What happened to the murderer of Liu Hulan?

As the Children's Day on June 1 is approaching, I just want to send a message to young people with this red historical story, study and struggle for the strength of the motherland! Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when he sacrificed. According to the current age definition, he is only a minor. However, she has made the great sacrifice that an adult should make, so that all the young people in China must not forget the heroes and martyrs who shed their blood for the revolutionary cause!

01. What I want to talk about today is what happened to the murderer of Liu Hulan.

When the People's Court of Qixian County, Shanxi Province sentenced Xu Desheng, the "murderer" who killed Liu Hulan, to death, Xu Desheng cried bitterly and tearfully before his execution: "You are wronged! I am not the real murderer who killed Liu Hulan, but there is another real murderer who killed Liu Hulan"! The Qixian Public Security Bureau and the People's Court that executed Xu Desheng's execution immediately ordered a suspension of execution after hearing Xu Desheng's grievances, and immediately launched a surprise trial of the "murderer" Xu Desheng.

Who is Xu Desheng? Why did he claim that he was not the "murderer" who killed Liu Hulan before he was sentenced? Could it be that the Public Security Bureau, the People's Court and the People's Government have really wronged him? To find out the truth, we have to clarify the clues from the experience of the revolutionary martyr Liu Hulan when he sacrificed. Otherwise, the real murderer may really be let go, and the law enforcers who cannot catch the real murderer will become the sinners of history.

The story took place in Yunzhouxi Village, Wenshui County, Shanxi Province in 1932. Liu Hulan was born in a poor family. Her biological mother died early when she was a child. Under the nurture and influence of her stepmother, Hu Wenxiu, Liu Hulan was raised from a young age. Not afraid to endure hardships, and actively demand the quality of progress. In 1945, Liu Hulan, who was only 14 years old, participated in a women's training class organized by the local party organization.Soon after, Liu Hulan assumed the leadership of the Women's Rescue Association of the village. After joining the party, Liu Hulan and other party members actively mobilized the masses. She made military shoes, delivered public food, overthrew the oppression and domination of the landlord class, and called on young people to sign up for the army. Although she was young, she was very successful in the revolutionary cause.

After the victory of the National Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek disregarded the unanimous demands of the people of the whole country to "stop the civil war and build the country peacefully", tearing up the collaborating agreement without authorization and launching a full-scale civil war. Liu Hulan's hometown of Wenshui County, the Wenshui County Party Organization decided to quickly transfer the county party committee and most of the comrades, leaving only a few comrades to persist in the struggle.

Although Liu Hulan was young, she took the initiative to stay on the grounds that she was familiar with the geographical environment, and cooperated with the military team to suppress the local reactionary village chief Shi Peihuan. On January 12, 1947, the ruthless warlord Yan Xishan's subordinates carried out frantic revenge against the in Yunzhou West Village. Desheng led his group of people to surround Yunzhou West Village.

Due to the traitor's identification, a total of seven party members including Liu Hulan were arrested at the same time. The enemy took Liu Hulan and other seven party members to the execution ground at the entrance of the village, and brought out a bright guillotine and questioned Liu Hulan: "You give What work has the Eighth Route Army done?" Liu Hulan said righteously and loudly: "I have done everything"! "Why do you want to join the Communist Party"? "Because the Communist Party is the party of the poor and works for the poor."The bandit army officer bearded Zhang Quanbao with a ferocious face fiercely threatened: "Aren't you afraid of death at a young age"? Liu Hulan answered without fear: "I am afraid of death and will not be a Communist!"

The bandit officer Zhang Quanbao ordered angrily: "Tie me down!" Liu Hulan walked righteously towards the guillotine. In order to force Liu Hulan to submit, Zhang Quanbao, a bandit officer, had already killed six Communist Party members with a guillotine in front of her. At this time, the guillotine was full of blood. When the villagers saw this scene, they were all moved and wept.

The bearded officer Zhang Quanbao threatened Liu Hulan: "Are you afraid of death? Surrender Don't surrender"? Liu Hulan glared at Zhang Quanbao with flaming eyes and replied loudly and resolutely: "I would rather die than surrender, and resolutely not surrender"! The vicious gangsters saw that Liu Hulanning was unyielding, so they immediately pulled up the guillotine and killed Liu Hulan, who was only 15 years old, under the guillotine.

02, lived a great , died gloriously

When Liu Hulan died, the news quickly spread to Chairman Mao, who asked, "Is she a member of the Communist Party?" Ren Bishi replied: "He is an excellent Communist Party member, only 15 years old." Chairman Mao was deeply moved by Liu Hulan's heroic feat. After a long silence, he wrote eight characters: "Life is great, death is glorious"! And in order to commend Liu Hulan's heroic and unyielding spirit, he called on all party comrades to learn from Liu Hulan.

Following the instructions of Chairman Mao Zedong, in February of that year, Shanxi Jinsui Daily published the news of Liu Hulan's heroic sacrifice in the headline position. Since then, Liu Hulan's heroic deeds have spread all over China and were printed in the primary school Chinese textbooks of that year. , inspired a whole generation.

Although Liu Hulan's deeds have spread all over the country, the murderer of Liu Hulan has disappeared without a trace like a mystery, as if the world has evaporated. In January 1947, after Liu Hulan's sacrifice, Wenshui County was liberated. Xu Desheng, who led the bandit army to surround the village, knew he was guilty, so he ran from Wenshui County to his hometown in Qixian to hide. Also liberated, Xu Desheng knew that his retribution was coming, so he could only escape everywhere, seeking a chance of life.

In order to make a living, Xu Desheng had to seek jobs everywhere, but because of his brutal appearance, no one dared to hire him, and finally, as a last resort, he worked as a chef in a pharmacy with a minimum salary. And Xu Desheng knew his own sins, so he had to put on a pitiful face, nodding his head and saying good things when he met everyone. Because of his good behavior of obedience, he won the trust of the pharmacy shopkeeper, and thought he had found a good friend.

Despite Xu Desheng's disguise and camouflage, "although justice may be late, it will never be absent"! On October 10, 1950, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the spirit of the instruction "On Correcting the Right Tendency in Suppressing Counter-Revolutionary Activities". Wenshui County, in accordance with the spirit of the Party Central Committee, vigorously launched a mass campaign to suppress counter-revolutionary activities.

03, Xu Desheng was captured and suppressed by the people's government

Despite Xu Desheng's deep concealment, the "murderer" who killed Liu Hulan was arrested by the people in the Wanhetang drugstore. Xu Desheng knew that he could not escape the people's government. Punishment, had to confess to the party and the people's government of the crime of the year. Based on Xu Desheng's crime, Shanxi Qixian People's Court sentenced Xu Desheng to death in April 1951! When Xu Desheng was taken to the execution ground , his legs were already weak. For his own life, he suddenly remembered the people's government's policy of "reporting and exposing, meritorious deeds", as if he had found a life-saving straw.

This led to the opening scene, where Xu Desheng shouted loudly before being shot, and vowed: "The real murderer of Liu Hulan is someone else." The Qixian court and the public security department immediately suspended the execution of Xu Desheng, and quickly launched a surprise trial. In order to survive, Xu Desheng had to explain that the murderer of Liu Hulan was a bandit officer named Zhang Quanbao, who was a machine gun company instructor under Yan Xishan. Although Yan Xishan arrived in Taiwan with the defeated Kuomintang, the stragglers under Yan Xishan fled for their lives, so he doesn't know where Zhang Quanbao fled to now.

Although Xu Desheng confessed to Zhang Quanbao, it undoubtedly caused the local government and public security departments to fall into a deep fog. It is very easy to know that a huge China hides individuals, but there are many difficulties in finding Zhang Quanbao. Although the public security department was very anxious to find the murderer who killed Liu Hulan, they never gave up the trial of Xu Desheng.

Xu Desheng, in order to obtain leniency, gave an important clue: "There is a person named Wang Liancheng in Wanquan County who knows the whereabouts of Zhang Quanbao." Because Wang Liancheng at that time was a sergeant under Zhang Quanbao of Yan Xishan's department, they were very familiar with each other. The public security department found Wang Liancheng along the way. At this time, Wang Liancheng had already been detained in Wanquan County Prison. When Wang Liancheng was approached by the public security department to talk, Wang Liancheng also saw a chance after learning the intention of the public security department, and told the truth under the sudden trial of the public security department: "After the liberation of Taiyuan , I was released back to my hometown in Wanquan after being captured and trained for a month by the PLA teaching team.

I went to Yuncheng in 1950 to find a job and earn money to support my family. One day I was wandering around Yuncheng Street when I looked up and saw Zhang Quanbao, the owner of a grocery store. Although his pock-faced beard was gone, Zhang Quanbao I still recognize it clearly.”

04 The real culprit, Zhang Quanbao, was arrested and given the proper punishment.

When Xu Desheng met Zhang Quanbao, the two were shocked. Wang Liancheng asked in horror, “Sir, you still Zhang Quanbao looked around, facing Wang Liancheng nervously and said, "Don't call me like that, I'm not Zhang Quanbao now, but Zhang Shenghao." Zhang Quanbao was afraid that Wang Liancheng would reveal his whereabouts, so he took Wang Liancheng to go. restaurant for dinner. During the banquet, he confessed to Wang Liancheng that he was trying to avoid the people's trial, and tried his best to successfully fool the People's Liberation Army and the public security department's censorship, so he had to escape and hide. After the "Counter-Revolutionary Movement" started, Zhang Quanbao was so frightened that he often had nightmares and talked nonsense. He always felt that the guns of the public security officers had been aimed at his chest. Until one day, when he passed a stage, he saw what was going on. During the opera "Liu Hulan", he discovered that the bearded man on the stage was called Xu Desheng, which made Zhang Quanbao's heart fall to the ground. Zhang Quanbao judged: "It turns out that the government has regarded Xu Desheng as the murderer of Liu Hulan.

When Wang Liancheng was sentenced to death in prison, he felt that he was doomed. Coincidentally, the public security personnel found him and learned about Zhang Quanbao's clues, which made Wang Liancheng feel alive, so he confessed in and where Zhang Quanbao was hiding. Under the testimony of Wang Liancheng, the public security personnel quickly brought to light the whole case of finding the real murderer. Therefore, Zhang Quanbao, the real murderer of Liu Hulan, entered the attention of the public security officers.

Following Wang Liancheng's confession, he was given lenient treatment. Zhang Quanbao had a premonition that Wang Liancheng must have betrayed him, and deeply felt that the crisis had come. He dug a cellar deep in the ground of his house and hid it in the cellar during the day. Although the public security officers arrested him many times, they failed to arrest Zhang Quanbao each time. In the end, it was because Zhang Quanbao's neighbors found out that Zhang Quanbao's daughter-in-law Wu Cuihua was urinating repeatedly every day, which made the neighbors suspicious of Wu Cuihua, so they reported it. Based on this analysis, the public security personnel found that Zhang Quanbao must be hiding at home. Therefore, the public security personnel adopted the action plan of "catching the turtle in the urn" and caught Zhang Quanbao unexpectedly.

After Zhang Quanbao was brought to justice, Wanquan County sentenced Zhang Quanbao to death in Wanquan County People's Court based on Zhang Quanbao's crime of killing Liu Hulan. Finally, at the request of the whole society and the local people, Zhang Quanbao was taken to Liu Hulan's sacrificial place to be executed, accompanied by a gunshot. Ringing, the real murderer Zhang Quanbao, who was covered in the blood of the martyrs, ended his sinful life.

Dear young friends, although you are living a happy life now, don't forget those heroes who are willing to sacrifice for the revolutionary cause. Liu Hulan was only 15 years old when she died, and she was also a minor. However, she bravely walked to the side of the knife for the sake of new China.

I remember Liang Qichao said: " When young people are strong, the country is strong; when young people are wise, the country is wise; when young people are rich, the country is rich; when young people are independent, the country is independent; when young people are free, the country is free; when young people make progress, the country progresses. , then the country is better than Europe, the youth is stronger than the earth, and the country is stronger than the earth.” In order to make the motherland more prosperous and prosperous, I hope that young friends across the country will take up the heavy responsibility of history for a better future!