The largest corruption case in China, many comrades in arms wrote to the two to beg for mercy, Chairman Mao insisted on severe punishment

When the founding of New China, the country was poor and poor, and the core leaders headed by Chairman Mao also vigorously advocated diligence and thrift, and used limited funds for national development. However, some people have been eroded by "sugar-coated shells". In 1951, the anti-corruption, anti-waste, and anti-bureaucratic anti-corruption campaigns sent tens of thousands of corrupt officials to prison, and also led to the largest corruption case in China. Today we will talk about in detail about the first wave of anti-corruption in new China.

In November 1951, Zhang Zishan, secretary of the Tianjin Prefectural Party Committee, and Liu Qingshan, the deputy secretary of the Shijiazhuang Prefectural Party Committee, were exposed by Li Kecai, the deputy commissioner of the Tianjin Special Commission. According to the recollection after the incident, Li Kecai discovered the misbehavior of the two when he first came to Tianjin, so he reported it to the Hebei Provincial Party Committee. However, through the interest group and human relations, the two actually won over many people including the Hebei Provincial Party Committee. Officials, the report is over. After the report, he even received 2 million old coins from Zhang Qingshan, but fortunately, Comrade Li Kecai was not corroded by sugar-coated shells. Reported to the Central Committee before the operation began, when Chairman Mao was shocked when he heard the news.

Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan are not ordinary state cadres. Liu Qingshan was already a member of the Chinese Communist Party at the age of 15, and joined the Red 27 Army in the uprising at the age of 16. Zhang Zishan was born as a patriotic student. They did not yield to the harsh torture of the enemy. The two experienced life-and-death struggles during the Revolutionary War, and they were also the backbone of the Chinese revolution. However, they are now using their powers to withhold state relief food, river control funds, local food funds, and cadres. Relief funds, airport construction funds, etc., and also dispatched his subordinates to pretend to be the People's Liberation Army to steal the country's timber, steel, and sell it to the outside world. Liu Qingshan not only turned the government's bus into a private car, but also moved into a magnificent villa. Even buying American luxury cars is obviously the style of corrupt officials, and Zhang Zishan is even more extravagant, spending more than 200 million yuan in just one year.

In addition to corruption, the two also formed a gang and formed a huge interest gang. Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan had many old comrades in the revolutionary period, and they also understood that the huge benefits from corruption were not safe , if you don’t win more people, you are likely to be reported and investigated. Therefore, from the Hebei Provincial Party Committee to the Tianjin area, almost officials at all levels can get the benefits of the two, even if a small number of people do not succumb, and they The voice of the two of them did not spread in Tianjin. The two of them were in this area of ​​Tianjin, and they did not even have the heart to repent after they were caught. How to deal with such a big case as

became a difficult problem at that time.

New China has just been established, and our legal system is not yet perfect. At the same time, the two huge interest groups involve the entire Hebei region, and they will affect the whole body. If they are tried, it means that officials in Hebei will have to undergo a complete change of blood. In addition, the two made so many comrades-in-arms during the revolutionary period that hundreds of letters were sent to the Beijing area during that time, all begging for the two men, hoping to save their lives.

However, Chairman Mao was very firm. As early as 1945, he mentioned in his book " on coalition government " that government is like a house, you need to clean it regularly, otherwise dust and dirt will be everywhere. The leaders headed by Chairman Mao knew very well that Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan were only exposed phenomena, and there are more such phenomena waiting to be discovered in the whole country. To avoid death, how should the country be governed, and how should the people's hearts be protected? Finally, Chairman Mao said those famous words, "It is precisely because of their great contributions and high status that they are executed. Only by executing them can we save 200 people. There are 2,000 cadres who have committed various degrees of mistakes.” After investigation, it was found that the total amount of embezzlement by the two men had reached 17.1 billion yuan, while the national fiscal revenue in 1950 was only 6.2 billion yuan. is such a serious corruption, if it is not severely punished, why should it be used as an example? In February 1952, Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan were shot in a public trial under the watchful eyes of the people, and they were given the punishment they deserved.

From this major corruption case as a starting point, a wave of three anti-movements has been set off across the country. During this period, 8.5 million to 9 million cadres were reported, and more than 4.5% of them were warned. More than 100,000 people, these people did not die under the enemy's guns on the battlefield, but eventually fell into the money and rights after the victory of the revolution. China has a largely politically clear environment.

In fact, at the very beginning of the founding of New China, the phenomenon of corruption had already begun to appear. In 1950, Chairman Mao, who was returning from a visit to the Soviet Union, met with Comrade Ho Chi Minh, the leader of Vietnam, in Harbin. Chairman Mao emphasized that the meeting was just a casual meal and should not be too extravagant. After arriving at the meal on the table, I was silent. There were all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, including bear paw, flying dragon and other specialties from northeast region of . According to the standard of receiving foreign heads of state, this arrangement is not exceeding the standard, but it violates the standard. Chairman Mao's own wishes. Although Chairman Mao was very angry at the time, considering that the presence of foreign guests was not easy to lose his temper, he only educated the mayor of Harbin earnestly. After all, this was the first time I encountered such a situation. Experience, and I was afraid that too few arrangements would delay foreign guests, but when Chairman Mao arrived in Shenyang, he found that this style of eating and drinking had already become commonplace. It has only been a few months since China was founded, and the Northeast China, which was first liberated, is already so serious, so what is the situation in other cities? This situation made Chairman Mao very angry, and angrily rebuked, "Comrades, we are public servants of the people, and serves for the people. If you follow suit layer by layer, if you follow suit layer by layer, it will become more popular among the people. What is the impact!"

The next day, at the meeting of leading cadres of the Northeast Bureau of the Central Committee, Liaoning Province and Shenyang City , Chairman Mao once again criticized this phenomenon, pointedly pointed out : "I don't learn from Li Zicheng, If you want to learn from Liu Zongmin, I advise you not to.” Then, Chairman Mao explained this allusion to everyone. Liu Zongmin was originally a general under Li Zicheng, but after entering Beijing, he was greedy for pleasure and looted the people's fat. It can be said that his corruption greatly accelerated the demise of Dashun . Therefore, in order to avoid this phenomenon, Chairman Mao ordered the central government to act quickly. It is against this background that the Three Antis Movement unfolds.

You might as well think about it, if Chairman Mao did not firmly launch the Three Antis Movement, then so many cadres would continue to grow and grow, they would corrupt more and more, and more and more officials would be dragged into the water by them. I believe that some comrades are resistant in the process of revolution, but when the general environment is already polluted, it is very difficult to get out of the mud without being polluted. What is the final result?

A large number of people were corroded and eventually separated from the masses. Just as Tang Taizong Li Shimin said, water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize. And Chairman Mao's move has strongly suppressed these corrupt officials and made latecomers more vigilant. We serve the people and the country instead of serving oneself, serving money.

And in the world, how to solve the problem of corruption of government officials is a big problem. For example, Singapore in Asia adopts the policy of high salary and cheap , but this puts a lot of pressure on the national finance, and western capitalist countries even Set up a special anti-corruption agency, directly accountable to the parliament, adopt a central-led anti-corruption mechanism, and cooperate with the news media's sense of anti-corruption. . We are also fortunate that Chairman Mao was keenly aware of this problem and corrected this ethos in a timely manner, which enabled the new China to develop faster and better on the right path.