Dutch merchants did an unimaginable thing. They did not touch the goods that others entrusted to them.And these goods include clothing and medicines that can save their lives.

As winter comes and spring comes, the surviving merchants finally brought the goods back to the Netherlands almost intact and delivered them to the client. They used their lives as the price, watched their faith, and created the business rules that will be passed down to the next generations. At that time, such an approach also brought obvious benefits to Dutch businessmen, that is, it won the world market of maritime trade and made the Netherlands eventually become a world power. The story of

appeared because the commodity economy adheres to the principle of fairness, justice, openness and integrity, otherwise commodity exchange can only be a one-shot transaction, and commodity economy will never become the mainstream of society. .

And when a society regards the commodity economy as its main mode of survival, democracy is born from it.

Democracy literally (derived from the Greek δημος demos; people; κρατειν kratein; rule) represents the rule of the people. There are many different definitions of democratic governance methods and the scope of its "people", but the general principle is that the majority rule.

Some people may disagree with the conclusion that ancient democracy came from the commodity economy. But ask, where did the ancient democratic ideas come from? Does it come from nature? impossible! There is not much difference between human nature and animals. Both believe that the big fist is the older brother. Does it come from an autocratic system? impossible! No one, a class is willing to give up their rights, otherwise our predecessors would not have to carry two kitchen knives to make a revolution. Does it come from taking care of one’s own small-scale peasant production? (Original production can only be self-care, and it can only be related to agricultural production. Professional manual production and large-scale industrialization prerequisites must be the commodity economy, otherwise the first A person who started doing this has only one result, starved to death.)? impossible! This kind of small-scale farming makes people only care about the weather, whether they are occupied by others, and only envy his neighbor’s harvest. Is it plunder? Less likely! Plundering itself is the cruelest violation of the human rights of others.

The reason that democracy can only be produced in a commodity economy and society is that the basis of commodity exchange lies in fairness, fairness, and openness. This must be done at least between the two parties involved in the commodity exchange.Under the shadow of power, this kind of justice, fairness, and openness will inevitably be affected.

I remember a joke. It was said that a mayor visited a car store. The owner wanted to please the owner, so he pointed to the most beautiful car and told the mayor that this model is on sale today and only sells for ten yuan. When the mayor heard this, his joy broke. With a big grin, I said: I'll give you a hundred yuan and get me ten cars.

This is how power hurts the principles of fairness, justice, and openness. Power, especially unconstrained power, is a natural enemy to the commodity economy. It is conceivable that no businessman would dare to have a fair deal with an official or bureaucrat who could decide his fate. When the businessman faced an official who could decide his fate, he didn't sell a car to someone for ten yuan, which only showed that he didn't want to be mixed up.

The exclusion of absolute power from the commodity economy and society lies in protecting one's own private property. With the emergence of absolute power (centralization or despotism), the existence of private property can only be a vain. Because this kind of absolute power (centralization or despotism) can take away your private property at any time, and no reason is needed. Therefore, in the social system of ancient Greece, what we see is an absolute restriction on power.

The ancient Greeks practiced a city-state system. The so-called city state is an independent sovereign state centered on a city. is called "Polis" in Greek . Although such a city-state is often called a country, according to a certain historian, it is just a place with such a big butt. Of course, no one can have such a big butt. Such a country is of course small enough. The largest city-state, Athens, is no more than 1,000 square miles, which is equivalent to a large county in China. Is only equivalent to a township in China. In history, the so-called ancient Greece is usually composed of these small city-states the size of a hip.

The democracy of these city-states is very thorough. The chief executive who administers the country is elected, and citizens "take turns sitting in the village" and only perform their duties.No salary. Once stepped down, it is no different from ordinary citizens. For example, Pamenondas, the general of Biotia, joined the battle as an ordinary soldier after losing the election. Citizens are the masters of the city-state. As masters, they have the obligation to take up weapons to defend the city-state (by the way, their weapons, armor, and horses are all at their own expense), and they also have the right to participate in the affairs and trials in the state (and by the way, they have to participate in these tasks at first. It is not paid, and there is no overtime, labor, or appearance fees). In the era of Pericles, all citizens of Athens were required to attend the " civic assembly", which held the highest decision-making power, supervision power, and final judgment on major city-state events such as the declaration of war and peace. "The sovereignty rests with the people." Every citizen has the right to vote and be elected in the citizen assembly, and all of them may be elected as members of the "council", and they also have to take turns to participate in the jury court.

In addition, in order to prevent the occurrence of dictatorship, despotism and centralization, ancient Greece also created the shell exile law. This shell exile method is similar to our current referendum , that is, the referendum of all Greece, whether to drive out a certain person who has an impact on democracy and may become a dictator from Greece.

Every spring, the National Assembly of some ancient Greek city-states solicits opinions from all citizens to see if there are any dangerous citizens who would endanger democratic politics in thought and behavior. And through an anonymous method, every citizen is asked to write on shells or pottery the names of people who he believes will endanger the security of the city-state and undermine the democratic system. The vote is divided into two times, and the person who gets the most votes the last time will be exiled by the General Assembly's decision. Generally speaking, there is one person who is expelled a year, and the period of exile is 10 years. During the ten years of exile, the exiled person was not allowed to go home or have contact with people in the country. But the person who is exiled is not a criminal, his citizenship and property will be kept for him, and he can return to his country after the expiration period.

This kind of exile may be very cruel and inconceivable in the eyes of modern people. This kind of cruelty and inconceivability is particularly evident in the exile of Mistocle in .

Speaking of Dimitocli, everyone may not be familiar with it.But when it comes to Hippo War , no one may not know. The war between ancient Greece and Persia occurred between 492 and 449 BC. At that time, Persia, similar to the United States today, was the only superpower in the world. Its territory included Egypt to the west, India to the east, and Persia to the south. Bay and Arabian Peninsula, north to the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, is an empire spanning Asia, Africa and Europe.

At that time, Persia felt almost the same as the United States now. He regarded himself as the father of every country in the world. That was to fight whoever wanted to fight, and teach whoever wanted to teach. But this arrogance of Persia hit the iron plate with a kick when it met the ancient Greek .

The Persians attacked Greece for the first time, which was similar to the Chinese Yuan Dynasty's attack on Japan. They encountered the kamikaze. As a result, the navy was annihilated and the army was blocked, making it difficult to move.

Although the battle has been defeated, the Persians still think that he is the boss, he is the second child, and may even think that he is the boss, the second child. So then Darius I, the king of Persia at that time, sent envoys to the Greek states to take care of the water and land. Water and soil are symbols of national sovereignty. This point is similar to that in ancient China. We use white grass and soil, so there is an idiom called cracking the stone. The term "spanshifenmao" comes from " Shangshu·Yugong": "Juicong has only five colors of earth. Kong Yingda sparse: "The king named five-color earth as a company, and if feudal lords, they will separate their colors. With the soil, it will return to the national establishment... The four directions are covered with loess according to its color. When the soil is cut, the white grass is used to wrap the soil with the white grass. What does

mean? That is, when the ancient Chinese king wanted to entrust the princes , he first made a table with five colors of soil, and sealed the princes in which direction, and then cut a piece of that direction with a knife. The clod of soil, and then held the white thatch and handed it to him,It means you have land.

There is a very interesting story about soil, or clods, which can represent the country and the land. China has a very interesting story. It is said that Jinwen Gong Chong'er was very pitiful when he was living as a fugitive. Those who wanted to eat did not eat and those who wanted to drink did not drink. The main reason was that they had no money in their pockets. The image of Chong Er at that time, no one would associate him with the later Spring and Autumn Five Tyrants. It can only make people think that Confucius once became, panicked like a bereaved dog.

But fortunately, people are very fond of "big business regardless of meticulousness, generous gifts and give no hesitation", can you put down the shelf and just eat and drink? What we want to eat and drink, isn't it over? So Chong'er waited for a large group of people, and when he found a farmer, he reached out to take care of what they wanted to eat. The peasants looked at their group of people (a dozen), wondering that they didn't have so many things to feed them! Looking at these people's ragged clothes (probably in white, northeastern dialect, meaning ragged clothes), their attitude was rather rude, so they picked up a large piece of soil from the ground and handed it over. This can make Chong Er angry. No matter how you say that he is also a prince, although he does not ride a white horse, he is a prince with a serious temper. His uncle's name is 狐偃 , and he quickly stopped him and said: Son, this is God's will. Doesn't God mean to give you land? Why don't you want it?

After hearing it hard, his face changed immediately, and he respectfully took the soil from the old farmer, put it on the ground, and worshiped it three times. Then he carefully carried the soil to the car, leaving an old farmer with a big bubble in his head, and walked away.

This is the story of Chong Er Bai Tu. It is now an extracurricular reading for primary and middle school students.

tells such a story, mainly to emphasize the significance of a piece of soil (soil) to a country. So although this soil may be considered dirty (dirty) in the eyes of civilized people, it may be a weapon in the hands of hooligans (of course, real hooligans may prefer to use bricks), but for a country, it means land. , Means sovereignty.

Because of this, the two main city-states of ancient Greece , Sparta and Athens (other small city-states at the time,They are regarded as leaders), facing the request of the Persian envoys for soil and water, he was not polite at all. Athens threw the Persian messenger into the valley, while Sparta threw the messenger into the well and let them collect soil and water by themselves, thus starting the second Hippo War.

In the summer of 490 BC, the ancient Greeks did not host the Olympic Games, but they ran their first marathon. After Athens and Sparta rejected the territorial claim of the Persian King Darius, Persia sent 100,000 troops and 600 warships to attack Greece and landed in the Marathon northeast of Athens. The high morale of 10,000 Athenian heavy infantry, with the support of 1,000 Platia heavy infantry, defeated the Persian army.

In order to quickly tell the Athenians the news of the victory, the Greeks sent the long-distance runner Pheidippides (Pheidippides) to run from the marathon to the central square of Athens (42 kilometers and 195 meters). After running this distance at the fastest speed and conveying the news of victory, Phidippides fell to the ground due to physical exhaustion. He also became a Greek national hero because of this feat.

When the first Olympic Games was held in 1896, Coubertin used this story to set up a competition event, which is the "marathon."

As mentioned earlier, the Greek hero Mystokli was on the stage of history after the marathon battle .

After two Hippocratic wars, the Persians were not reconciled to their failure. The new king of Persia Xerxes , in 480 BC, led an army of 500,000 and thousands of warships to invade Greece. In the third Hippocratic War, two heroes appeared. One is the King of Sparta Leonidas , he led three hundred warriors to defend the hot spring pass , and finally all died in battle; the other is Di Mistocle.

After the fall of Hot Spring Pass, the Athenian navy led by Dimystok became the main force for the Greeks to resist the Persians. At the suggestion of Di Mistocle, the Greeks abandoned the city of Athens and fought a decisive battle with the Persians at sea.The Athenians had about 300 warships with small and flexible hulls. In the narrow bay, the Persian warships moved slowly and were in an extremely passive situation. The war lasted until the evening. Nearly 300 Persian warships were sunk or stranded, while Athens lost only about forty. Xerxes feared that the Greeks would cut his way back, and led the remnants to retreat hastily.

In the eyes of the Chinese, and even to anyone, Dimistocles should be a hero, who should accept flowers and applause, but what ancient Greece greeted him was to banish his shells. In their view, Dimitocli concentrated too much power in the war, which was a powerful threat to Athenian democracy. As a result of the referendum, Di Mistockli was determined to be the object of exile and had to wander abroad.

Because of Dimitocli’s exile, many people question whether Greek democracy is mob politics or not. But there is a small detail that I want to remind everyone that at the beginning of the third Hippo War, Dimitocli took the initiative to recommend the Drake Spartans to serve as the commander of the navy. The Spartans did not understand naval warfare. He thus obtained the actual command of of the Greek navy .

Of course, the ancient Greeks would be extremely wary of such a person who is so concerned about power.

There is also a man who was exiled, named Jalisthete. This man was upright and committed to the public. Many people called him the just Jalisthete, and made him a consul for this. Regarding the treatment of the Persians, he had a disagreement with the admiral Semitoli. At present, the leader has pinched the enemy. How can we fight this battle? So a referendum was held to exile one of them. At the voting site at the time, a blind illiterate man went around looking for someone to help him write the name of the person he thought he was going to exile. By coincidence, he found Aristotle. Aristotle asked the blind man, whose name would you like to write?

The blind man said without hesitation, Aristotle!

Aristotle asked as he wrote: "Did Aristotle do something wrong?"

The blind man said: "No, but I can't stand others calling him the just."

Voting results, Yari Stead was banished.

Maybe Yalis was a bit wronged, but Guangxu said in the TV series " to republic ": fame and fortune,Fame and fortune, fame comes first. Just like many celebrities in ancient China, who sought officials by fame, did Jalisthes pursue prestige too much, did he also have a greater pursuit of power?

is not certain, but it is doubtful.

The ancient Greek democratic system was questioned, and the death of the philosopher Socrates. Professor Yi Zhongtian believes: “It is true that democracy is not necessarily the best system. The execution of Socrates by the referendum of the Athens city-state is a shame and stain in the history of democracy.”

Applaud and cheer for Professor Yi's words. Because when Socrates was alive, he called the democratic politics of ancient Greece a mob politics. Socrates believes that this kind of democratic voting is completely nonsense, because voters vote based on their feelings, and they will surely ruin Athens. Therefore, he advocated aristocratic rule and philosophers to govern the country. In the spring of 399 BC, Socrates at the age of 70 was sentenced to death by the ruler of Athens. The charges are: disrespect of gods and bewitching young people.

The reason why some people still have regrets about Socrates' death, may be because Socrates is a great person in fact. His greatness can not only be seen from his philosophical achievements, but also fully manifested in his death.

At that time, the death penalty was not going to the guillotine, but drinking poison. Before Socrates drank the poison, his friend Kerry asked Socrates: "How should we bury you?"

Socrates said: "Just do it the way you want, as long as your heart truly Feel that I still exist, and I have not left you, so you can bury me the way you want. When burying the body, don’t say:'Socrates is buried.' Klitun, you have to cheer. Courage said: "It is only Socrates' body that is buried.""

When people brought the poison, Socrates asked the man holding the poison cup: "Can I take a little from the cup? Come out and offer it to God?" The man replied, "The amount of poison we prepared is just right."

After Socrates drank the poison, the people who proceeded began to check him and pressed Su. Grady’s ankle, and asked: "Does it hurt?" Socrates replied, "No.
The man pressed his knee again and told the people around him, saying: "Socrates' body has slowly stiffened, and he has lost consciousness. "The man touched it again and again, and then said to everyone: "If the cold reaches the heart, it can be said that everything is over. And now most of his lower body is already frozen. "At this time, the executioner covered Socrates' face with a layer of cloth. Just then, Socrates opened the cloth covering his face and said: "Klitun, I still owe God of Healing Asclepius A rooster (this is the holy object of God of Healing), please don’t forget it and return it to him. "

This is the last sentence Socrates said when he died.

Someone used this sentence to describe Socrates' death: "Tarzan is decayed, beams are wicked, and philosophers are wilted! "It means that the society at the time was really bad, even a philosopher could not tolerate it.

Because he was too awkward.

Let's take a look at what kind of person Socrates was.

First of all Socrates is a different person. He is especially able to control himself, no matter the winter and heat, day and night, he wears the same coat, neither footwear nor shirt, and always walks barefoot even on snowy days. At night. He spread his clothes as a blanket. The wealthy Asibed once asked him to build a house with a large piece of foundation. He said, "If I need shoes and you provide me with a whole animal skin, it would not be ridiculous. NS? "Faced with a dazzling array of products, he would say to himself: "I still live without so many things. "His lifestyle is very regular. In the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, he was protected from infection. He also seemed to rarely need sleep. In " Meeting Drinks", we see He drank all night, and everyone else fell asleep. He got up and took a bath in the river. He stayed a day before going to rest at night. Antiphon, a wise man, said, “A slave will suffer from living like this. Can't escape, and Socrates did this to ensure his independence.

Secondly, Socrates is a very pessimistic person. Once, his student Plato asked Socrates what love is.Socrates asked him to pick the largest wheat in the wheat field, but he could only pick it once and only move forward. Plato came to the wheat field, walked around but returned empty-handed. Socrates asked him, "Why didn't you pick anything?" Plato said, because he wanted to pick the biggest one, always thinking that there would be bigger wheat below, but found that the wheat in front was bigger but couldn't. Turned back. Plato asked, what is love? Socrates said, that is love.

Later Plato asked Socrates what marriage was. Socrates asked him to go to the woods to cut down the most suitable tree as a Christmas tree. Again, he had to follow the previous rules. Plato came to the dense forest and walked around and brought back a very ordinary tree, neither the most leafy nor the tallest, but a very ordinary tree. Socrates asked him, "Why did you cut down such an ordinary tree?" Plato said, because he learned the lesson from the last time, I was afraid that there would be no better tree next time. I saw this tree okay and I cut it down first. Down. Socrates said, that is marriage.

Plato asked Socrates what happiness is.

Socrates asked him to pick the most beautiful flower in the flowerbed. He also had to follow the previous two rules, only picking once, and walking forward. Plato came to the flower garden, he picked a flower that he thought was the most beautiful, and he was very happy. Socrates asked, "Is this the most beautiful flower?" Plato said, I think he is the most beautiful flower. Although there are still many beautiful flowers along the way, I always feel that the flower in my hand is the most beautiful. Socrates exclaimed, this is happiness.

These stories can be said to be wisdom, but they also reflect Socrates' pessimism about life. Yes, we certainly can’t get the largest wheat, nor can we cut the best Christmas tree, let alone pick the most beautiful flowers; but why can’t we say that the wheat I get is the largest, and the Christmas tree I cut is the best , Is the flower picked the most beautiful? Otherwise, why would you take it, cut it, step on it?

This kind of pessimistic character makes Socrates look unpleasing to his eyes. The performance of this kind of donkey in life is to look at it and like to carry it with others.

said that a young man asked Socrates for oratory skills. In order to express himself, the young man said a lot. As a result, Socrates asked him to pay double the tuition fee.The young man was startled: "Why do you want me to double?" Socrates said: "Because I have to teach you two courses, one is how to shut up, and the other is how to give a speech."

There is a story about Socrates who likes to carry and carry in the "Meeting Drinks" by Nuofen ( xenophon ). Once there was a beautiful man contest in Greece. When everyone set up a feast to celebrate the winner, Socrates stood up and said that the most beautiful man should be himself, because his eyes are protruding like goldfish, which is the easiest to see; his nostrils are wide. It’s the easiest to smell when it’s up to the sky; his wide mouth is the easiest for eating and kissing. Someone ironically, according to this inference, Toad should be regarded as a beautiful man.

His favorite place for the elderly is the market. What he loves most is to pick up someone at random and start questioning, no matter what is going on in the family. He likes to talk to people most. It is "eloquent" in the same professional jargon. According to the northeast The native dialect is called stunned eyes. In terms of carrying capacity, Socrates is unmatched. Perhaps it is this feeling that no one is invincible in the debate that makes Socrates feel that the most powerful man in the world is only himself. That's why he proposed that the democratic system is a trash system and that philosophers should rule Greece. As a result, he turned himself into an enemy of Greek democracy and was sentenced to death.

But in terms of carrying capacity, it is not right to say that Socrates is unmatched. Because he has one of the strongest opponents, his wife.

It is said that the second wife of Socrates, Kshan Dispos, is a shrew, who usually raps and spreads this as a joke in Socrates' circle. Once at home, Ksandipos accused Socrates of going out every day to wrestle with the youth, and his words were like toilet water, and he would smash when he pulled it, and he didn't care about his family at all. Socrates had just confessed his mistake, and while his wife was not paying attention, he went out of the house to talk to the young people. As soon as he left the house, his wife poured a basin of water from his head behind him. Socrates, who was poured with a chicken that was similar to the chicken, came: "I knew that there must be heavy rain after the thunder!"

This may be the only person Socrates can't carry, because his wife used it. Not mouth, but violence.

In this sense, Greece sentenced Socrates to death,It also borrowed from his wife's management methods for him. I couldn't say you in my mouth, so I would just destroy you physically.

Remember that there is such a content in modern praxeology. If five people target you in a day, then your day will be ruined. Now the latest number has been adjusted to three, which means that if three people do the right thing with you in one day, your day will be ruined. And Socrates? With his behavior, he has to establish many enemies for himself every day, and his life must be uncomfortable. Other people, having such a person who insists on doing the right thing with you every day, must be uncomfortable. Therefore, his death does not explain the problem of the democratic system, but proves the view in human behavior, do not go against the majority of people.

Besides, Socrates is opposed to democracy. As we said, a person who has a different point of view can be said to be a dissident; then a person firmly opposes the basic system of society, and continues to aggressively attack the system, and provoke others to attack with him. Such a person, What would you call him? The whole standard of terrorists.

introduced the democratic system of ancient Greece (mainly some city-states such as Athens), plus what we know, ancient China only produced an autocratic system, then we have this question: So why is the democratic system in or Say it will only be produced in the commodity economy?

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